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White American's fear of Indian IT workers

Bangladesh has proven this theory wrong.

Okay, so when did bangladesh become a part of india again?.......... :disagree:..........do you honestly think like an adult before you write? Also are you aware that indians don't hate bangladeshis whereas they fanatically hate Pakistan and Pakistanis.........you really need to somehow boost your IQ.........:disagree:
Okay, so when did bangladesh become a part of india again?.......... :disagree:..........do you honestly think like an adult before you write? Also are you aware that indians don't hate bangladeshis whereas they fanatically hate Pakistan and Pakistanis.........you really need to somehow boost your IQ.........:disagree:
It doesn't matter whether India and Indians hate us or not. How we treat each other matters more. And we can not live or make our policies always in the fear of India. India will either attack us or not attack us. But whether they attack us or not, we have continued to screw our people from day one to date.
It doesn't matter whether India and Indians hate us or not. How we treat each other matters more. And we can not live or make our policies always in the fear of India. India will either attack us or not attack us. But whether they attack us or not, we have continued to screw our people from day one to date.

All we need to know is that if india attacks Pakistan, how we will annihilate and eradicate them. Nothing more. Nothing less. If you want to be the slave of indians/gangus then do so. No one is stopping you. What has Pakistan's internal issues got to do with having a war with india and defending ourselves against foreign aggressors? You obviously don't know what you are talking about and are making no sense.............. :disagree:
About time you converted to hinduism and start worshipping indian hindus like the indian so called "Muslims" do.......... :disagree:
See the problem with your lot is: Normal is abnormal or abnormal is normal.
For you, India is bad, so everything about India is bad. Even I grew up hearing stories about the atrocities done by Sikhs on my family before the partition. But then when we Pakistanis offered a hand of friendship to Sikhs, we saw the whole Sikh community coming in support of Pakistan.
When you say they all are enemies, you are not only mistaken but also you are making everyone your enemy for no good reason.
Shaking hands with Hindus, wishing them birthdays, hugging your hindu friends, and guarding mandirs is not converting to Hinduism. I am working for Islam more then you, I bet.

Be normal, be a human being, be a strong muslims.
See the problem with your lot is: Normal is abnormal or abnormal is normal.
For you, India is bad, so everything about India is bad. Even I grew up hearing stories about the atrocities done by Sikhs on my family before the partition. But then when we Pakistanis offered a hand of friendship to Sikhs, we saw the whole Sikh community coming in support of Pakistan.
When you say they all are enemies, you are not only mistaken but also you are making everyone your enemy for no good reason.
Shaking hands with Hindus, wishing them birthdays, hugging your hindu friends, and guarding mandirs is not converting to Hinduism. I am working for Islam more then you, I bet.

Be normal, be a human being, be a strong muslims.

:bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad:
See the problem with your lot is: Normal is abnormal or abnormal is normal.
For you, India is bad, so everything about India is bad. Even I grew up hearing stories about the atrocities done by Sikhs on my family before the partition. But then when we Pakistanis offered a hand of friendship to Sikhs, we saw the whole Sikh community coming in support of Pakistan.
When you say they all are enemies, you are not only mistaken but also you are making everyone your enemy for no good reason.
Shaking hands with Hindus, wishing them birthdays, hugging your hindu friends, and guarding mandirs is not converting to Hinduism. I am working for Islam more then you, I bet.

Be normal, be a human being, be a strong muslims.

Samuel Frost
My experience with Indian IT workers
They are friendly and humble when they are in small number. On the surface, they would smile at you and be real friendly. When behind you, they will sabotage your career and try to take over. Once their percentage in the organisation increases, they will meet up regularly in groups to discuss strategy to take over. For example, an Indian manager would keep an underqualified Indian workers employed regardless of whether he does anything. Or he would move competent workers out of a project which is going well and put Indian workers in to take credit for the success. When it comes to performance review, an Indian manager would always find excuse to undervalue non Indian employees to sabotage them and writes shining reviews for his Indian staff.
Once Indians have taken over an organisation, they would establish a caste system of Brahmin priest caste as senior managers. The Brahmin would act all civilise as vegetarians non meat eaters while appoint lower caste Indians as middle management along with the Sikhs. The middle management Indians would be the ones who brutalise workers and do the bullying while the Brahmins just smiles and silently approve their discriminatory behaviour. The organisation will turn into a caste system as follow
Brahmin Indians
Middle caste Indians + Sikh Indians
Older whites
Young whites
Non Indian minorities.
Harassment of non Indians staff, in particular sexual harassment is not uncommon. Non Indians are deprive of career opportunities while bully to quit just so the Indians can import more Indians into the workplace using immigration loophole.
In the end they aim to take over our IT industry and replace all workers with Indians.

View 63 upvotes

They do this everywhere. I feel sorry for Americans anddown the line Bangladesh is also gonna face the same problem. Indian managers should be given strict punishment for being racist a@@holes.

An you know what, worst of all, they would lie and deflect every criticism, in order to get away with it.
Thats a common trait among narcissists. Indian males are narcissist, because they were spoiled by their mothers.
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See the problem with your lot is: Normal is abnormal or abnormal is normal.
For you, India is bad, so everything about India is bad. Even I grew up hearing stories about the atrocities done by Sikhs on my family before the partition. But then when we Pakistanis offered a hand of friendship to Sikhs, we saw the whole Sikh community coming in support of Pakistan.
When you say they all are enemies, you are not only mistaken but also you are making everyone your enemy for no good reason.
Shaking hands with Hindus, wishing them birthdays, hugging your hindu friends, and guarding mandirs is not converting to Hinduism. I am working for Islam more then you, I bet.

Be normal, be a human being, be a strong muslims.
No not all
You see most Pakistani DO NOT INTERACT with Indians so they are in unknown from that point onwards.
The mindsets of hindus is so extreme that OBL (Osama Bin Laden) looks like baby in front these extremists,
The Bhagwaan Gita in Hinduism says "it is alright to kill a bad man in public long as he is bad" this is coming from their religion??? Where in Islam does it say its alright to kill a bad man? None see the problem with Hindusim & their think tank logical reasoning. With this mindset the whole Muslim population is targetted.
Indian excel in inferiority complex i swear allah no lie. i was astonished how much chitta lun chuppa they do. indian be your friend and say we are bhai, pakistan n india should not be enemies bla bla, but once he moves up he will turn on you.

but i seen pakistani do that too but usually from odd towns but they get dealth with if they sell out or turn on you. you see this alot in pakistani police pure *** kissing sell outs, work harder to fcuk their own kind more than white police officer.
the obsession is real. Look at how the thread has been started , off a quora comment.
Losers trying to bring Indians down instead of trying to improve themselves. Cant blame them , their culture is toxic.

US shall be aware, they maybe creating 2.0 China of India. The US strategy is using India to contain China.

Sounds familiar? US used PRC China to contain Soviet in the late 70s to 90s and by collaborate with China in political , economical and military and guess what happened?

I hope US not to repeat the process again and smash their own foot. The India now are enjoying all the benefit from US while doing very little of against China. First they refused the sanction of Russia and even buy large quantity of Russia products like oil while whole Europe suffered. The Indian launched limited symbolic border skirmish that did very little to drag down the overall Chinese military facing the east side of pacific. The India Modi even support trade in RMB, back stab the US.

These Indian will bite back and throw away western like used towel once they got the technology and industries power of what they want from western.

Beware western! Western shall sanction India heavily for supporting Russia and kick them out of Quad.
Yeah. Biden is reading you on PDF. 🤣🤣
Indians are glorified software slaves. They just do what they are ordered to do.
Coding is a means to an end, probably only the top 5-10% are more capable over local American talent. Like the Central American migrants crossing the border without papers, they just want a better life for themselves and their families. At the same time, American nationals know they can’t afford to support the whole world.

Latin America’s population is expected to peak by mid-century, but the. It will be Indian and African migrants at the front of the line trying to get in the US.

US officials will have to do they think is best for US interests, similar to what Europe is doing.
Samuel Frost
My experience with Indian IT workers
They are friendly and humble when they are in small number. On the surface, they would smile at you and be real friendly. When behind you, they will sabotage your career and try to take over. Once their percentage in the organisation increases, they will meet up regularly in groups to discuss strategy to take over. For example, an Indian manager would keep an underqualified Indian workers employed regardless of whether he does anything. Or he would move competent workers out of a project which is going well and put Indian workers in to take credit for the success. When it comes to performance review, an Indian manager would always find excuse to undervalue non Indian employees to sabotage them and writes shining reviews for his Indian staff.
Once Indians have taken over an organisation, they would establish a caste system of Brahmin priest caste as senior managers. The Brahmin would act all civilise as vegetarians non meat eaters while appoint lower caste Indians as middle management along with the Sikhs. The middle management Indians would be the ones who brutalise workers and do the bullying while the Brahmins just smiles and silently approve their discriminatory behaviour. The organisation will turn into a caste system as follow
Brahmin Indians
Middle caste Indians + Sikh Indians
Older whites
Young whites
Non Indian minorities.
Harassment of non Indians staff, in particular sexual harassment is not uncommon. Non Indians are deprive of career opportunities while bully to quit just so the Indians can import more Indians into the workplace using immigration loophole.
In the end they aim to take over our IT industry and replace all workers with Indians.

View 63 upvotes
Oh so we're looking at a 4yr old Quora comment with 63 upvotes and 5.7k views
and it's totally not sus that the writer has just wrote a single answer and has a single follower on his quora account.
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