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Which arms could Iran Export when international embargo ends?

He have to look after destroyed towns/provinces/country too, i don't think he have luxury to pay back Mullah right now even if UAE is backing him financially. Even he have as i said earlier, arming proxies is not called exports.
Mullah accept- Gold, land near Damascus, territory in Golan or close to it, reconstruction contracts, port concessions, gas fields, oil loans...dont worry about it- this event doesnt occur in a vacuum and you know that right? You know Russia supports Syrian currency right and produces it right? so this all occurs in a complex context. Its not about luxury..even though Syria is broke, yes, but Syria isnt penniless. I'm disappointed to see you trolling like this also. lol.

I predict Iran will stop being the major enemy of Arab countries only if it can stop funding proxies in Yemen
No! Iran stopped being the major enemy of Arab countries because Iran already disarmed the central piece to the coordinated Arab supremacy in the Middle East- Saudi Arabia. Iran is dealing with Arab countries on a 1-on-1 basis now, sinc the main GCC head has been disarmed via Yemen. UAE negotiated a one -on-one deal with Iran secretly..Oman stays out, Egypt is too far away and too broke....No real contenders. Iran smashed them militarily until they wore out. Jordan? lets not go there. what other Arab country is independently able, capable and motivated in ME to take in Iranian now? thats why Israel cant fly its 2million F-16s..because there isnt enough real support from any country in the ME.
Turkey is gearing up to be the new enemy of the Arabs and Iran may either sit back and do nothing or try to gain allies from former enemies.
For sure. Turkey is getting sucked into Libya and Syria...watch out..
Personally, I say that Arab countries should help arm up Assad for use against Turkey should the time come where action is necessary. UAE was going to offer 3 billion dollars which can buy a lot of equipment from cruise missiles, to SAMs. UAE and KSA should also help rebuild the country, as they armed the rebels who then became puppets of Erodwan.

No! Iran stopped being the major enemy of Arab countries because Iran already disarmed the central piece to the coordinated Arab supremacy in the Middle East- Saudi Arabia. Iran is dealing with Arab countries on a 1-on-1 basis now, sinc the main GCC head has been disarmed via Yemen. UAE negotiated a one -on-one deal with Iran secretly..Oman stays out, Egypt is too far away and too broke....No real contenders. Iran smashed them militarily until they wore out. Jordan? lets not go there. what other Arab country is independently able, capable and motivated in ME to take in Iranian now? thats why Israel cant fly its 2million F-16s..because there isnt enough real support from any country in the ME.
Nobody wants to fight Iran, Lebanon and Yemen are both failed states now that really nobody is worrying about. The new target is Turkey which is evident with the UAE offering Assad 3 billion dollars to do an offensive in the north. It seems there was a gradual shift starting when the GCC-Turkish relations deteriorated to what they are now.

Only country who actually wants a war with Iran is Israel, and as you said they alone without support can't fight Iran.
Sorry friend, I had replied to you using the wrong comment initially, that comment was meant for someone else.

You are correct that many of Iran's anti-ship cruise missile can be traced back initially to some Chinese system, however to claim all are is not accurate. For example the Nasir below is an Iranian systems. By the way, note that many of these systems may be similar in the shell but internally they are different. For example, do you know that the Iranian "Noor" which people call the Chinese C-802 actually uses a completely different Iranian seeker and engine. Furthermore, Iranian supersonic designed Ash missile are on the way.

Here is the Nasir:

Clearly a copy YJ series and Modified with indigenous seekers and electronics, in similar fashion of Indian Brahmos Which is based on Soviet era P-800 Oniks supersonic anti ship missile
Clearly a copy YJ series and Modified with indigenous seekers and electronics, in similar fashion of Indian Brahmos Which is based on Soviet era P-800 Oniks supersonic anti ship missile

Which YJ series missile is it "clearly a copy" of? secondly, your statement is self contradictory, if something is with indigenous X or Y components, then by definition it cannot be a copy. I assume you mean "based on". Even the latter is false. The Nasir missile is an indigenous system from design.
Which YJ series missile is it "clearly a copy" of? secondly, your statement is self contradictory, if something is with indigenous X or Y components, then by definition it cannot be a copy. I assume you mean "based on". Even the latter is false. The Nasir missile is an indigenous system from design.
Can i show you the the after WW2 USA/Russia copied the designs of German military designs and rocket tech in throughout to late 40 to early 60s and China also copied lots of Russian military hardware, so COPYING or May i say REVERSED ENGINEERED military tech is not bad for any country, may be you embarrassed by the WORD COPY, but WHY you embarrassed sir??, there is embarrassment on COPYING or more RIGHT WORD REVERSED ENGINEERED?
Can i show you the the after WW2 USA/Russia copied the designs of German military designs and rocket tech in throughout to late 40 to early 60s and China also copied lots of Russian military hardware, so COPYING or May i say REVERSED ENGINEERED military tech is not bad for any country, may be you embarrassed by the WORD COPY, but WHY you embarrassed sir??, there is embarrassment on COPYING or more RIGHT WORD REVERSED ENGINEERED?

I did not say there was a problem with reverse engineering, matter of fact I see that process as a very pragmatic move for nations looking to develop their defence industry. You made a claim that the Nasir missile is copied from a YJ series missiles and I am asking you to back that up. You are probably confusing Nasir with other systems that share only the shells with other Chinese missiles, for example, the Noor missile.
Can i show you the the after WW2 USA/Russia copied the designs of German military designs and rocket tech in throughout to late 40 to early 60s and China also copied lots of Russian military hardware, so COPYING or May i say REVERSED ENGINEERED military tech is not bad for any country, may be you embarrassed by the WORD COPY, but WHY you embarrassed sir??, there is embarrassment on COPYING or more RIGHT WORD REVERSED ENGINEERED?
this point is not actual evidence that Iran "copied" other military designs, so please provide that to @Philosopher . you are doing false equivalence- China copied xxx, xx copied XXX, so Iran must've copied too, no, thats bad logic.
I did not say there was a problem with reverse engineering, matter of fact I see that process as a very pragmatic move for nations looking to develop their defence industry. You made a claim that the Nasir missile is copied from a YJ series missiles and I am asking you to back that up. You are probably confusing Nasir with other systems that share only the shells with other Chinese missiles, for example, the Noor missile.
Please post the Nasir missiles pics with different angles, you showed only the rear pic of Nasir missiles

this point is not actual evidence that Iran "copied" other military designs, so please provide that to @Philosopher . you are doing false equivalence- China copied xxx, xx copied XXX, so Iran must've copied too, no, thats bad logic.
Iran has a records that they had copied (illegally) foreign military tech especially US old military tech
Now look at the C-802/YJ-82, according to wikipedia its a short range ground to sea anti ship close missile which means its smaller (slightly MODIFIED) version of C-802/YJ-82

Yes, but that in itself is not actual evidence that the weapon @Philosopher says Iran designed on its own isnt designed by Iran.
Sorry i don't understand???
This comparison is frankly devoid of rationality. The only thing these missiles have in common are the fact they are both missiles. Everything else from their size to their winglets are completely different.
where is the winglets on these two missile, do you know what is the winglets???, an they are almost same those minor changes Iran can easliy be made, your Soumar and
Hoveyzeh cruise missile are also copy of Russian K-55 Kent
a) Different size/dimensions
b) The missiles' wings and tail fins are completely different.

They share almost nothing.
you can easily Modified C-802 according to your Needs/Requirements, just like Russia did to V-2 to R-1/R-2 in late 40s to early 50s
You have 16000+ posts and +500+ thanks.

It seems you are so dumb.
i have a new account but in my previous account i had a 7000+ thanks kid

The issue is, you have no evidence to back your claim the Nasir and C-802 are related. You are in essence inventing your own assertions. It's good to see you have flip flopped from your initial claim the Nasir was copied from the YJ to now an unsubstantiated claim regarding a modification.

Apparently according to you, this large missile:


Is "similar in size" to this small system:



Either your analytical ability is truly this bad or you are just trying to save face and ironically humiliating yourself further. Next time, prior to making claims regarding systems being copied or not, do a quick homework so you do not put yourself in this position.
Oh my god are you blind sir???

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