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Where is assad?

Yes, exactly.

you should be prepared to deal with such coming government.

Wait, are you guys seriously endorsing this? I was being sarcastic! So it is more important for you to spread your religion through radicalism than the lives of people of that country? Are you condoning the suicide bombing? Never mind that Assad or his lieutenants may be criminals...
Syria is victim of dreams of USA and its plans to change and reshape ME ,that's a the whole story .
American , SA and western country don't care about syrian people we were witness their acts in Yemen , Bahrain , Egypt Lebanon and Palestine and this fact how they are in bed with dictators to reach their goals while thousands of Myanmarese Musilm are being killed the UNSC which is ready to hold meeting against countries that oppose american dreams at once is silent and western country are happy with new type of democracy in this country .

Syrians are revolting because they want the Assads ousted and Bathism finished, NOT because the Palestinians. Also, Bashar and his father are the worst thing that happened to Palestinians, they massacred thousands in refuge camps, Syria has not fired a single bullet on Israel to retake Golan Heights, which everyone knows is used as an excuse to pretend to be an enemy of Israel that its own media call Bashar "Israel's king" Not to mention how Israel many times bombed Syrian military sites without a single retaliation.

Have you ever heard of "Tiran and Sanafir" , let's see :

It is a fairly well kept secret that Israel has been occupying parts of Saudi Arabia since 1967. Tiran and Sanafir are two islands with a combined area of 113 square kilometres, so they are small, and are in a very strategic location at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, through which sea traffic to Israel's southern port of Eilat must pass en route to and from the Red Sea. Israel maintains an early warning post on the islands.
Although the Saudi Arabian government might claim that the islands are small, unimportant coral reef islands, their position is such that whoever controls them controls the Gulf of Aqaba. They are as important as the Hanish archipelago at the other end of the Red Sea over which a conflict raged in 1995. International arbitration determined that Hanish belongs to Yemen. The Israeli occupation of Tiran and Sanafir determines that, if nothing else, the Israelis control the islands and don't really care who they belong to. Saudi Arabia has fought for similar islands but seems to be reluctant to challenge the Israeli occupation. Is it because the islands have no material value?
But Saudi Govt. is so eager to meddle in Iran and UAE quarrel over 3 PG Island.
Emirate claims that iran has occupied the island but Iranian authorities and people hesitate that a country having a 100 history has had possessed island which belong to a 7000 years old country.
Take it looks at these vids:

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^^^ be quiet they are around. :lol:

good try btw. this video has been discussed enough. wow an explosion but no one got hurt :lol:
^^^ be quiet they are around. :lol:

good try btw. this video has been discussed enough. wow an explosion but no one got hurt :lol:

No one got hurt? I guess you have some footage of the aftermath then.
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