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Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

Let other people tell whether Bangladesh is more developed than Pakistan or India or any other country. If Bangladesh is more developed, then it will be obvious even to our neighboring countries. Look, Sri Lanka is more developed than other South Asian Countries and it is acknowledged by every one including Indians and Pakistanis. Sri Lankans don't need to pull statistics in front of other people to prove that they are more developed. Anyone from India and or Pakistan wo land in Colomo can immediately recognize that, Sri Lankans have better living standard than average Indian or Pakistani. This is despite the recent economic crisis in Sri Lanka.

How can we claim Bangladesh is more developed when our major cities are burdened by millions of Human beasts pulling rickshaws by their muscle power like pre-industrial ages? When our cities are synonymous with congestion, chaos, stress and pollution? When our physical infrastructure is not as good as those countries? Development is not only about overtaking in per capita income. Even any neutral observer from other parts of the world who have travelled to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will not claim that Bangladesh is more developed than those two, then how can we expect the citizen of those two countries to acknowledge otherwise? So stop this futile exercise. We do not need any pain to prove anything to anyone. Just keep our head down and work on improving ourselves. If we become really developed then them, then it will be obvious to everyone, just like Sri Lankans don't need to pull statistics to prove that they are more developed than other South Asian countries.
your media is doing this BS since last 5-10 years . and you guys have nothing but to always bash paksitan . pakistan is not failed for female to work all we do saved our women to be exploited . we send only one women to be banged to qatar and she got palaces millions of dollars apartments and high end cars for that .you may know her . :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:
Your are blabbering again without any valid data or evidence to back up your claim.

No data? Half the world's poorest live in just five countries https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/half-world-s-poor-live-just-5-countries

Some of the highest population densities https://ourworldindata.org/most-densely-populated-countries

Second most polluted capital in the world https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9367219/Worlds-polluted-capital-cities-2020-revealed.html

@PakFactor @epebble @El Sidd @nahtanbob @Bleek @Tom-tom don't expect me to buy the BD government's stats on infant mortality becoming less than Pakistan; especially with such high amounts of pollution in that population density. I've read similar missed records by the BD government on population size & poverty. Missing out on infant deaths is just as "truthful."

Increased gap between rich & poor https://www.wealthx.com/about-us/press-news/2019/uca-news-rich-poor-gap-increases-bangladesh/

Only 1% holds the wealth https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/inequality-increasing-2913046

Increased food insecurity https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/52cr-people-food-insecure-bangladesh-2919161

And yeah tell these people they are not Bangladeshi. They're seeking citizenship it seems. How could they have been there before 1971. Tell them to go to the "richer" country:
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yes i agreed paksitanis always live beyound their means and gov always have to barrow . that is real issue . but as a nation public in pakistan have more wealth and more resources then bd public . no matter who BS numbers released . good thing was BD have more foregn reserves which also disappear in thin air not liquid reserves are 23bn$ and years low in BD too . seems they have looted it .
There is nothing sinister going on. Bangladesh is spending its reserves on higher cost of food and fuel imports. And also, likely inputs for its industries. This is due to international inflationary pressures and not specific to Bangladesh.
No data? Half the world's poorest live in just five countries https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/half-world-s-poor-live-just-5-countries

Some of the highest population densities https://ourworldindata.org/most-densely-populated-countries

Second most polluted capital in the world https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9367219/Worlds-polluted-capital-cities-2020-revealed.html

@PakFactor @epebble @El Sidd @nahtanbob @Bleek don't expect me to buy the BD government's stats on infant mortality becoming less than Pakistan; especially with such high amounts of pollution in that population density. I've read similar missed records by the BD government on population size & poverty. Missing out on infant deaths is just as truthful.

Increased gap between rich & poor https://www.wealthx.com/about-us/press-news/2019/uca-news-rich-poor-gap-increases-bangladesh/

Only 1% holds the wealth https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/inequality-increasing-2913046

Increased food insecurity https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/52cr-people-food-insecure-bangladesh-2919161

And yeah tell these people they are not Bangladeshi. They're seeking citizenship it seems. How could they have been there before 1971 Tell them to go to the "richer" country:
sad to see . these poor bangladeshi men and women worked in very bad conditions and very low pays so gov can earn few billions . and letter those few billions were looted by gov officials . what is the purpose of such exercise ? its blood and sweat of poor bangladeshi citizens .

There is nothing sinister going on. Bangladesh is spending its reserves on higher cost of food and fuel imports. And also, likely inputs for its industries. This is due to international inflationary pressures and not specific to Bangladesh.
sir taka is not in good condition influation is high and poor are getting more poor . its global but with high foregn reserves how BD gov failed to stop it ? 48bn$ was good number but now its 6 years low . its means what exploitation BD citizens faced last 6 years to earn these dollars have wasted .
Bangladesh HDI indices are better than Pakistan, like in female literacy levels, overall too.
Birth rates are at replacement levels, but that means an aging population, not like Japan of course.

As for women empowerment, the women ratio in Pakistan national assembly are higher. The lower grade female jobs are higher in BD could be because of 70% of the RMG industry, the most labor intensive are women, so that makes the difference.

As for higher education Pakistan is way ahead, as I quoted earlier in the Asia QS top 300 uiversities ranking, there are 26 universities in Pak in top 300, in Bangladesh there are only 6 universities.

So its a mix bag, a mix and match. Should be not Pak vs. BD, but Pak and BD cooperating.
You seem to be critical of the original article. These articles are not meant to create rivalry like some Olympic games. These are research articles that try to learn lessons from different countries experiences.

Research article??? Do you even know what a research article is? It's a cross referenced paper that uses some sufficient third party sources. As I wrote to the eyes of blind egoistic Bangladeshis like yourself, Balochistan is larger than all of Bangladesh with only a percentage of it's population.

Bangladesh got lower birthrates because of the density. What "research" did that article show other than cherry-picking & false premise? And don't get your childish hopes too high on Pakistanis studying in Bangladesh. Those were exchange programs. I even posted the screenshot explaining.

Get over yourselves & your childish egos.

Stop all these nonsense and start treating all of your people equally regardless of their ethnicity or race. Otherwise your country Pakistan will remain in a sorry state as it is right now.

Which is still better than Bangladesh.
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These Clickbait, hate stoking articles are written in Bangladesh media by the Indians for the very purpose which is visible here, start a war of words, arguments, counter arguments and bad blood created, and people who did this watches from a distance enjoying it.

The reason such articles are routinely printed in BD press by the Indians or some BD ministers close to India.
Sir what is Pakistan’s per capita GDP and What is Bangladesh’s? Let’s talk about total GDP of both countries, foreign reserve, export whatever you want. Reality is Pakistan at present is no where near to Bangladesh.

Simply concluding income per capita by dividing GDP with population size is raw data and an oversimplification. Online sources confirm this. I wish I had saved them.

You should really get your migrants out and stop importing our tech and goods. Go build your own.

You don't relize you embarrass yourselves with these cheat BD Government scoreboards.
No data? Half the world's poorest live in just five countries https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/half-world-s-poor-live-just-5-countries

Some of the highest population densities https://ourworldindata.org/most-densely-populated-countries

Second most polluted capital in the world https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9367219/Worlds-polluted-capital-cities-2020-revealed.html

@PakFactor @epebble @El Sidd @nahtanbob @Bleek @Tom-tom don't expect me to buy the BD government's stats on infant mortality becoming less than Pakistan; especially with such high amounts of pollution in that population density. I've read similar missed records by the BD government on population size & poverty. Missing out on infant deaths is just as "truthful."

Increased gap between rich & poor https://www.wealthx.com/about-us/press-news/2019/uca-news-rich-poor-gap-increases-bangladesh/

Only 1% holds the wealth https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/inequality-increasing-2913046

Increased food insecurity https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/52cr-people-food-insecure-bangladesh-2919161

And yeah tell these people they are not Bangladeshi. They're seeking citizenship it seems. How could they have been there before 1971 Tell them to go to the "richer" country:

Again quoted 2019 data. What it has to do with majority of the poor lives in 5 countries when poverty rate in bd is lower than Pakistan even with both countries official figure. As of 2022 world bank predicted 38% of Pakistanis lives below poverty-line.
These Clickbait, hate stoking articles are written in Bangladesh media by the Indians for the very purpose which is visible here, start a war of words, arguments, counter arguments and bad blood created, and people who did this watches from a distance enjoying it.

The reason such articles are routinely printed in BD press by the Indians or some BD ministers close to India.
But how do you solve the conundrum that the author wrote this article based on research done by ....
Bangladesh has accomplished what Pakistan was unable to -- a sensible population policy that succeeded in lowering the birth rate.

Pakistan, however, utterly failed in this endeavour. Miftah Ismail, a former Pakistani finance minister, made these remarks while speaking at an event in Karachi.

He cited
Pakistan's lack of population planning as one of the causes of the nation's present socio-economic difficulties, adding that “one option to get out of the current maelstrom” was to pay attention to population planning. Miftah Ismail used Bangladesh as a case study of progress and listed four key areas for this: Population control, putting women in the workforce, an export-centric economy, and the establishment of special economic zones.

Miftah Ismail mentioned Bangladesh, Tunisia, and Egypt, saying that these nations too have Muslim societies, much like Pakistan. But all of them engaged in population planning except Pakistan. The former finance minister added that the country's gross domestic product per capita would have been more than 15% if they had matched the fertility rate to Bangladesh's over the previous 10 years. The Pakistani lawmaker said that Bangladesh as well as other South Asian countries like Sri Lanka have progressed significantly due to “accurate planning” whereas Pakistan has been plagued with problems in the last 75 years because of “wrong policies.”
God damn still you chanting move ahead move ahead BS even we show you mirior of your move ahead your women sale in gulf for 300$ on social media ads and you are ahead of pakistan . Do you have any shame ?

Lol ground reality is different.

GDP of Pakistan and Bangladesh by world bank up to 2021:

GDP per capita nominal:

Bangladesh is almost 70% more than Pakistan.

Now stop your nonsense with 10 years old data.
Again quoted 2019 data. What it has to do with majority of the poor lives in 5 countries when poverty rate in bd is lower than Pakistan even with both countries official figure. As of 2022 world bank predicted 38% of Pakistanis lives below poverty-line.

2019 is not that long ago and there's at least one from 2021. I'll bet poverty is worse now than then.

That video I linked isn't from years ago. It's months old and reminds us of the sad plight in Bangladesh.

That's why you deny those people to be Bangladeshi.

But how do you solve the conundrum that the author wrote this article based on research done by ....
Bangladesh has accomplished what Pakistan was unable to -- a sensible population policy that succeeded in lowering the birth rate.

Pakistan, however, utterly failed in this endeavour. Miftah Ismail, a former Pakistani finance minister, made these remarks while speaking at an event in Karachi.

He cited
Pakistan's lack of population planning as one of the causes of the nation's present socio-economic difficulties, adding that “one option to get out of the current maelstrom” was to pay attention to population planning. Miftah Ismail used Bangladesh as a case study of progress and listed four key areas for this: Population control, putting women in the workforce, an export-centric economy, and the establishment of special economic zones.

Miftah Ismail mentioned Bangladesh, Tunisia, and Egypt, saying that these nations too have Muslim societies, much like Pakistan. But all of them engaged in population planning except Pakistan. The former finance minister added that the country's gross domestic product per capita would have been more than 15% if they had matched the fertility rate to Bangladesh's over the previous 10 years. The Pakistani lawmaker said that Bangladesh as well as other South Asian countries like Sri Lanka have progressed significantly due to “accurate planning” whereas Pakistan has been plagued with problems in the last 75 years because of “wrong policies.”

What does a former finance minister know about ecology? Does he know with decrease in farmland as a result of high population density, the birthrates begin to plummet as a result of decrease in food production? Calories are the main source of birthrates. Regardless of farmland, population cannot grow in that density.

Has little to do with with women empowerment. Otherwise Saudi Arabia should have a huge population.
2019 is not that long ago and there's at least one from 2021. I'll bet poverty is worse now than then.

That video I linked isn't from years ago. It's months old and reminds us of the sad plight in Bangladesh.

That's why you deny those people to be Bangladeshi.

Lol same thing again and again. If you want to claim they are Bangladeshi you need to prove that they are Bangladeshi and they went to Pakistan illegally. After that we can have discussion. They are your own country people and your own headache. Not ours. Similar to Myanmar if you say Rohingya’s are Bangladeshi it won’t change reality.
Let other people tell whether Bangladesh is more developed than Pakistan or India or any other country. If Bangladesh is more developed, then it will be obvious even to our neighboring countries. Look, Sri Lanka is more developed than other South Asian Countries and it is acknowledged by every one including Indians and Pakistanis. Sri Lankans don't need to pull statistics in front of other people to prove that they are more developed. Anyone from India and or Pakistan wo land in Colomo can immediately recognize that, Sri Lankans have better living standard than average Indian or Pakistani. This is despite the recent economic crisis in Sri Lanka.

Indeed. And that's because SL has a smaller population. Which in turn is because their rain forest climate. This keeps agriculture at bay and in turn results in less calorie consumption which in turns keeps birthrates slow.

And that is their luck. I have been to Sri Lanka yes. It's a nice country. I am not going to argue.
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Lol ground reality is different.

GDP of Pakistan and Bangladesh by world bank up to 2021:

GDP per capita nominal:

Bangladesh is almost 70% more than Pakistan.

Now stop your nonsense with 10 years old data.
yeah thats why we see millions of bangladeshis living in poor pakistan and arab sale your women like cattle ?

we see these ads on social media bangladeshi maid for sale ? if this is where paksitan failed great to be failed .




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