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Where are the Muslims? Burma Myanmar wiping out the Rohingya Muslims!!

Bade bhayya se panga nahi lete...

United states Government has accepted about torture and harassment. It seems United states is protecting EU allies by taking about the black sites in Poland even when United states Government is aware about the wrong doing done in its name.
You are their Neighbours, Where are Bangladeshi Muslims?? Where are Bangladesh Armed Forces??

They can not evan safe guard their own boarder yet you are taking about saving Burmese Muslims. Very funny.
We shouldn't see it as religious issue but ethnic issue. Just as I said regarding conflicts in Africa, two different cultures. Each time different side feels need for cultural domination through illegal/immoral methods. Which leads to tensions and then violence and usually defenseless side suffers more. There is a government in Myanmar and it requires action on their side if not UN peacekeeping mission. Regional nations should also make this at top of agenda.

Where are the Muslims? Burma Myanmar wiping out the Rohingya Muslims!!
Muslims are busy sleeping and waiting for west and others to kill more of them than they may wake up
It is deplorable that a stature of a citizen is being decided on the faith/religion of that person. But why is this thread not resonating with support for the displaced victims?

Maybe there is an answer here:

What is your stand on:
1)Christian and Hindu minorities being driven away in Pakistan
2)No other religious representation in KSA

I request you to support and express solidarity with any people displaced or oppressed based on ANY religion ANY where. If you only want to be concerned about people of YOUR religion that too in a country you have beef with, it sounds more political than humanitarian. and in any political issues, other countries choose to react depending on their political priorities.
  • India will always support those who'd kill Muslims by the thousands or more therefor what India thinks hardly has value in this equation.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in India and if we take the population of muslims in India then its almost equivalent to that of Pakistan.
Nothing suggests that India supports killing of muslims.

And why should be the killings in Myanmmar be taken up as a religious issue??
Blame lies with Bangladesh. If they have some time off from giving lapdances to India, plenty can be done to teach these monks an eternal lesson. The Rohingas are willing to fight back, with steady logistics, some mission planning through a streamlined steategy will be enough to make Monks run all the way to Rangoon. Unless Bangladesh is willing to help them, no other country can do anything.

advising bangladesh to become mini pakistan

open up terror infra in bangladesh

I saw the video. Its horrifying, henious and inhuman. The Burmese govt. must punish these culprits. No civilized people can overlook such barbarism and it happened in India's neighbourhood. IMO India should take up such matters as per protocol. If not the entire world, the countries in Asia do look upto India. We do have our own problems but that does not mean we should be oblivion to such barbarism in our neighbourhood.
They are being targeted for being Muslims or for being Humans? - If its the later than you are kind of saying that Monks are not humans.
Thats the whole point why sould others get involved in the mess if you are looking for revenge.

I think they need rescue not revenge.
good for them..
No, Its not good for anyone. Its not good for victims and its not good for perpetrators and its not good for those who try to abstain. They may be targetted for being muslims but if we dont condemn and stop such acts then we lose our rights to condemn the other perpetrators regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliations.

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