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Where are the Muslims? Burma Myanmar wiping out the Rohingya Muslims!!

its sheer hypocrisy of bangladeshi jamatis and pakistanis ... no.one speaks when it comes to china.. it suddenly becomes their internal matter and necessity for their internal integrity and security.. but for other nation.. its blasphemy..
let them have a go at it till Burma experience a terrorists attack. Within a week of it we will see China asking certain countries to do more to curb certain groups. And they will oblige by asking how high they must jump.
Do you mean that the life of every non muslim is worth zilch to you??
Have I read it right??

How did you misconstrue it so much??
I just said that we must react to every innocent who is killed and not just to the killings of muslims. I would react to Rohingaya muslim killing because the monks 're wrong.

Ignoratio elenchi!!!

You've got everything wrong from my name to the conclusion you've made out of my one liner post.
What? I am considering lives of every non Muslim as zilch? Read my statement again:

What makes you think in the first place that we consider blood of non Muslim holier than ours? Great logic,mam!

I think you have misquoted me.Maybe you were trying to quote another person because my above statement has crystal clear context.Okay let me write this in another way:
What makes you think that I don't give a crap to lives of non Muslims?
Okay,let me make this much simpler:
I am not a saddest nor extremist who does not care of non Muslim lives.
Yet still if you are not able to understand then let me make it even more simple:
I condemn bloodshed of non Muslims as much as that of Muslims.
Rest is already answered in earlier post.
Now gentlemen, any suggestions to halt such massacre. Thanks.
What? I am considering lives of every non Muslim as zilch? Read my statement again:

What makes you think in the first place that we consider blood of non Muslim holier than ours? Great logic,mam!

I think you have misquoted me.Maybe you were trying to quote another person because my above statement has crystal clear context.Okay let me write this in another way:
What makes you think that I don't give a crap to lives of non Muslims?
Okay,let me make this much simpler:
I am not a saddest nor extremist who does not care of non Muslim lives.
Yet still if you are not able to understand then let me make it even more simple:
I condemn bloodshed of non Muslims as much as that of Muslims.
Rest is already answered in earlier post.
Now gentlemen, any suggestions to halt such massacre. Thanks.
If it was about situation in burma then let us first begin by scaling down the aids the United States has continued to reward Burma for limited political and economic reforms. And Burma should be forced to give the Rohingayas citizenship for they 've been living there for generations now.And finally an international legal precedent that not only declares ethnic cleansing and genocide to be illegal, but proves that establishing fair, nonracist laws and courts is the key to racial peace and harmony.And lets begin with America the almighty!!
.And lets begin with America the almighty!!

Meanwhile, somewhere in the midst of BD-US relations:
On the same day, almost at the same time, Ashraf, also Awami League general secretary, was speaking at the Khulna city Awami League's triennial council at the Khulna Circuit House. In his speech, he made derogatory remarks about Nisha Desai, calling her a "two-bit minister". He also made fun of the US Ambassador to Bangladesh Dan Mozena, calling him "maid Marzina". "Bangladesh is not in such a state that maid Marzina can change powers in the country," Ashraf said.
Ashraf remarks may hurt US relations
Interestingly Burma had decided to repatriate refugees from BD refugee camp 2 months back.
Burma agrees to repatriate over 2,000 Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh - DVB Multimedia Group

Sheikh Hasina is a very complicated and a dangerous woman. She's not afraid to get dirty. And as long as she's is around, she won't be accepting a single Rohingya into Bangladeshi soil. Even if the Americans pressure her (which they already did) during the refugee surge a year back.

That being said, Bangladesh is mostly a secular country ruled by a strictly secular regime that is elected. No regime is as powerful in Bangladesh's history. And quite frankly, we really don't have time for such nonsense coming from our eastern neighbor.

And last, but not the least, the Burmese won't find anything in Dhaka in regards to their crisis.
@asad71 My question to you in my last post in this thread was:

do you express your solidarity for people of other religions in other parts of the world or not.
If you are truly "humanitarian" in approach, then please post your response with regards to other areas of religios prosecution even in friendly countries - surely Pakistan has its share, so has KSA, so has China.

If you are not supporting those (as you responded by saying there is no Christian persecution in Pakistan), then your posts here on this issue are purely political and hence you cannot measure others with humanitarian yardstick while you yourself are politically motivated!
This is how UN works,

@asad71 My question to you in my last post in this thread was:

do you express your solidarity for people of other religions in other parts of the world or not.
If you are truly "humanitarian" in approach, then please post your response with regards to other areas of religios prosecution even in friendly countries - surely Pakistan has its share, so has KSA, so has China.

If you are not supporting those (as you responded by saying there is no Christian persecution in Pakistan), then your posts here on this issue are purely political and hence you cannot measure others with humanitarian yardstick while you yourself are politically motivated!

The situation of Saudi and Myanmar are completely different. Burmese made a complete indigenous race a non citizen only because of their race and religion and persecuting them in a wholesale basis. Its a complete human catastrophe.

KSA had issues with human rights and constitutional equality which may prevail in many other countries as well including Vatican, Israel etc.
The situation of Saudi and Myanmar are completely different. Burmese made a complete indigenous race a non citizen only because of their race and religion and persecuting them in a wholesale basis. Its a complete human catastrophe.

KSA had issues with human rights and constitutional equality which may prevail in many other countries as well including Vatican, Israel etc.

do you permit persecution of people of other religions? this happens in countries friendly to you. do you condemn them or not?
do you permit persecution of people of other religions? this happens in countries friendly to you. do you condemn them or not?
We always condemn. But accept our limitation, and none of the Muslim country is super power or economically strong enough to take a side.
If Bangladesh allows us to render help to Rohinga resistence, with a minimal staff, blank port clearance and a handful of training centers, Monks will be taught a lesson within months. However expecting anything from the Indian stooge govt in Dhaka, its just a pipe dream.
That was really hilarious & far away from the ground reality.
That was really hilarious & far away from the ground reality.
If Bangladesh allows us to render help to Rohinga resistence, with a minimal staff, blank port clearance and a handful of training centers, Monks will be taught a lesson within months. However expecting anything from the Indian stooge govt in Dhaka, its just a pipe dream.

You have said it. Indian stooges are fundamental to problem of Bangladeshi Muslims and distress Muslims elsewhere.
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