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Where are the Muslims? Burma Myanmar wiping out the Rohingya Muslims!!

You are as biased as any other Indian Muslim. China is 100 times better country than Indian. Chinese are smarter than dumb Indians.

China is securing its interest unlike India which might face dis-integration in coming days. China knows how to deal with Muslims. India likes to appease the community which is least loyal.

Yesterday a beloved cleric of yours from UP declared jihad against Modi government. Read my previous thread on it. You people are nothing but a liablity to India.

You seem to be angry at his religion rather than his world views
Human nature, usually only moved by deaths of people of their nationality. It may not be possible to move peoples hearts/feelings but any or all comments should be acceptable for all of us. Acceptable as in urge solution/end of tensions at very least. If it is a conflict with two different nationalities than both views need to be respected and expressed in a calm/non-demeaning manner. But unfortunately that doesn't work when you have people demeaning other side for propaganda purposes.

Reminds me of this thread

Combat Experience : Of Monsters and Men - Madness of War
Good point.

In the case of Sri Lanka, we should have allowed them a free hand. But we interfered. We have this policy of going beyond our means. Even in 1950 when our country needed all the medical help it could, Nehru sent a delegation of some 973 men and women to Korea! We went to Maldives to save the pro India govt there. We should work ONLY if it suits our interests. Otherwise other countries are free to do what they wish to. Myanmar is a vital ally and India will do nothing to upset the balance.
I know that. India is more comfy with Ann Sang Su kyi and we still developed good relations with the military junta for our national interests but military rule there is not rogue and suppressive against people but they are dictators and its upto people of Myanmar to fight for democracy. However, when something inhuman or violence happens which is not just a law & order problem, a big nation like India must use her clout to stop such things to the extent she can. This does not mean military attack but most likely a diplomatic counselling for respecting the status quo. we keep ignoring such things and people take it as our weakness.

Regarding Nehru's madical aid to Korea, I think its very typical of being an Indian. When we know someone is suffering we go beyond to help. Whenever there is a flood or natural disaster even kids postpone purchasing something they have been waiting for and will donate the money for a cause. It sounds like stupidity as per western mindset but thats how we are and we are proud of it.
No Sir, they dont go unnoticed just that its forgotten soon and no one follows it up. The Arab nations are very rich and Saudi Arabia's defence budget is higher than India's. Bangladesh is the biggest provider of UN peace keeping missions and Pakistan is a nuclear weapon country. So muslims are neither militarily nor economically weak. In fact, its only the poor and remotely located muslims who think of umma but the fact is its a myth and no one else cares. The people who preach about Ummat-ul-Islam only instigate muslims to disrespect their national boundaries but they themselves fight with each other. When there was Gujrat riots there were so much protests and the US and Europe denied visa to Narendra Modi, when palestinians are killed the muslims worldwide feel offended and pained but when Rohingyas or Uyghurs are killed and victimized no one utters a word. I have reasons to believe that its all politics for personal interests by leading muslim nations. On one hand Arabs deplore and condemn Israel and zionism but when it comes to support the displaced people, they look sideways. Jordan killed so many palestinian refugees with the help of Brigadier General Zia-ul-haq of Pakistan. Bihari muslims are now considered Jinnah's orphans who left their country to make Pakistan but today they are neither wanted by east pakistan nor west pakistan. Bangladesh has banned marriage of its citizens with Rohingyas so that they remain on margins for generations without any rights. Saudis are debarred from marrying pakistanis and Kuwaitis dont let them enter their soil. ISIS, Talibans are fighting and killing muslims. They instigate and radicalize the young minds worldwide and they make an engineer from india to clean their toilets.
I am sorry to say that Bangladeshis are raising concern about rohingyas not because they care for them as muslims, they just dont want Rohingyas on their land and feel burdened by their presence. However, I personally feel as an Indian and as a human and not as a muslim that Indian govt. should do its best to stop such inhumanly acts in our neighbourhood. If we close our eyes to such things we dont deserve to be a Super Power.
But we are not a Superpower razia.
We are a poor, developing country. When we don't intervene to protect Hindus, Sikhs and Shias in Pakistan, why should we do the same in Myanmar.
We should be concerned about our own country and not interfere in the national affairs of another. We have taken on a number of Rohingya refugees, that should be the total extent of our support to these people.

If Pakistan is willing to take all the Rohingya refugees, I am sure India will provide the ship lift facilities of these people from Myanmar to Pakistan as a good will gesture. @Horus , I suggest you start a petition to your government for this. We would be happy to help relocate all the Rohingyas to Pakistan as humanitarian service.
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You are as biased as any other Indian Muslim. China is 100 times better country than Indian. Chinese are smarter than dumb Indians.

China is securing its interest unlike India which might face dis-integration in coming days. China knows how to deal with Muslims. India likes to appease the community which is least loyal.

Yesterday a beloved cleric of yours from UP declared jihad against Modi government. Read my previous thread on it. You people are nothing but a liablity to India.
How loyal you are to your country is quite visible from how and what you have written. If you are so gaga about China and disbelief in your country, please apply for chinese citizenship. India is not going to disintegrate, never. People like you keep scaring others and make fools of themselves. Just remember China is not a democracy. They can simply tell their people not to produce children for next 20 years and no child will be born in china. So dont compare how china deals with a problem vis-a-vis India.
Do you have trouble understanding my post? I don't have a problem with Islam or non-Indian Muslims.
They can do whatever they want to in their 50+ countries or other countries.

Muslims in sub-continent made their choice when they unanimously supported Muslim league for creation of Pakistan. Yet they chose to stay in here. These people are proving everyday here their loyalties lie.

India will face another dis-integration if this self-harming appeasement doesn't stop. Every traitor is treated like on.


They already proved their loyalty to the country by choosing to stay even though they had options to migrate. Just because a person has a different opinion on a current world event does not mean his loyalty lies elsewhere.

Helping a prosecuted population by providing aid or even just moral support will not disintegrate your country.
@Falcon29 and also : @Horus @Slav Defence @al-Hasani and others

Hi Hazizy and others, Actually I have already given up of that older generation, dont blame them either and feel enthusiastic to feel that it might be our generation that will do the unity after hundreds years of being bullied (the promised generation). it is better for us now to make a new way or middle path instead of using the path of our elder fanatically that can worsen the friction of Muslims in the future.

I believe that before getting stronger as a group we need to get stronger individually first. Only strong person mentally with good character who can inspire people. Even though you might be working as a lonewolf at USA, but I believe there are hundreds of lone wolf around the world. Soul dont need close distance to feel united though. I dont know whether that each lone wolf can gather strenght in their own territory and become Alpha Male in the future but at least we try, and the promise of our God is so real that the believer can overcome 10 persons. But in order to get that kind of strength we need to fight injustice in our own place first to harden our faith, and of course has a good financial to sustain the fight (political and economical)

If ISIS (with its fool type of Islam) can gather so many follower around the world, I believe the real Muslim actually has more human power than them with much better rational thinking, we just need to add more spirit into our soul and understand that we are not fighting alone here.
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Muslims in sub-continent made their choice when they unanimously supported Muslim league for creation of Pakistan. Yet they chose to stay in here.

You are wrong. Those who supported Muslim League and Jinnah they migrated to Pakistan. Many muslims remain loyal to Congress and their motherland and they chose to stay here. However some people did not have a choice. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan had told Gandhi and Nehru that you are leaving us with the pack of wolves. So, try to be at peace with yourself, hatred will not get you anything.
Why did they chose India, my Bangladeshi friends? Why did Pakistan stopped accepting Indian migrants in 1960?

You know nothing.

Maybe its because they are loyal to india as I mentioned in my previous post. They still accept indian migrants, but not in droves like in 1947.

You are just trying to deviate from the topic at hand. As of now you have not discussed anything about the rohingya issue, rather you brought up india's issue with Pakistan and indian muslims.
This is a shame. Nobody deserves to be persecuted anywhere in this world on the basis of their race, religion, political ideology (peaceful off-course) or sexual preference. Unfortunately it remains human nature that when there is a fight for resources then people turn against each other for the most stupid of reasons.
The fact that you keep lying through your teeth. Tells us a lot about Indian Muslims.

Provincial Election Results, 1946. [After the Lahore declaration (1940) and subsequent events of Muslim League, voting for Muslim League in this election essentially meant voting for creation of Pakistan.
You sound like a false flager ,you are not an Indian i can say that.
The fact that you keep lying through your teeth. Tells us a lot about Indian Muslims.

Provincial Election Results, 1946. [After the Lahore declaration (1940) and subsequent events of Muslim League, voting for Muslim League in this election essentially meant voting for creation of Pakistan.

You are Absolutley right.......Almost 90% Muslims of the whole subcontinent Supports the Ideology of Pakistan in 1946 Elections.......!!

You sound like a false flager ,you are not an Indian i can say that.

He is more Indian than Sikular my dear......he is actually RSS!!
Is Afghanistan related to this thread? No.
We barely invested in Afghanistan and we never gave any military support there. It shows the kind of commitment we had there.

I will tell you the big plans we have for Myanmar however - a manufacturing corridor involving India, Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia to Japan. A major highway connecting India, China and Myanmar already approved for international funding.

That apart, India has been giving military aid to Myanmar - from surveillance aircrafts(in defiance of the international weapons sale ban to Myanmar) along with older tanks and APC's, military trucks, not to mention guns.

And so has China..and more than us.

Now if you think we are going to let Myanmar become Afghanistan over Rohingyas - well...you can try. If you can get USA to support your venture, it would get sail. Apart from that...All the Kings men and horses would be unable to scratch them because India and China are backing Myanmar.

Among other things, Myanmar is a very important country for China's energy security. They have built both oil and gas pipelines through it to diversify their oil and gas import routes. They are always going to protect their investment in Myanmar.


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