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Where are the blasphemy protectors?

This law needs to go away or needs to be reformed now and new laws should be introduced which punish blasphemers by putting them in jail and paying a heavy fine.
I have no hope from this gov for anything ye to phr bht door ki baat hai we can expect something from the next gov maybe.

Law will go away or will be reformed Pakistan can't and shouldn't have barbaric laws which promotes killings and mob justice.
The Law is going no where never ever. The mob attacks are taking place not because this law is in constitution but because this law is not being enforced. State starts enforcing this law the mob strikes will reduce other wise it won't in fact only increase them.
This law needs to go away or needs to be reformed now and new laws should be introduced which punish blasphemers by putting them in jail and paying a heavy fine.
I have no hope from this gov for anything ye to phr bht door ki baat hai we can expect something from the next gov maybe.

Law will go away or will be reformed Pakistan can't and shouldn't have barbaric laws which promotes killings and mob justice.

Have you read all the blasphemy laws and the penalties for each? I asked that earlier but you didn't answer.

It is easy to say 'go away or need to be reformed' but which part specifically you are not stating.

Kindly post the laws and say what in each you find objectionable and what it should be changed to. With blanket statements, this vicious circle will never end.
Aaah .. logical discussion is one question at a time answered in a logical manner. Anyways

1. What are you proposing - abolish or reform?
2. Why (to Q1 above)?

A reformation. There are far too many loopholes, people use this law to score personal scores. Unfortunately the uneducated and illiterate because of high emotions take matters into their own hands. Irrespective of the offence being committed or not doesn't justify vile behaviour.
Analysis and constructive criticism is one thing making fun of it and hurting the sentiments of 1 billion people just because it sounds "cool" is another thing.
why, are those "1 billion" so thin skinned and retarded that they just can't help themselves from murdering and slaughtering if their "sentiments" are hurt ?

btw, nobody should be mean to another person, being mean and discriminatory toward anyone is just not a good thing to do generally

but, then there's satire and edgy, or, jokes that are in bad taste, or even if someone just plain disagrees with your philosophy/religion and has nasty things to say.. whatever it might be.. stuff which one might not like but you still don't get to round up your friends and spill someone's brains out just because your "feelings were hurt"

The whole "this wouldn't happen if only the government would round up blasphemers instead, and spill their brains out/behead/throw them off a ledge/stone them/..."

makes no sense, there is no logic, the "logic" here bases itself on the premise that muslims just can't help but slaughter anyone else who dares criticize islam, pathetic.
A reformation. There are far too many loopholes, people use this law to score personal scores. Unfortunately the uneducated and illiterate because of high emotions take matters into their own hands. Irrespective of the offence being committed or not doesn't justify vile behaviour.

Thanks. Your response induces more questions before getting into what reform exactly.

1. What loopholes (plz be very specific, quoting the law and part thereof)?
2. Whose job is it to enforce the laws: state or public?
3. Do the current laws provide legal cover for public to take matters in own hands? If Yes, where (plz quote the law)?
Have you read all the blasphemy laws and the penalties for each? I asked that earlier but you didn't answer.

It is easy to say 'go away or need to be reformed' but which part specifically you are not stating.

Kindly post the laws and say what in each you find objectionable and what it should be changed to. With blanket statements, this vicious circle will never end.

The untold story of Pakistan’s blasphemy law

Death penalty for Blasphemy is wrong and unislamic too it only promotes mob justice and killings.
Law is very much Islamic (actual Islam) and its going no where so all those have problems better pack and leave .
Now I've seen so many bu'tt hurts people crying about this killing and I never saw them on Bhansa thread or any thread on Muslim killing by indians because of Cows. But here they all cry river .
Now real problem is Law Implementation , we don't have any system and people don't have any faith left either , reasons are 1000s for that .
There are 2 extremes one is liberals , Atheists , Non-Muslims or any " Anti Islam and Anti Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and other is Extremely religious , Both are illness to our society we have to counter both. Both in reality anti Islam and Anti Pakistan.
Pakistan is Muslim country with majority Muslims so in Democracy Majority Rules just like any other Democracy.
But this not justify Mob Justice. Who ever did this who ever involve need proper punishment and all those who lead this (mean guys) we need to make sure we made example out of them.
Because of them people around the world rising fingers on Blasphemy Law . They bring bad name to Pakistan and Islam.
I humbly request to Govt of Pakistan , please take any case of Blasphemy if the accused is innocent free him/her and give death plenty to those who accused. And if find guilty just hang the person (culprit)
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The untold story of Pakistan’s blasphemy law

Death penalty for Blasphemy is wrong and unislamic too it only promotes mob justice and killings.

Yes, this has been touched on before but you are referring to an article now instead of your own opinion on the laws! And my answer to this article is that 'Not one person has been hanged under Blasphemy Law in Pakistan' - you can verify that too. Of all the blasphemy laws, only ONE law has 'life imprisonment or death' penalty, no others!

It is not the law. You keep looking at the law to justify/explain what is happening on the ground.

Let me come at it from another perspective ..

In UK, Alcohol consumption is legal. However nearly 9,000 people died due to alcohol (related deaths) in 2015! Drinking and driving is illegal (above a certain limit) and it carries a jail sentence if caught. Do you think that murder during a blackout stage after excessive consumption is not a murder? Should then alcohol be banned as 9,000 annual deaths is not a joke? Should alcohol be sold to under 18?

Laws are there for protection of public and keep calm in the society. If the state starts slacking in enforcement of laws, then trouble starts where people either break the laws or use the laws for their own benefit/agenda or both.

If law enforcement in UK was as poor as it is in Pakistan at present, UK would be in complete chaos despite having all the laws and whatnot. This country would implode without strict enforcement of law.

Enforcement is the issue in Pakistan.
Law is very much Islamic (actual Islam) and its going no where so all those have problems better pack and leave
Why should anyone leave? why Pakistanis are suddenly behaving like BJP guys asking everyone to leave country? and no this law is not Islamic at all!
Now I've seen so many bu'tt hurts people crying about this killing and I never saw them on Bhansa thread or any thread on Muslim killing by indians because of Cows. But here they all cry river .
Now real problem is Law Implementation , we don't have any system and people don't have any faith left either , reasons are 1000s for that .
Don't know about the others but me and people i know on PDF were there criticizing them we wanted them to be arrested and trialed in a court although i barely saw the thekedars on that thread.
There are 2 extremes one is liberals , Atheists , Non-Muslims or any " Anti Islam and Anti Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and other is Extremely religious , Both are illness to our society we have to counter both. Both in reality anti Islam and Anti Pakistan.
Agreed there are people who call themselves "liberals" but in reality they aren't.
But this not justify Mob Justice. Who ever did this who ever involve need proper punishment and all those who lead this (mean guys) we need to make sure we made example out of them.
Yep we hanged Qadri millions came out for his funeral and made him a "hero".
Because of them people around the world rising fingers on Blasphemy Law . They bring bad name to Pakistan and Islam.
People will raise fingers on blasphemy law because they're unIslamic and it's things like these which brings bad names to Islam.
but you are referring to an article now instead of your own opinion on the laws!
Yes because i knew i wouldn't able to convey my opinion in a a very very good way that's why and this guy did a great job in that article.
And my answer to this article is that 'Not one person has been hanged under Blasphemy Law in Pakistan' - you can verify that too. Of all the blasphemy laws, only ONE law has 'life imprisonment or death' penalty, no others!
But many have been killed because of it.
It is not the law. You keep looking at the law to justify what is happening on the ground.
Bhai mere itni der se keh rha hn ke logo ko btao tell them that you can't kill someone for Blasphemy neither you can hang them because both are against Islam, Islam promotes peace, mercy and forgiveness if you started killing people like this how are you gonna convince others that Islam is a peaceful religion? incidents and laws like this only helps those idiots who claim that Islam (NauzbillAh) is evil.
Enforcement is the issue in Pakistan.
Include Religious extremism and intolerance in there too.

Tell me this verve do you believe that people should be hanged/killed because of blasphemy although you very well know it's unislamic?
Bhai mere itni der se keh rha hn ke logo ko btao tell them that you can't kill someone for Blasphemy neither you can hang them because both are against Islam, Islam promotes peace, mercy and forgiveness if you started killing people like this how are you gonna convince others that Islam is a peaceful religion? incidents and laws like this only helps those idiots who claim that Islam (NauzbillAh) is evil.

But removing the death penalty from ONE law will not reform the society, that'll never work.

Also, the law does not promote nor legalises people killing each other.

As for the issues in society, we are infested with Liberals on one end (who want death penalty removed altogether) and religious extremists on the other end (who want to kill for small reasons). Both need sorting out.

Narrative should be 'do not take law in your own hands, and if you do then you will be severely punished for any damage to life and property' and strict enforcement of law on all (liberals, moderates, religious fanatics etc etc).
Thanks. Your response induces more questions before getting into what reform exactly.

1. What loopholes (plz be very specific, quoting the law and part thereof)?
2. Whose job is it to enforce the laws: state or public?
3. Do the current laws provide legal cover for public to take matters in own hands? If Yes, where (plz quote the law)?

  • They protect institutions and leaders, from legitimate and often necessary criticism
  • They are intrinsically subjective, inconsistent laws; there is no “right way” to use them
  • They legitimize vigilantism, mob violence, and persecution of minorities
  • religious institutions (for example it is widely recognised that taboos against appearing to question, criticise, or threaten the public perception or ‘greater good’ of the Catholic Church and other religious institutions deters people from reporting sexual abuse and other crimes)
It may be considered “blasphemous” by some Muslims to consider Jesus of Nazareth “the Son of God”, while some Christians may find it “blasphemous” to say that Jesus was merely a prophet or an ordinary human being. Many Islamic scholars consider deviations from their own sect (either Sunni or Shia) blasphemous, but which are frequently treated as “blasphemous”. Frequently claimed by witnesses to alleged “blasphemy” cases that to repeat what the accused is supposed to have said or done would itself be “blasphemous” and therefore they are exempted from having to explain the accusation. Courts will therefore sometimes accept the testimony of a supposed witness to the blasphemy without hearing any of the details of the accusations.

Likewise, those who call for the reform or repeal of blasphemy laws, have sometimes been accused of “blasphemy” for questioning the blasphemy laws.
But removing the death penalty from ONE law will not reform the society, that'll never work.
Of course it won't but it will help a lot the damage zia has done isn't gonna go away so easily it is gonna take a lot more years.
As for the issues in society, we are infested with Liberals on one end (who want death penalty removed altogether) and religious extremists on the other end (who want to kill for small reasons). Both need sorting out.
We maybe are infested with liberals who are extreme in their views but liberals never bought the bad name and hatred for Pakistan and Islam as much as religious fanatics did.
Also, the law does not promote nor legalises people killing each other.
It does m8 it does because people think that "oh punishment for blasphemy is death but gov isn't taking action so lets kill him and get a ticket of heaven!" but what they don't realize is that what their local molvi have told them is a lie or what law says is wrong because they don't bother to read up on this.

btw you didn't answered my question?
Pakistani people should learn to mind their own business . You will be going in your own grave and you will not be responsible for X, Y, Z so you can implement Islam in your personal life as you wish but stop imposing our own interpretation in throat of others either by force or violence.
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