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Where are the blasphemy protectors?

And what if killings do not stop and actually increase? I pose you this question now.
I have already answered it read my post again.
Let's be logical in our discussion instead of repeating same things over and over again. We get nowhere if all you liberals keep repeating one thing.
I'm being logical although i have seen you numerous times debating by repeating the same things again & again & again & again so yes i know you love wasting others time in an endless pointless debate so i will not fall for that your question has already been answered.
I have already answered it read my post again.

I'm being logical although i have seen you numerous times debating by repeating the same things again & again & again & again so yes i know you love wasting others time in an endless pointless debate so i will not fall for that your question has already been answered.

Killings will be stopped because there will be no law to promote or encourage people to kill someone and after removing the law GOV should start a proper program through adds or TV shows or awareness programs that killing for Blasphemy is not allowed in Islam and whoever will kill someone will face death penalty and he will go straight to hell but GOV at the same time should introduce another law that committing blasphemy/hurting sentiments of people doesn't matter if they're Muslims/Christians or Hindus etc will face jail for 4-5 years at least and should pay a heavy fine for it.

You are assuming that it will stop. Question is 'what if it doesn't and increases?' ... answer for that is not there. You are only assuming ONE outcome, what if you are wrong? Then what?
do you have any prove ? where did he say anything against Allah ? and even if he did, who give mob the Permission to kill a man without fair trail ? in the times of Prophet as Ruler who made such decision Prophet himself or the mob ? ask yourself question , don't act like a zombie who follow herd without thinking ..
I never have supported mob justice what I am saying is that failure of state to punish those who commit Blasphemy and also to those who bring false accusation are leading to this. And his facebook posts are quite evident and his replies to others on various pages and forums on social media are crystal clear. State needs to implement law otherwise you can't stop these mob things. This is the obvious result like if tell you that if you won't study you would fail in exam that doesn't mean I support you failing but that is obvious result of your actions

I have already answered it read my post again.

I'm being logical although i have seen you numerous times debating by repeating the same things again & again & again & again so yes i know you love wasting others time in an endless pointless debate so i will not fall for that your question has already been answered.
Law is going no where and for one moment even if it does I can assure you it would end to double in fact tripple the mob incidents
You are assuming that it will stop. Question is 'what if it doesn't and increases?' ... answer for that is not there. You are only assuming ONE outcome, what if you are wrong? Then what?
Sigh that's why i said GOV needs to start awareness programs to tell people that it is against Islam to kill someone for Blasphemy put the fear in their heart tell them the truth.
Law is going no where and for one moment even if it does I can assure you it would end to double in fact tripple the mob incidents
Law will go maybe not today maybe after losing some 1000 people maybe after some 10-12 years but it will be removed yes mob incidents will triple if Gov doesn't step in and tell people that killing someone because of Blasphemy is un-Islamic.
I never have supported mob justice what I am saying is that failure of state to punish those who commit Blasphemy and also to those who bring false accusation are leading to this. And his facebook posts are quite evident and his replies to others on various pages and forums on social media are crystal clear. State needs to implement law otherwise you can't stop these mob things. This is the obvious result like if tell you that if you won't study you would fail in exam that doesn't mean I support you failing but that is obvious result of your actions

Getting old receiving one single Prove for your tall claims that he did Blasphemy , he reportedly said that there is a Fake account running by his name, this is not about state or previous cases of Blasphemy , it was cold blooded murder and people use Blasphemy law to murder a innocent guy ..the result of anyone doing blasphemy is not Mob murdering the person, you are failing to answer any question i raised, Prophet decide in his time what to do with Blasphemers not Mob , and he as a Ruler has responsibility for all his subjects, a person who was killed unjustly would have been on Prophet , that is why he Stopped Hazart Omar to kill a boy who was presumed to be Dajjal .
as i say use brain
Sigh that's why i said GOV needs to start awareness programs to tell people that it is against Islam to kill someone for Blasphemy put the fear in their heart tell them the truth.

Law will go maybe not today maybe after losing some 1000 people maybe after some 10-12 years but it will be removed yes mob incidents will triple if Gov doesn't step in and tell people that killing someone because of Blasphemy is un-Islamic.
This LAW will only go away only in your dreams not in reality this law will remain there and soon Government will be forced to fully implement this law. This law is going no where and no punishment for Blasphemy is crystal clear but only state has right to implement it not rogue groups.
Sigh that's why i said GOV needs to start awareness programs to tell people that it is against Islam to kill someone for Blasphemy put the fear in their heart tell them the truth.

So other than a government programme to reform the society, are you saying that Laws should remain?

In my opinion, those who killed should be hanged - there will be no louder message from the government than prosecution and execution. Those committing blasphemy should also be held to account as per the law.

But saying that, failure of the government is breeding mob justice. First we need to sort out the issues in governance. Put aside blasphemy law for a second, how many other laws are implemented as they should be!? We need to look at the bigger picture.
Getting old receiving one single Prove for your tall claims that he did Blasphemy , he reportedly said that there is a Fake account running by his name, this is not about state or previous cases of Blasphemy , it was cold blooded murder and people use Blasphemy law to murder a innocent guy ..the result of anyone doing blasphemy is not Mob murdering the person, you are failing to answer any question i raised, Prophet decide in his time what to do with Blasphemers not Mob , and he as a Ruler has responsibility for all his subjects, a person who was killed unjustly would have been on Prophet , that is why he Stopped Hazart Omar to kill a boy who was presumed to be Dajjal .
as i say use brain
No that was his account and also in life during classes and other places he was famous for talking lot of crap about Islam and ALLAH and other things
Can't have a discussion with someone who is running high on emotions ... please calm down and stop reading so much in to written words.

Please keep up or stay out. As sugar coated as you'd like that statement to be.

No one is high on emotions. Keep up with what? You don't make sense, you set a question which if agreed to you move on to the next. Lol.

There's a difference between Blasphemy laws being abolished OR being reformed.

Keep up stay out.
So other than a government programme to reform the society, are you saying that Laws should remain?

In my opinion, those who killed should be hanged - there will be no louder message from the government than prosecution and execution. Those committing blasphemy should also be held to account as per the law.

But saying that, failure of the government is breeding mob justice. First we need to sort out the issues in governance. Put aside blasphemy law for a second, how many other laws are implemented as they should be!? We need to look at the bigger picture.
This law needs to go away or needs to be reformed now and new laws should be introduced which punish blasphemers by putting them in jail and paying a heavy fine.
I have no hope from this gov for anything ye to phr bht door ki baat hai we can expect something from the next gov maybe.
This LAW will only go away only in your dreams not in reality this law will remain there and soon Government will be forced to fully implement this law. This law is going no where and no punishment for Blasphemy is crystal clear but only state has right to implement it not rogue groups.
Law will go away or will be reformed Pakistan can't and shouldn't have barbaric laws which promotes killings and mob justice.
No that was his account and also in life during classes and other places he was famous for talking lot of crap about Islam and ALLAH and other things

You must have more evidence than the Investigators themselves.
No that was his account and also in life during classes and other places he was famous for talking lot of crap about Islam and ALLAH and other things
what's the big deal if someone criticizes islam and makes fun of it when virtually every other religion/philosophy gets made fun off too ?

and those people don't generally smash the offending person's skull in or chop his/her head off etc

why are so many muslims so quick to murder "blasphemers" ?

why should Islam not be open to criticism and analysis ?

to threaten someone with murder if they're asking tough questions that make you uncomfortable just shows how insecure and low iq such people are.

bunch of thin skinned sissies, the lot of them.
No one is high on emotions. Keep up with what? You don't make sense, you set a question which if agreed to you move on to the next. Lol.

There's a difference between Blasphemy laws being abolished OR being reformed.

Keep up stay out.

Aaah .. logical discussion is one question at a time answered in a logical manner. Anyways

1. What are you proposing - abolish or reform?
2. Why (to Q1 above)?
why should Islam not be open to criticism and analysis ?
Analysis and constructive criticism is one thing making fun of it and hurting the sentiments of 1 billion people just because it sounds "cool" is another thing.
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