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When will China become a global superpower?

Vietnam or not, the rest of the world couldn't care less about it. Being provocative and unilateral in the contentious area, Vietnam will learn its lesson in a hard way. I know that the proud Vietnam has beaten several world major powers. It is also the fact that the Vietnamese soil served as the battleground and then turned into devastation. Intransigence is not the way of modern world. Playing between major powers is a dangerous game. Learn some geopolitics if you really care about Vietnam.

Please be relevant as well, Ryan. I thought that you would be a bit better than just "copy & paste"! The topic you posted here is " When will China become a global superpower?" but you have gone astray away to other issue instead. Please define the term & meaning of the word "Superpower" unless you don't understand what it meant since it doesn't exist in Chinese vocabulary like poster "Chinese Tiger" claimed. :D
Really? My Koreans friends really detest Japanese though, I thought it was just him but it seems that quite a number feel this way too. So I am not sure how you're assuming this new bond of friendship will happen overnight.

Koreans probably dislike the Japanese more than the Chinese. This Hideki guy isn't playing with a full deck.
Koreans probably dislike the Japanese more than the Chinese. This Hideki guy isn't playing with a full deck.

Oh my God! I never depend on help from Korean, but you see comment from Chinadog1986:

Now you are in the same level as the Asian banana republic as South Korea.

Therefore, you won't stand a chance against China in the future.
No Country will be SuperPpwer till U.S. is single Super Power in the world. There is difference between could be and will be.

Russia was close to become Super Power few decades back. But Now Still Strong in Military (2nd) but not Super Power or even close to. Japan & Germany were almost Super Power before WW2 but They are Allies of U.S. Now. The country which try to be 2nd, Goes off from Top 5. If it made sense, then it make Sense.

As Of Now, There are 4 Possiblity - Potential superpowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. All 4 are BRIC Nations. Among 4 China Ranked @ 1st in BRIC and best chance to be Super Power 1st. so good chance theoretically. But Will U.S. will like ? No and Yes, U.S. likes/dislikes do matter.

U.S. International Air-Bases - List of United States Air Force installations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia + Navy Bases too. US Budget on International Influence is more than 200 Billion $ per annum which is more than Asia. U.S. Defence Budget is more than Rest of The World. The Moment, Any Country try to be Super Power. U.S. Shows the door. U.S. Allies in Asia-Oceanic ( Japan, Sk, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Philippines and India which is not allies but not best of friends with China) is enough for U.S. to tackle China. Not to Forget whole Europe including Old Powerful countries like U.K., France, Germany, Italy. Whole Africa, 50% Asia, Middle-East including Saudi Arabia + Israel. U.S. don't need to go to war to defeat China. Simple to Understand.

There is always one place @ Top which belongs to U.S. fortunately or unfortunately. Others can try level best to do well. But super Power is Just a word beyond Facts.
China would have better opportunity when she opts to conduct herself in a more responsible manner as a truth "Superpower"; of course she first must:

- Have better transparent legal & financial system.
- Have better human rights accord, especially with her own people
- have more improved and clear defined environmental policy
- have better international responsibilities (sharing her wealth and provide aids to lesser countries)

Basically, these are my takes, what about yours?
so you feel shame already? wait for more shame after I ask the MOD to whoop your troll ar$e.


Why? I think mod is alert enough to judge! We discussing about "When will China become a global superpower?" but Chinese only want to argue with me. I think it's very hard to your Gov help China become a global superpower with Chinese who like you!
Where do we ask you to pay tributes?

We lent you money back in 2008 in order to save your tanked economy from the crisis, meanwhile you keep stolen the oil from our oil fields.

We didn't do many things in the past, now you might think we are too weak right? Then you will see our strong determination when it comes to our sovereignty.

You did not lent them money to save themselves,u did lent money to save yourselves,China was definitely that engine which pulled the world out of recession,but it was independent Of America,ever heard the line

When America sneezes,the world shivers.

Nice, it seems that USA not only physically defeated our nation, but also mentally enslaved you.

Now you are in the same level as the Asian banana republic as South Korea.

Therefore, you won't stand a chance against China in the future.

Ridiculous arguments,so according to you US also have a say in japan's internal policies like education,business and heir investments,and dont used the word enslaved,because that word can be used in a much broader way.

Not defeated, our government at that time "the Republic of China" was not completely eliminated.

How much is this relevant,so you consider a nation only defeated when its govt fall,in the same sense India was not defeated in 1962,but I had many of you claiming that was a one sided Chinese victory,think about it.
How much is this relevant,so you consider a nation only defeated when its govt fall,in the same sense India was not defeated in 1962,but I had many of you claiming that was a one sided Chinese victory,think about it.


Perhaps they haven't understood the concept of "Win Win Situation" in the lession of healthy economic situation. As long as one believes he needs to beat down others to be a winner... he would never ever win though. :D
Nice, it seems that USA not only physically defeated our nation, but also mentally enslaved you.

Now you are in the same level as the Asian banana republic as South Korea.

Therefore, you won't stand a chance against China in the future.

He is not Japanese, probably an Indian false flagger just like Kamakazi Attack.

No need to diss Japan over this Indian loser
Is this Japanese guy really Japanese or an Indian person trying to play everyone as a fool?
No Country will be SuperPpwer till U.S. is single Super Power in the world. There is difference between could be and will be.

Russia was close to become Super Power few decades back. But Now Still Strong in Military (2nd) but not Super Power or even close to. Japan & Germany were almost Super Power before WW2 but They are Allies of U.S. Now. The country which try to be 2nd, Goes off from Top 5. If it made sense, then it make Sense.

As Of Now, There are 4 Possiblity - Potential superpowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. All 4 are BRIC Nations. Among 4 China Ranked @ 1st in BRIC and best chance to be Super Power 1st. so good chance theoretically. But Will U.S. will like ? No and Yes, U.S. likes/dislikes do matter.

U.S. International Air-Bases - List of United States Air Force installations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia + Navy Bases too. US Budget on International Influence is more than 200 Billion $ per annum which is more than Asia. U.S. Defence Budget is more than Rest of The World. The Moment, Any Country try to be Super Power. U.S. Shows the door. U.S. Allies in Asia-Oceanic ( Japan, Sk, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Philippines and India which is not allies but not best of friends with China) is enough for U.S. to tackle China. Not to Forget whole Europe including Old Powerful countries like U.K., France, Germany, Italy. Whole Africa, 50% Asia, Middle-East including Saudi Arabia + Israel. U.S. don't need to go to war to defeat China. Simple to Understand.

There is always one place @ Top which belongs to U.S. fortunately or unfortunately. Others can try level best to do well. But super Power is Just a word beyond Facts.

A lot of US allies will drop them when they can no longer impose their will on the rest of the world. It is called "real-politik". Only the European/European blood countries such as Europe, Australia and Canada will stick with them for sure.

A lot of people also overestimate just how much extra an ally can actually bring to the table. For example the UK is a major ally of the US but it's Navy would probably be destroyed by just one US supercarrier battlegroup. The US has around 10 battlegroups. All other navies are insignificant compared to US.
A lot of US allies will drop them when they can no longer impose their will on the rest of the world. It is called "real-politik". Only the European/European blood countries such as Europe, Australia and Canada will stick with them for sure.

A lot of people also overestimate just how much extra an ally can actually bring to the table. For example the UK is a major ally of the US but it's Navy would probably be destroyed by just one US supercarrier battlegroup. The US has around 10 battlegroups. All other navies are insignificant compared to US.

Oh no! China is not really an ally of the US like most of the EC, Japan, and etc....; however, China's economy is so interdependent with the US as one could recall how much China has sufferred and affected by the event of 9/11. The main point is ... how China could eventually become a truth Superpower of the World as we know of.
He is not Japanese, probably an Indian false flagger just like Kamakazi Attack.

No need to diss Japan over this Indian loser

China is running hegomonstic rule, her country boast on the 10% econmic growth, but the reality is that China builds and builds and home, apartments, BUT ALL ARE EMPTY, the growth is FALSE... CHINA has 69 million something unfilled apartments... THE CHINESE GOV IS FACING A soon BUBBLE.... JAPAN was a train inv1990, what happend it pleatued because of its housing crisis....

basically the Chine gov funds the local gov to build empty unsold apartments so it can sustain the 10 percent growth!!! LOL this is recipe for disaster
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