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When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

Just one question - What did Pakistan gain from the Kargil error in 1999?

Even many military specialists admitted that the Indian planner made numerous blunders.

But I've never been able to figure out what Pakistan gained? I could go on and on about all the things Pakistan has lost, and can start with its reputation abroad.

The second most important event is the death of thousand and hundreds of one's own people. Isn't there a person in charge responsible for this?
Important heights which overlook Kargil Dras highway.
Important heights which overlook Kargil Dras highway.

You haven't gained anything. All claims of some mysterious peaks occupied are just urban legends. And don't quote non professional politicans to back up your cliaims. Our politicians talk bs for attention just like yours do.

When the real bombing started You went to the US asking them to mediate and stop it. You came to an agreement to withdraw. You withdrew. You lost.
Army Chief spent a night in India which led to their PM spending one night in Washington.
Its a murky tale of nights spent abroad.

To some these nights spent abroad was a great success, but to few others it was a poorly conceived and executed operation by few generals with an Air Force and Navy completely in dark.

That one night spent in India has completely washed away all the negatives of that fiasco.
@PanzerKiel , sir, I am seeing you out of your element for the first time, replying to trolls and all. Otherwise you are all zen.

Did you participate in Kargil?
Point 5310:
●It is located at a distance of about one kilometre on the Pakistani side of the LoC
●Captured in an operation by troops of the IA on April 8, 2000
●The peak is of strategic importance because it enables the IA to tactically control 12 square kilometres of Pakistani territory in Karubar bowl
● Domination of this area also threatened the Pakistani posts opposite Turtok Sector from the rear

Point 5608: Lies about 15km to the east of Point 5353 in the Kaksar sector. It overlooks the Shingo Valley in Pakistan. Indian troops took control of this feature

The Indians reoccupied Point 5240, besides Point 5165, in August 1999

India controls Point 5070 too a strategically important peak along the Marpo La pass. It lies on the Pakistani side of the LoC, about 10 km west of Point 5353. Both Points 5070 and 5240 also overlook the Pakistani supply route for Point 5353
So Lava820 aka Tejas spokesperson aka walter bla bla and all else fake ID troll is now more knowledgeable than the Indian media and MPs.....hell we are certainly privileged to have you running around like a stray on our forum. lol.
Yeah, while you guys were facing and still facing, the embarrassment of giving PVC to a living soldier, while you declared him dead during battle, he crawled back to tell you that he's alive afterall.

... While your helis refuse to come near our tops once one of them was shot down and fell in the Tololing nullah... And IAF then had to resort to high altitude inaccurate bombing...

While your army chief himself said that they attacked with minimum 16:1 ratio since our UMGs were that much effective....

.... While your commander 121 brigade, responsible for Kargil, was SACKED during the battle.... He told IA chief that I can't simply hear you, hard of hearing your officers....

... While our CB gained immense respect, our AN TPQ 36 wrought havoc among your troops, which forced you to go for WLRs later....

... I can go on and on.... Lot many things with me to share....

And yeah, you still guys still haven't got Commander Yadav back.... Do something for him.

View attachment 915264View attachment 915266

The title of the Indian chief book says it all

Yes it was a surprise so much so that Pakistan which was planning to occupy a few hilly outposts captured a lot of them. The plan was known by just 4 people in Pakistan not even your PM.
Do you know that what the plan was? Pakistan thought Indians won't retaliate much and think it was local Kashmir fighters and that not many weapons would be effective at that altitude. Also if India retaliates on other front and moves forces Kashmir could be taken by Pakistani soldiers.
Bofors and aircraft runs destroyed the outposts. Pakistan couldn't resupply or use the air force or other divisions as it was officially not in India and your air force commander was told of the operation pretty late.
In the end Pakistan lost both domestically and internationally on the Kashmiri problem.
Check this out -
Classic. Never gets old

yup, Delhi drama queens had cameras behind every Rock, boulder and glacier to film and showboat to gullible Indians back home....I guess the Indian soldiers were untouchable (Not Dalits) so no footage of their bodies or otherwise exists.....or maybe, Pakistan Army being professional doesn't need these cheap tactics like Indians.....however, the Kargil coffin scandal says it all.
Adopting and surviving under multiple fake IDs doesn't make you any more credible it just proves your desperation. Better read and learn and accept what your own Netas are telling you.

yup, Delhi drama queens had cameras behind every Rock, boulder and glacier to film and showboat to gullible Indians back home....I guess the Indian soldiers were untouchable (Not Dalits) so no footage of their bodies or otherwise exists.....or maybe, Pakistan Army being professional doesn't need these cheap tactics like Indians.....however, the Kargil coffin scandal says it all.

@Windjammer Nasim says that PAF was very against Kargil too.
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so Mushy did a deep penetration of india?
These creatures will grab any straws to salvage their tiny egos.
They will talk about all else except the painful fact that General Musharaf flew in a helicopter 12 KM into India, the helicopter landed dropped off the General, took off , returned and repeated the same exercise the next day. But hey, these Indians didn't even let a Pakistani Pigeon fly in their airspace ....that's how they enjoy their Masala Dosa.

Try harder, she is just a reporter not any defence related person or an MP.

Disclosing Kargil casualties would affect morale of troops: CIC​

These creatures will grab any straws to salvage their tiny egos.
They will talk about all else except the painful fact that General Musharaf flew in a helicopter 12 KM into India, the helicopter landed dropped off the General, took off , returned and repeated the same exercise the next day. But hey, these Indians didn't even let a Pakistani Pigeon fly in their airspace ....that's how they enjoy their Masala Dosa.

Nasim also says IAF pounded the hell out of the place.
Nasim also says IAF pounded the hell out of the place.
And Windjammer says, Pakistani soldiers, intruded into India, slaughtered hundreds of Indian soldiers, the IAF after failing to achieve any objectives needed American and Israeli help to carry out strikes on it's own territory......so Windjammer says, what stopped IAF attacking targets on Pakistani side of the border.....after all Pakistan was the aggressor.
Yeah, while you guys were facing and still facing, the embarrassment of giving PVC to a living soldier, while you declared him dead during battle, he crawled back to tell you that he's alive afterall.

... While your helis refuse to come near our tops once one of them was shot down and fell in the Tololing nullah... And IAF then had to resort to high altitude inaccurate bombing...

While your army chief himself said that they attacked with minimum 16:1 ratio since our UMGs were that much effective....

.... While your commander 121 brigade, responsible for Kargil, was SACKED during the battle.... He told IA chief that I can't simply hear you, hard of hearing your officers....

... While our CB gained immense respect, our AN TPQ 36 wrought havoc among your troops, which forced you to go for WLRs later....

... I can go on and on.... Lot many things with me to share....

And yeah, you still guys still haven't got Commander Yadav back.... Do something for him.

View attachment 915264View attachment 915266

The title of the Indian chief book says it all


I had to reread that hard-of-hearing part multiple times to ensure it was what it said. Lol
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