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When General Musharaf Spent a Night in India !!

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

May Allah forgive him for his sins, accept his good deeds, and grant him Jannah. I don't believe he ever had truly malicious intentions, he was a man with patriotism running through his blood and trying to control a disorganised and fragmented country at the centre of geopolitics and with world powers trying to breathe down its neck post 9-11.

May you rest in peace, General Pervez Musharraf.
While Indian army chief was on a foreign visit, not knowing that our men were going in, with our own army chief inside Indian area..... Kudos to your intelligence agencies as well....

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I wonder what has stopped you guys from destroying us in the last 70 years, you have everything required... Go ahead.

I wonder what has stopped you guys from destroying us in the last 70 years, you have everything required... Go ahead.

And when we tapped the phones of your army chief in Chief in China we more than made up for our lapses.

You're not worth our resources.
Multiple pics of dead and captured Pakistani soldiers are available on YouTube and Google
What about these 1500 confessed casualties by Indian chief himself?


You're not worth our resources.
Yeah really, try against Chinese. And remember 1500 casualties of IPKF by LTTE in Srilanka. I wonder which country is really worth your resources.
What about these 1500 confessed casualties by Indian chief himself?

Regardless of the tactical aspects of the actual skirmish, the real question to ask here is whether Pakistan benefited (or not) overall from this (mis)adventure?

Is there such a thing as a "tactically brilliant strategic blunder"?
What about these 1500 confessed casualties by Indian chief himself?

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Yeah really, try against Chinese. And remember 1500 casualties of IPKF by LTTE in Srilanka. I wonder which country is really worth your resources.

Our soldiers died defending their motherland, not some dumb@$$ plan cooked up by punch drunk generals on weed.

We never accused the chinese of being dumb. Don't compare your leadership during Kargil to them. The Chinese don't do dumb things. They may win or they may lose but it is always a part of a well thought out strategy.
Regardless of the tactical aspects of the actual skirmish, the real question to ask here is whether Pakistan benefited (or not) overall from this (mis)adventure?
Only the military leaders of both sides know very well what all benefits Pakistan got out of this action. Indians know it very well, for which they have already taketh several costly measures over the last two decades to try nullifying Pakistan advantages.
Regardless of the tactical aspects of the actual skirmish, the real question to ask here is whether Pakistan benefited (or not) overall from this (mis)adventure?

Is there such a thing as a "tactically brilliant strategic blunder"?

What is so brilliant in this plan?

'Our patrols went to the mountain posts and found no Indians manning them since for decades both sides vacate their posts during winters. So we squatted there....'

The above is a 'brilliant plan'?
Only the military leaders of both sides know very well what all benefits Pakistan got out of this action. Indians know it very well, for which they have already taketh several costly measures over the last two decades to try nullifying Pakistan advantages.

Agreed, but what about the nation overall? Was Pakistan itself better off after Kargil than before?
Only the military leaders of both sides know very well what all benefits Pakistan got out of this action. Indians know it very well, for which they have already taketh several costly measures over the last two decades to try nullifying Pakistan advantages.

No you're just cooking stuff up to make it look like you got somehting out of it. It was a blunder.
@Windjammer I doubt your chief was spending a night in the area when Indians started bombing the pace. That previlage he reserved for the poor soldiers.
Yes unlike your weekend warriors going on National TV, our poor soldiers didn't carry Five Rupee coins to dodge bullets. I guess the Indian soldiers carried the change to call Basantis back home from Kargil heights.
Yeah, while you guys were facing and still facing, the embarrassment of giving PVC to a living soldier, while you declared him dead during battle, he crawled back to tell you that he's alive afterall.

... While your helis refuse to come near our tops once one of them was shot down and fell in the Tololing nullah... And IAF then had to resort to high altitude inaccurate bombing...

While your army chief himself said that they attacked with minimum 16:1 ratio since our UMGs were that much effective....

.... While your commander 121 brigade, responsible for Kargil, was SACKED during the battle.... He told IA chief that I can't simply hear you, hard of hearing your officers....

... While our CB gained immense respect, our AN TPQ 36 wrought havoc among your troops, which forced you to go for WLRs later....

... I can go on and on.... Lot many things with me to share....

And yeah, you still guys still haven't got Commander Yadav back.... Do something for him.

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The title of the Indian chief book says it all


Just one question - What did Pakistan gain from the Kargil error in 1999?

Even many military specialists admitted that the Indian planner made numerous blunders.

But I've never been able to figure out what Pakistan gained? I could go on and on about all the things Pakistan has lost, and can start with its reputation abroad.

The second most important event is the death of thousand and hundreds of one's own people. Isn't there a person in charge responsible for this?
Yeah really, try against Chinese
Didn’t our soldiers captured 7 peaks at Kailash Range?
Yes unlike your weekend warriors going on National TV, our poor soldiers didn't carry Five Rupee coins to dodge bullets. I guess the Indian soldiers carried the change to call Basantis back home from Kargil heights.

Well we saw your PM rush to the US like Basanti and despite Mushy's claims that Pak will be trated like kings due to nuclear weapon, Clinton just kicked him around.
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