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When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

huzihaidao12 said:
Oh? Why I did not see the ancient Vietnamese Government have any objection in YUAN Navy in the South China Sea? It just shows that Vietnam to protect their own territory, but those islands do not belong to Vietnam, so Vietnam has no objection.

Ok, so those islands have some connection to Mogol, we will make a deal with Mongol govt. about those islands. CHina have No right to claim it.

Japan Navy also patroled the islands, do we need to ask Japan emperor also ?
Ok, so those islands have some connection to Mogol, we will make a deal with Mongol govt. about those islands. CHina have No right to claim it.

Japan Navy also patroled the islands, do we need to ask Japan emperor also ?

1, YUAN emperor claiming that he is Chinese, YUAN is a Chinese dynasty, if Mongolia would like to become part of China again, you can say that these islands belong to Mongolia because Mongolia is a part of China.

2, China's sovereignty and right to manage not only limited YUAN, from HAN to now, this is a continuous succession.
Han Dynasty

China's earliest historical records comes from the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC - AD 9). Book called "Han" under eighteen Volume II, "Geography" 《汉书 地理志》

Eastern Han Dynasty 杨孚《异物志》


Three Kingdoms generals Kangtai book "Funan Biography" referred not only to the Nansha Islands, and its shape description: "The rise in the sea, to the Coral Island, Island at the end of a Pangu, coral health on it also.

TANG(618~907) and Song(960~1279)


Tang and Song dynasties, social and economic tight Levin, an increase in foreign relations, especially after the Song Dynasty, the compass used in navigation, sailing in the South China Sea, and production become more frequent. At that time, the South China Sea route and the location of the island, so the name has a more detailed inspection and records. Song weeks to non-in the "Lingnan Pickup" (1178 harvest book) contains: "... the East Ocean Sea, Changsha, Tong, tens of thousands of years," herein "Changsha", Shitang "refers to the South China Sea islands. Changsha is the Milton-based coral islands, atolls Shitang is based coral reef. ZHAO Ru appropriate inquiry and investigation in the multi-reference to "Lingnan pickup" written on the basis of "Zhufan Chi" (1225 harvest book) that : "Sadamoto five years (AD 789 years) to Joan for the Government House, this consequent. ... To Ji Yang (now Sanya), is a very sea, land re-painted death. Outside the state, said Uri, said Suzy Long, South of Champa, facing west toward real wax, is a thousand miles east, Changsha, Wanli stone bed, slim yuan occasion, Tianshui same color, "not only pointed out here, thousands of miles Changsha, Wanli stone bed is South China Sea islands, but also shows that as early as the Tang Dynasty has been placed under the sand islands in the southwest of Hainan Island, the vibration state (to Ji Yang Jun Song) jurisdiction.


明清时期,中国许多图、藉、方志对南海诸岛的记载已经不胜枚举。从地图方面来说,明代郑和“七下西洋”长期航行南海,绘有《郑和航海图》,后载入茅元仪《武备志》。该图标出了石星石塘、万生石塘屿、石塘等岛群名称和相对位置。及至清代陈伦炯《海国闻见录》中的附图《四海总图》,已经明确标绘有四大群岛的地名和位置。当时称东沙群岛为“气沙头”,西沙群岛为“七洲洋”,南沙群岛为“石塘”,中沙群岛为“长沙”。后来,清政府在开展大规模全国地图测量的基础上,编绘了多种地图。在1716年的《大清中外天下全图》、1724年的《清直省分图》、1767年的在《大清万年一统天下全图》、1800年的《清绘府州县厅总图》和1818年的《大清一统天下全图》等等这些官方舆图中,都在海南岛的东南方绘有南海诸岛,列入中国疆域版图。   从古籍方面来说,郑和“七下西洋”的随从人员费信著《星槎星览》、马次著《瀛涯胜览》、巩珍著《西洋番国志》等书,其中对南海及南海诸岛的记载留下了宝贵的资料。当时出现的航海著作,如1527年顾蚧的《海槎余录》、黄衷的《海语》等书,对南海航行、岛礁分布及地理特征都有详细的描述。当时出现的海防著作,无不把南海诸岛作为中国海防的“门户”和“天堑”。如十九世纪三十年代的《海防辑要》一书,就把西沙群岛等岛屿列为中国的海防区域。   从方志方面来说,明清两代是方志鼎盛的时代,由官方修纂的《广东通志》、《琼州府志》、《万州志》等等许多地方志书,都辑录有西南中沙群岛的资料,列为海南岛的附属岛屿。其《广东通志》中就有:明武宗正德七年(公元1512年)“立海防营于万州”的记载。还可以正德《琼台志》中看出当时已把西沙、南沙群岛作为中国的海防区域。
Ming and Qing dynasties, many of China's map, by, Chronicles of the South China Sea islands have been numerous documented. From the map in terms of Ming Dynasty, Zheng "seven voyages" long-term sailing the South China Sea, painted with the "Zheng He's navigation chart," after Mao load per meter "military preparations annals." The icon is out of the rock star Shitang, Wan-sheng Tong, Yu, Tong, and other island groups, the name and relative position. Jiong Chen Qing Lun up "smell the sea state record" in the photo "The world total map", has made it clear there are four islands plotting place names and location. East Sand Island was called the "gas Sha Tau", Paracel Islands as the "seven-Chau Yang," Nansha Islands as the "Tong," Islands in the Sand "in Changsha." Later, the Qing government in the measurement of large-scale maps of the country, based on the compilation of a variety of maps. In 1716 the "Great Qing foreign world full map," 1724's "clear straight provinces map", in 1767, "Qing years of world domination full map", 1800's "total clean painted House counties Hall map "and 1818's" Qing domination full map ", etc. The official atlas, are painted in the south-east of Hainan Island has the South China Sea islands, the territory included in the Chinese territory. From the ancient ways, Zheng "seven voyages" entourage fee letter with "Xingcha star view" Ma times the "Ying Ya Sheng Lan," Gong Zhen book "Western barbarian Kingdoms" and other
books, including the South China Sea records of the South China Sea islands and left a valuable information. At that time there's navigation works, such as care Kuwana 1527's "Sea cha I recorded," Huang Zhong's "sea language" and other books, sailed the South China Sea, the geographical distribution and characteristics of reefs are described in detail. There was coastal defense works, all the South China Sea Islands as China's coastal defense of the "portal" and "natural moat." Such as 1830's "coastal series to" book, put the Paracel Islands and other islands as China's coastal areas. Terms from Fang Zhi, Ming and Qing dynasties is Fangzhi Ding Sheng era, official Compiling the "Annals of Guangdong", "Qiongzhou Fu Zhi", "Wanzhou chi" and so many parts of the texts, all featuring a sand Island in the southwest information, as a subsidiary of Hainan island. The "Annals of Guangdong" in there: Ming Tsung Masanori seven years (AD 1512), "established in the coastal camp Wanzhou" records. You can also Masanori "Hainan and Taiwan Chi" has seen at Xisha, Nansha Islands as China's coastal areas.

Can you read?

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2086398 said:
2. I can't see "Han dynasty claim abcxyz", "Han dynasty set sovereignty over abcxyz" or something like that, just "Mr A discovered abcxyz", "Mr B was fishing in abcxyz", so it's illegal to claim sovereignty :azn: P/S: Do not copy paste a bunch of Chinese, English please

Ya with your argument, the Spain should have the sovereignty all over America because they found it first :rofl:

1, YUAN emperor claiming that he is Chinese, YUAN is a Chinese dynasty, if Mongolia would like to become part of China again, you can say that these islands belong to Mongolia because Mongolia is a part of China.

2, China's sovereignty and right to manage not only limited YUAN, from HAN to now, this is a continuous succession.

1. Like Nam Viet of Trieu Da (Zhao Tou), he clamied that he is Vietnamese. Nam Viet is a Vietnamese dynasty, Nam Viet ruled all the South China, so South China belongs to Vietnam :rofl: BTW, don't care Yuan or Mongol, they still didn't set sovereignty on Paracel
2. God, the Spain should have the sovereignty over the whole America :rofl: Why you guys don't know that discover something but do not set sovereignty is still illegal to claim territory :rofl:

Yes, the Republic of China inherited the rights from the Qing Dynasty, PRC inherited the rights from the Republic of China.

When the Qing first claimed those islands, Nguyen's soldiers were standing there with some French :rofl:
In fact, Nguyen lords claimed much more earlier than the Qing so do not use Qing to scare other people :rofl:

Genghis Khan is not part of the Chinese history, but Kublai Khan is.

Just like William the Conqueror was a French Duke, but meanwhile he was undeniably the first King of England and part of the British history.

So do not get angry if Vietnamese claimed Trieu Da (Zhao Tou) as Vietnamese emperor.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2087431 said:
Can you read?

Ya with your argument, the Spain should have the sovereignty all over America because they found it first :rofl:

1. Like Nam Viet of Trieu Da (Zhao Tou), he clamied that he is Vietnamese. Nam Viet is a Vietnamese dynasty, Nam Viet ruled all the South China, so South China belongs to Vietnam :rofl: BTW, don't care Yuan or Mongol, they still didn't set sovereignty on Paracel
2. God, the Spain should have the sovereignty over the whole America :rofl: Why you guys don't know that discover something but do not set sovereignty is still illegal to claim territory :rofl:

When the Qing first claimed those islands, Nguyen's soldiers were standing there with some French :rofl:
In fact, Nguyen lords claimed much more earlier than the Qing so do not use Qing to scare other people :rofl:

So do not get angry if Vietnamese claimed Trieu Da (Zhao Tou) as Vietnamese emperor.

1, no way, my English is not very good, but this is the original information on Chinese history.

2, the Spaniards have a continuous historical inheritance? I said, China not only to discover those islands, also officially manage those islands, and from HAN to the present, without interruption.

3, I can tell you, China based on historical records, it is the official historical data, there is sufficient evidence, starting from the TANG, those islands have been Chinese territory.

4, as I said before, that there is no dispute in China's sovereignty, only occurred in the colonial era, because those islands of Western colonialists wanted, so they "help" in Vietnam, those islands belong to Vietnam? No, they are part of the West, because Vietnam is their colonies.

5, very unfortunately, history has proven that it does not exist, Vietnamese also do not have that strength, so it is just a big mouth.
huzihaidao12 said:
1, YUAN emperor claiming that he is Chinese, YUAN is a Chinese dynasty, if Mongolia would like to become part of China again, you can say that these islands belong to Mongolia because Mongolia is a part of China.

2, China's sovereignty and right to manage not only limited YUAN, from HAN to now, this is a continuous succession.
Lots of people in VN claim they're CHinese , and they found some lands also, but they made benefit for VN, not CHina.
Ha Tien was founded by Mac Cuu, an ethnic Chinese from Guangzhou province, China, who established Ha Tien in 1670 following the fall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644. Mac Cuu left China because he refused to work with the new Manchu rulers. He scoured the south seas until he reached the Ha Tien area, where he procured an agreement with the king of Cambodia and the Nguyen lords of Vietnam, to settle and found the town. Within a few years, Mac Cuu turned Ha Tien into an important port town.

In 1714, Ha Tien came under the ownership of Nguyen Phuc Chu, the lord of Hue, who made Mac Cuu the general of Ha Tien. The town continued to prosper, its revenue derived from gambling and tin mining. Mac Cuu's son Mac Thien Tu inherited his father's work. Under Mac Thien Tu, an army was formed which successfully repelled invasions staged by the Cambodians and Siamese.
Ha Tien | Vietnam for Budget Travelers

Same with YUAN emperor ,he killed Million of CHinese for the benefit for Mongol, not CHina.

huzihaidao12 said:
4, as I said before, that there is no dispute in China's sovereignty, only occurred in the colonial era, because those islands of Western colonialists wanted, so they "help" in Vietnam, those islands belong to Vietnam? No, they are part of the West, because Vietnam is their colonies.

Lots of Chinese helped VN to expand the teritory also, and Ha Tien belong to VN now, no one say it's a part of CHina.
Lots of people in VN claim they're CHinese , and they found some lands also, but they made benefit for VN, not CHina.

Ha Tien | Vietnam for Budget Travelers

Same with YUAN emperor ,he killed Million of CHinese for the benefit for Mongol, not CHina.

Lots of Chinese helped VN to expand the teritory also, and Ha Tien belong to VN now, no one say it's a part of CHina.

1, you definitely do not know what the difference between the emperor and the ordinary people? The YUAN emperor's statement shows YUAN is an ancient Chinese dynasty, it is enough. And I also said that China's sovereignty is not limited YUAN dynasty in the South China, also other dynasties in recorded history.

2, do you think that the number of killings occurred in the history of China? First he is to the interests of Mongolia, but when YUAN inherited the ancient Chinese dynasties, he was part of Chinese history, you are more authoritative than YUAN emperor?

3, Yes, because Vietnam has been independent for a long time in the history, the South China Sea not, but if Vietnam not independent from France, these islands belong to France in the practical sense, not Vietnam, so the West deliberately ignored China's history, those Western information from their deliberate distortion.
huzihaidao12 said:
1, you definitely do not know what the difference between the emperor and the ordinary people? The YUAN emperor's statement shows YUAN is an ancient Chinese dynasty, it is enough. And I also said that China's sovereignty is not limited YUAN dynasty in the South China, also other dynasties in recorded history.

2, do you think that the number of killings occurred in the history of China? First he is to the interests of Mongolia, but when YUAN inherited the ancient Chinese dynasties, he was part of Chinese history, you are more authoritative than YUAN emperor?

3, Yes, because Vietnam has been independent for a long time in the history, the South China Sea not, but if Vietnam not independent from France, these islands belong to France in the practical sense, not Vietnam, so the West deliberately ignored China's history, those Western information from their deliberate distortion.

1. Check again, China was dominated by Mogol, CHina was apart of Mogol, Kublai Khan belong to Mogol , he made benefit for Mogol, not CHina.


http://www.paradoxplace.com/Perspectives/Maps/Mongol Empire.htm

The rule of the Mongol minority was assured by dividing the population of China into four social classes: the Mongols; the central Asians; the northern Chinese and Koreans; and the southern Chinese. The first two classes enjoyed extensive privileges; the third class held an intermediate position; and the southern Chinese, the most numerous of all, were practically barred from state offices.

Kublai Khan Biography - life, history, son, information, born, house, achievements

There were No coutry named CHina that time and southern CHinese was barred from state offices :)
1. Check again, China was dominated by Mogol, CHina was apart of Mogol, Kublai Khan belong to Mogol , he made benefit for Mogol, not CHina.


Map of the Mongol Empire 1200s

Kublai Khan Biography - life, history, son, information, born, house, achievements

There were No coutry named CHina that time and southern CHinese was barred from state offices :)

No matter what the Mongols did, but the truth is that Nansha and xisha belong to China and China can prove that she ruled VN for 1000 years and the left time of VN was a vassal state of China.
No matter what the Mongols did, but the truth is that Nansha and xisha belong to China and China can prove that she ruled VN for 1000 years and the left time of VN was a vassal state of China.
The Truth is: CHina was dominated and enslaved by Mogol and Chinese had to fled to VN to seek for protection, CHinese fled to VN again during Manchus invasion and made some benefit for VN like discovering Ha Tien .

How could VN be CHina's vassal state when CHinese keep fleeing to VN to seek for protection ??:whistle:
1, this logic is very subjective, it is deliberately distorted and wrong. Yes, China has a wide territory, the islands are no major value to the emperor, but the territory is the territory, you can not change it. Emperor of China a few one hundred women in the harem, some woman is definitely not important to the emperor, but they are still the woman of emperor, you marry them, will be beheaded. those islands as well. Also, you may not know, the Emperor of China total want to show is how broad his territory, because he wanted to remember the history of it, this is his achievement. YUAN emperor had sent the navy to patrol the islands, this is the best proof.

2, the islands can live by fishermen, even if the population can not afford large-scale, some of the islands have enough water, he is wrong, those China remains in those islands is sufficient to illustrate this point.

3, I do not deny that it had no great valuein in the past, but it is still China's islands, we have enough evidence to prove that, in history, YUAN emperor had sent the navy to patrol the islands, this is the best proof.

1. Could you showed proofs of these patrols? When was it, how many ships were there, who took the responsibility, are these islands Spratly and Paracel Islands or something else? Does patrol necessarily means possessing? Where is the map, could you show it here? If not, Vietnamese and Philippine can also claim the same that we patrolled these islands every day.

You can look into Taiwan as an example. Taiwan is just next to China, it is big, it is surely inhabitable but Taiwan was only taken by China in 17th century. The reason is not China suddenly became interested in it but because the Hans Chinese was defeated by Manchurian and they had to retreat there to live. The questions are why China did not want to take Taiwan but instead to take some much smaller islands faraway that is so difficult to live? The answer is also the same and very simple, Chinese empire at that time did not take care about marine. They felt that everything from the land is enough for them.

2. The fisherman does not give any sense here. Vietnamese and Philippine fisherman surely stayed in these islands because they are very close to their countries.

"There is substantial archeology showing that today’s Southeast Asians lived on those archipelagos long before written Chinese history. Several waves of settlers arrived in the Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos as far back as 250,000 years. These early peoples sailed or paddled the South China Sea to arrive where their descendents are living today. Although the Spratly and Paracel Islands were too small for permanent habitation, peoples of all the littoral countries fished and economically exploited them before China existed."

3. Return to 1.
Wrong, regardless of the Tang Dynasty and YUAN dynasty have enough records to prove, South China's island has been listed as an official territory.


Song ZHAO Ru appropriate "Zhufan records," a book, said: "Sadamoto five years (AD 789 years) to Joan for the Government House, this lends to Ji Yang ... (now Sanya), is a very sea, dead complex land outside coating there are states, said Uri, said Suzy waves, South for Champa, facing west toward real wax, is a thousand miles east, Changsha, Wanli stone bed, slim yuan occasion, Tianshui same color, "which take not only pointed out the thousands of miles Changsha, Wanli stone bed is China's Nansha Islands, but also stated that as early as the Tang Dynasty has been assigned to a group of islands southwest of Hainan Island in the sand of the vibration state (Song Ji Yang into military) jurisdiction


YUAN dynasty is more clear and specific record. YUAN dynasty is more clear and specific record, which is the official official record.


"Genshi" Geography and the "classification of the Yuan Dynasty territory map" records, including the Nansha Islands in the Yuan Dynasty territory. The "Genshi" records the Yuan navy patrol jurisdiction of the Nansha Islands.

As I told before, please show some official maps of Chinese government as the map I have given in my post. These vague writings do not make much sense. I know that Chinese have a good traditional to produce map for all of their territory. If Chinese empire considered these islands as a part of the country it should include them in the map.
No matter what the Mongols did, but the truth is that Nansha and xisha belong to China and China can prove that she ruled VN for 1000 years and the left time of VN was a vassal state of China.

In fact, Vietnam only paid tribute to China for having peace, Vietnam had an independence foreign relationship, independence political and domestic system and Vietnam never provided any kind of military support to China, e.g. the war with the Mongol or Manchurian, in which China was heavily defeated. Therefore, more precisely, Vietnam is only a tributary state of China.
No matter what the Mongols did, but the truth is that Nansha and xisha belong to China and China can prove that she ruled VN for 1000 years and the left time of VN was a vassal state of China.
To be honest, Vietnam paid tribute to China only to be able to live in peace and not be bullied and invaded by Chinese.
It could hardly be viewed as a vassal state when China did nothing to help Vietnam in fighting against the Siam or the Cambodian militarily, economically or diplomatically. That one-direction relationship should not be called "vassal". Being a vassal state means that you have to pay tribute and then get a full protection-package from your responsible boss.
1. Check again, China was dominated by Mogol, CHina was apart of Mogol, Kublai Khan belong to Mogol , he made benefit for Mogol, not CHina.


Map of the Mongol Empire 1200s

Kublai Khan Biography - life, history, son, information, born, house, achievements

There were No coutry named CHina that time and southern CHinese was barred from state offices :)

That is two different things.

1, this is a country's internal political system, such as the Qing dynasty, he has a privileged system of Manchu, but he is still a Chinese dynasty.

2, you are ignorant of Chinese history of such element into the case (1265.10.15-1307.02.10), the second YUAN emperor, in the important central body, you see how many HAN?


Central Secretariat Pingzhang affairs office when more than two years, a total of nine people: do not neglect wood, posts can be, assassination true, Aru Sa muddy grounds, game Code Red Bayan, Badu Mahindra, Ali, LIANG Gui, Section That the sea, etc., which LIANG Gui Han Chinese, ethnic segment that the sea is unknown, the other 7 per capita are Semu. In the book Youcheng, Zuo Cheng has served more than five years: He Rongzu, Yangyan Long, Zhang Jiusi, Shang Wen, He Wei, are Han Chinese, the Confucian school figures. Shenzhizhengshi to serve more than two years a total of 10 people, including six Han Chinese, Mongolian origin, color eyes family of four.

3, because there is a policy of ethnic discrimination, the YUAN was overthrown by the people, but it does not matter and if the YUAN Dynasty of China.
1. Could you showed proofs of these patrols? When was it, how many ships were there, who took the responsibility, are these islands Spratly and Paracel Islands or something else? Does patrol necessarily means possessing? Where is the map, could you show it here? If not, Vietnamese and Philippine can also claim the same that we patrolled these islands every day.

You can look into Taiwan as an example. Taiwan is just next to China, it is big, it is surely inhabitable but Taiwan was only taken by China in 17th century. The reason is not China suddenly became interested in it but because the Hans Chinese was defeated by Manchurian and they had to retreat there to live. The questions are why China did not want to take Taiwan but instead to take some much smaller islands faraway that is so difficult to live? The answer is also the same and very simple, Chinese empire at that time did not take care about marine. They felt that everything from the land is enough for them.

2. The fisherman does not give any sense here. Vietnamese and Philippine fisherman surely stayed in these islands because they are very close to their countries.

"There is substantial archeology showing that today’s Southeast Asians lived on those archipelagos long before written Chinese history. Several waves of settlers arrived in the Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos as far back as 250,000 years. These early peoples sailed or paddled the South China Sea to arrive where their descendents are living today. Although the Spratly and Paracel Islands were too small for permanent habitation, peoples of all the littoral countries fished and economically exploited them before China existed."

3. Return to 1.

1, there are many historical records, his name is "Chinese territory border", each dynasty, the emperor of China would do the same thing, which is his property and power and you think, if some of the history of South China the sea is recorded in the "territory of a dynasty," you still think he is not clear enough? if that there is a Chinese navy to patrol his territory in the South China Sea, it is not clear enough.

2, I said, come from China, according to our historical records, the text that is to determine if Vietnam, you could get out. And even archeology, it also found the remains of China's enough in those islands.

3, I said, it may be no value in ancient times, but it is still the territory of China and the emperor is, it is not worth to the emperor, but so what? If they are not the territory of the ancient Chinese dynasties, it will be recorded in official statistics? you have a faulty logic, I do not pay sufficient attention in the past, but it is still my thing.

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