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When coterminous Pakistan fought Alexander the Great and almost brought him down to his knees.

Pakistan as a title, name and identity was conjured up on the doctrine of an Islamic state. Without the Islamic identity, Pakistan would be non existent. After the battle of Hydaspes, the Islamic advent began and the majority of Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh kingdoms of current day Pakistan and Afghanistan yielded to and embraced Islam. Hypothetically, if Islam was not promoted in the Indian sub-continent, then Pakistan at least, if not Pakistan and Afghanistan would have become part of current day India after the Anglo-Portuguese invasion of the sub-continent. The cultures and the religions would have assimilated to become one in a fight against the Europeans, in a similar fashion to that which Alexander faced. Historically we know that Muslims refused to remain under the rule of a majority Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist regime and the concept of Pakistan was born. It is shirk/blasphemous to try and mingle the identity of a Hindu king Porus with the concept of Pakistan, whether coterminous or current day. It is beyond belief and reason.
Kaptaan’s type of thinking makes me fear for our future. Our past and future lies in Islam. We take our strength from it. Trying to add to our history reaks of someones personal complex. We are a great nation which follows Islam and its tradition. Trying to add Indian elements to it helps hindu ghar vapasi propaganda.
Should the Egyptians forget their past or should the Romans? You can obviously direct how your future lies but you can't cherry pick your own past. You should be proud of all your heroes and your history. The Hindu ghar wapsi thing is a minor blip within Indian borders.
there was no such thing as pakistan and islam back then, stop lying.

you pakistanis are getting more and more ridiculous these days, where did pakistan or islam come from in 326 bc? neither do you have any claims over the indus valley civilization. so stop lying already.

to all the pakistanis, the world doesn't share your views. they believe it was India and Indians only and not pakisatains

There was no india

Your black neo African ganga *** is not connected to the people of our land
Pakistan as a title, name and identity was conjured up on the doctrine of an Islamic state. Without the Islamic identity, Pakistan would be non existent. After the battle of Hydaspes, the Islamic advent began and the majority of Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh kingdoms of current day Pakistan and Afghanistan yielded to and embraced Islam. Hypothetically, if Islam was not promoted in the Indian sub-continent, then Pakistan at least, if not Pakistan and Afghanistan would have become part of current day India after the Anglo-Portuguese invasion of the sub-continent. The cultures and the religions would have assimilated to become one in a fight against the Europeans, in a similar fashion to that which Alexander faced. Historically we know that Muslims refused to remain under the rule of a majority Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist regime and the concept of Pakistan was born. It is shirk/blasphemous to try and mingle the identity of a Hindu king Porus with the concept of Pakistan, whether coterminous or current day. It is beyond belief and reason.

Top of the morning to you Mr Lyal,

This is quite extreme to be honest. Porus was one of the kings of the region who managed to form an alliance to counter the Macedonian push past the last geographical border between the hills of the Hindu Kush and the plains of Punjab.

This has more to do with Archeology than identity and I have seen countless documentaries and contributed to where they say 'now situtated in modern day Pakistan'.

The Pakistani identity is something different. It is the concept of two separate nations living side by side in the sub continent who have different moral ethical and social infrastructure and a different legal system which is based in the fundamentals of Islam the religion.
Didn't chandra Gupta defeat Alexander and made a peace treaty with him, most/all of Pakistan was already conquered. So how exactly did Pakistan defeat him ?

Gupta empire is a "Hindustani" kingdom , this was the golden age of India.

Didn't chandra Gupta defeat Alexander and made a peace treaty with him, most/all of Pakistan was already conquered. So how exactly did Pakistan defeat him ?

Gupta empire is a "Hindustani" kingdom , this was the golden age of India.


There was no golden age of india, its a myth, these a short lived empires that fell long ago.

The people of this land have nothing in common, nor connection to the dark ganga types in india
There was no golden age of india, its a myth,

Considering your post history , you will deny it even if you time travelled you back.

Here are bob indian sources






these a short lived empires that fell long ago.

Short lived ?

Gupta empire lasted for 250 years that's more than the British rule in India.
The people of this land have nothing in common, nor connection to the dark ganga types in india

Another racist comment , the last thing I want is to be associated with racists like yourself . I really don't care weather you want to forget about your roots, believe you are Arab aliens from mars for all I care.
Didn't chandra Gupta defeat Alexander
Which history have you been reading? Gupta never fought Alexander. Please refer to maps of Alexander's campain in coterminous Pakistan. Or else please cite me a source that mentions Guptas and Alexander even breathing the same air?

And I have no idea why some are bringing up Islam or issues attendant to faith. That is for today. We are talking of over 2,000 years even before Christianity saw light of the day.
Which history have you been reading? Gupta never fought Alexander. Please refer to maps of Alexander's campain in coterminous Pakistan. Or else please cite me a source that mentions Guptas and Alexander even breathing the same air?

He most definitely did. After your surrender monkey thread, you should be the first one to recognize Indian achievements in Asia. :rolleyes:
Out of respect for your age,
Don't. Trust me I probably look younger than you and probably can jog as fast and as far as you can. So feel free to say what you want, please.

Gupta empire is a "Hindustani" kingdom
While I don't agree with the exact extent of these boundaries but without a doubt this was a achievement down to a Ganga/India based empire.

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Don't. Trust me I probably look younger than you and probably can jog as fast and as far as you can. So feel free to say what you want, please.

While I don't agree with the exact extent of these boundaries but without a doubt this was a achievement down to a Ganga/India based empire.


I've seen your picture, so I'd have to disagree.

The map that you've shown looks like utter and complete bullshit. Thar desert is now under Indian control? I mean honestly, there has been no one that has ever controlled those bad lands. At best, today there are markers that differentiate the border. Other than that, that was actually a natural buffer zone between Indians and those of modern day Sindh and then the Saraikis of the North. But Okay. You are the expert here. What do I know?
I've seen your picture, so I'd have to disagree.
Okay. But age does not give me any especial rights so please feel free to say what you want to. Many young people grow to be to old fools so age is no surity of anything.

The map that you've shown looks like utter and complete bullshit.
Which map? And what "monkey thread?
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