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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

Immediately after the Charlie Hebdo attack the incitement campaign against Jews was started. Drawing this type of cartoons:


Of course its complete false. Charlie Hebdo did made cartoons against Jews and Israel, including the Holocaust and Moses:





Super cute Hitler says: hello Jews, how are you? (sounds same as how is gas?)


4 Jews were killed just for being Jews, not enough for u? U need more?

People can't admit that this SATIRE newspaper was also making caricatures about Jews... Christians.... politics.
People here are critizing this SATIRE newspaper,and they haven't even read it........ i wonder if they knew that this SATIRE newspaper existed before this attack.
The persons that were making this SATIRE newspaper were probably the least racist persons in the world.
Muslims were even working with them and one has been killed.... "Mustapha Ourad".
People have to stop thinking that everything is targeting just islam.
Tbh Gabriel, they targeted extremists of all kind (political, religious etc).
I don't like the amalgam between shoah and religious figures. One is a historical fact that did exist (list of dead are open), the rest is religions. They targeted at clerics and extremists, not religions.
Bur nvm
People can't admit that this SATIRE newspaper was also making caricatures about Jews... Christians.... politics.
People here are critizing this SATIRE newspaper,and they haven't even read it........ i wonder if they knew that this SATIRE newspaper existed before this attack.
The persons that were making this SATIRE newspaper were probably the least racist persons in the world.
Muslims were even working with them and one has been killed.... "Mustapha Ourad".
People have to stop thinking that everything is targeting just islam.

to be honest, it cant be helped.

Muslim think you shouldnt make fun of their god, maybe thats true , one should not make fun with their god, problem is, normal muslim wont go out to kill people when you poke fun of mohammad, but extremist does

Even though they condemn the terrorist act, that doesnt equate to they are okay about you make fun of allah and islam. Then they will still trying to nick pick this .

not saying they will cut you up or soemthing but mostly they just dont get or accept satire, they dont know why one need to make fun of something

Let us keep the discussion on the content of the posts rather than the posters themselves.

lol trying to, but he just keep coming
Yeah it is not difficult to see who is having problem to understand that you can live without hurting or provoking others feelings, people from foreign culture need to realize that it is none of their f**king business every time to mock or interfere in others beliefs. If you are so offended by Muslim world or any other religion keep yourself to shit hole where you live do not go places and try to change their culture or make fun of their beliefs. And same goes for any Muslim who is living in West and is trying to change or complains about Western culture, those dick heads should have considered the cultural gap before leaving their home towns.

I am a Muslim and by God if I have to enter a Hindu temple or a Church or a Synagogue or any other religious place, I will afford all those places the same respect as a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew would, because I understand that my non responsible idiotic attitude can hurt people who hold these places holy to them. Come out of your "our way of life is better than others" complex and act mature, sensible and responsible. You must be new in the world but these cultures and religions have been here long before even you were conceived. I would again say Freedom of speech does not give me any right to insult / mock or hurt others feelings because I am no better than any other period.

No, You can't live without hurting or provoking others' feelings. They will always cases where differences in belief and culture will "hurt and provokes" other communities with different culture and belief. The solution is for everyone to get over it and accept everyone's freedom of expression.

For example:
1. Butchering Cow will hurts Hindus and some Buddhists' belief. So by your way of thought muslim should stop butchering cow in public during Eid Al-Adha?
2. Having swastika appear in public will hurts Jews' and Germans' feeling. So by your way of thought, Buddhist and Hindus should stop using swastika symbols?
3. Using the word "Negro" will hurts Black-Americans' feeling. So by your way of thought, Spanish speaking peoples need to stop using that word (means black) in their language?

If everything is so insulting and I need to refrain doing those so I won't get death threat , then it is tantamount to censorship. I could even invented some outrageous claim that your certain way of life is insulting and hurt my feelings, the example of "Insulting Islam" case futher proves the point. Talking about atheism = "Hurt Muslims' feeling", Sell pork in front of muslims in public area = "Hurt Muslims' Feeling", Displaying cross (red cross) in public = "Hurt Muslims' Feeling", drawing prophet = "Hurt Muslims' Feeling"; criticizing Islam = "Hurt muslims' feeling", in the end it would tantamount to everything not Islamic = "Hurts Muslims feelings". So the only way not to hurt muslims' feeling is to follow muslims' way of life. That's how it is happening in Europe.

That is not the case though~ you could actually satirizing Jews and Holocaust in Europe, even in Israel~ The only one prohibited is to deny that holocaust happen.
There are even contest called "Israeli Anti-semitic cartoons Contest":


The Guardian's Steve Bell on the Charlie Hebdo attack.Photo: via The Guardian.
Equating a cartoonist with crazy murderous jihadists.Terrorism apologism at its finest.

Also ,for every other loonatic screaming about laws against Holocaust denial...6 million Jews were rounded up and gassed,shot,starved and worked to death in a 5 year span.And this happenned in the 20th century Europe.Yes Europe does its best to come to therms with that and ensure this won't happen again.How can this be equal with drawing a cartoon ???? It can't ! This only shows that many muslims,under the guise of being moderates are exactly the same like those terrorists.

It's frightening ,PDF only shows that many muslims are apologists for those terrorists,the silent muslim majority has the same mindset as jihadists nutjobs.You know them instantly when they start their naration with..."I don't agree with those killings but...*insert ...Western hypocrisy,Charlie Hebdo was bad man,etc...* in here.

Are these guys muslim apologists too?

Russian Orthodox Activists Say Charlie Hebdo Shooting Was 'Just Punishment' | News | The Moscow Times

Or is it too much to ask from you guys to not to present bigotry and hate speech in the garb of free speech.
I think they are saying this because of the pussy riot trail.

now we will here from all the international media.

It is pretty easy. Not attack someone's religious figure and you can still present your criticism for Islamic extremism.
Yea try looking up how bill Maher your idol was slashed by an actor and then by a scholar called Reza Aslan

I am sure you can search that too when you can search rubbish!

Salman Rushdi eh? The same one who doesnt have a degree in Islam but is called everytime by bigots to bash a religion he has no idea about...Lovely!

As for
‘When There’s This Many Bad Apples,’ Orchard’s Rotten

1000 out of 1-5 billion is a very pathetic sample size to conclude...there goes your basic statistics RIP!
Let us take the apologist's pathetic argument and bring it a little closer to home:

The Peshawar school massacre is to be condemned, no matter what. Or shall we try to argue that it was only an understandable reaction to the killings being carried out by the Army in FATA. Getting angry at me? Wait. Let me say this:

"I have not defended what they did. By pointing out how it happened or why it is happening is not a defense."

(Is it okay now? No, it is NOT.)

Funny how the apologists fall silent after this post, only to try and divert the thread to statistics (of all things!).

Pathetic. And still despicable.
That's where i say you don't know much about this law......and yet you are trying to criticize it existence.

To be honest, it's probably my bad, i did assume you know something about Gayssot Act, which is the law outlaw Holocaust Denier, but obliviously I am wrong, you seems like you know nothing about this law.

The act itself does not solely outlaw Holocaust, but it outlaw EVERY DENIER THEORY ON CRIME AGAINST HUMINITY. The law stated that way because it is aginast racial discrimination for any group of people discussing and denialing any crime that committed against a particular group of people.

In this sense, if any French Citizens talk about or denied the holocaust exist, that can be translated into Racial Discrimination. And this is done fairly so by gurantee ANY TYPE OF CRIME AGAINST HUMINITY.

So, as an example, if the French or anyone kills a lot of muslim before and committed what outlined as "Crime Against Huminity" against Muslim, the law would apply and "Muslim Holocaust" denial or denier would be outlaw as per Gayssot Act.

As for what and how some crime to be determined as a Crime Against Huminity, that would be another story and this is not related to the french at all, it is related to the London Conference in 1945.

By the way, the Gayssot Act does not just passed after WW2, in fact it was passed in 1990, and if the law outlaw EVERY denial/denier Crime against Huminity, i don't see how hypocritic or double standard the law can be? And religion and Histroical facts are two different and seperate issue, hence you cannot denial Jewish Holocaust exist, but you can have a fair go on the Jew, it would be the same if anyone committed a "Crime against Huminity" scale atrosity toward muslim, that would be illegal to denied that but still muslim and mohammad is fair go.

In fact, the International human and political court have judge in favor of the French government on this laaw and say this does not violate any human and political right on anyone. And that's not EU court, that's an International court



What i was saying is that Freedom of speech do still need to respect to the law, and no, we cannot say something like "There is no harm saying this" Be that a physical threat or simply a joke.

Try this for a size,

what happen if i say "I have a bomb" in an airport?
What happen if i say This bank is out of cash?
What happened if i say you are gay without actually knowing??

There are a lot of law that seems to go against the "Freedom of Speech" and yes, indeed you have your right to say whatever you want, but the court of law also have the right to prosecute you from saying said thing, IF THEY ARE OUT OF SCOPE OF THE LAW

Now, do I made myself clear?

lol, is Mr D again.

as usually, you are in the right and I am in the wrong, you know Europe (infact everywhere) better than I am or anyone that live there.

I am surprise you are still posting, why don't you just call me a "Bigot" or "Uneducated" and correct my grammar, and say your English is better than mind? And then called me a loser and declare yourselves a winner and get this over with ??


go-go Mr D. I am starting a Mr.D fan club who want to join?? @gambit @US_statedept_retired @Syed.Ali.Haider ?

In all serious, all your question have been answered by my previous post, take it or leave, but please do not quote me again
So you tried to compare questioning a historical event to threatening someone's life which was a really bad analogy in itself and now you continue to try and justify a law that suppresses freedom of speech.

Whether if six million Jews were gassed or not, why should anyone get jailed for questioning it?? And why should someone go to jail just for stating "gee i wonder if six million Jews were really gassed by the Nazis". Your initial reasoning was because it hurts the feelings of a certain people. So what about the feelings of millions of Muslims when the likes of Charlie Hebdo draw cartoons of Muslim religious/historical figures??

Oh, but then you tried to come up with another excuse for defending a law that denies anyone the right to simply ask a harmless question regarding a historical event (holocaust).
So you tried to compare questioning a historical event to threatening someone's life which was a really bad analogy in itself and now you continue to try and justify a law that suppresses freedom of speech.

Whether if six million Jews were gassed or not, why should anyone get jailed for questioning it?? And why should someone go to jail just for stating "gee i wonder if six million Jews were really gassed by the Nazis". Your initial reasoning was because it hurts the feelings of a certain people. So what about the feelings of millions of Muslims when the likes of Charlie Hebdo draw cartoons of Muslim religious/historical figures??

Oh, but then you tried to come up with another excuse for defending a law that denies anyone the right to simply ask a harmless question regarding a historical event (holocaust).

lol did you actually look at the law before commenting? Or you complete ly disregard what i have quote and what the law actually say so you can make your point?

lol you amaze me dude, so keep going

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