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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

Sorry, I have not read the Quran, but why is it that you are so upset about the drawings? Is it seriously because of the reason you just gave?

Are you kidding me? I am not allowed to draw the face of 1,400 years old guy because I cannot be sure how he looked like o_O Where would we be heading for if explanations like this one came up all the time :rolleyes:

And it does not freaking matter what you gain for it... whether you gain from it or not is your own choice! Thats your personal freedom
Did I say I am upset?
You asked WHY PEOPLE get upset I answer WHY PEOPLE MAY GET upset!

Why include me when you want it to be objective?

Yeah...We can blame the girls who got killed for going to school. After all, did they not see the Taliban coming ?
Now you tell me did they?

Did you give them a warning?

Bigotry is a trait you cherish it seems! I talked about a career CHOSEN! Did the girls chose which country to be born in? Differentiate CHOICE from NO CHOICE!

It was the choice of the cartoonists to do what they wanted to do with their skill...They could have been in animation, making children cartoon instead of spreading hatred under the banner of freedom of speech...THATS THEIR CHOICE!
Now you tell me did they?

Did you give them a warning?

Bigotry is a trait you cherish it seems! I talked about a career CHOSEN! Did the girls chose which country to be born in? Differentiate CHOICE from NO CHOICE!

It was the choice of the cartoonists to do what they wanted to do with their skill...They could have been in animation, making children cartoon instead of spreading hatred under the banner of freedom of speech...THATS THEIR CHOICE!
No...But the girls -- and their parents -- chose school. Going by your argument, the girls and their parents are at fault for the girls' deaths. They knew the threat and they chose to defy the threat. So just like the cartoonists who 'deserved' their fates when they defied the threat from the Islamists, so do these girls.
No...But the girls -- and their parents -- chose school. Going by your argument, the girls and their parents are at fault for the girls' deaths. They knew the threat and they chose to defy the threat. So just like the cartoonists who 'deserved' their fates when they defied the threat from the Islamists, so do these girls.
Did they choose the school? How many schools were in that area? Can you tell that?

Going by your argument it is fine to insult anyone but without strings attached! If the children had picked a fight with the terrorist ONLY then can you equate it otherwise it is a pathetic comparison!

DID I SAY DESERVED? Show me where I said deserved ...Stop putting your backward thinking as other's words!

You are comparing innocent people who barely had a tv in their homes to those who make a money mocking

I am saddened to know human like you exist!

I have repeatedly condemned what those idiots murderers did but any analysis by a Muslim is flawed and thrown back with baseless shit even picking up death of young children? If you cant argue no one is waiting for your opinion! Something disgusting is disgusting no matter from which angle you wish to see it...

Killing was very wrong SO was the drawing for some people!

If you cant condemn both you arent very neutral
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Did they choose the school?
No...They chose to go to school. They had two choices: Go to school or not go to school.

The girls -- and their parents -- chose to go to school despite the know threat from the Islamists. So going by your argument, if the French cartoonists 'deserved' their deaths because they chose to draw Muhammad, then the girls also 'deserved' their deaths because they -- and their parents -- chose to go to school.

Not a smart guy, are you ?
No...They chose to go to school. They had two choices: Go to school or not go to school.
I reported this as you are being a clear cut bigot!
The girls -- and their parents -- chose to go to school despite the know threat from the Islamists. So going by your argument, if the French cartoonists 'deserved' their deaths because they chose to draw Muhammad, then the girls also 'deserved' their deaths because they -- and their parents -- chose to go to school.

Not a smart guy, are you ?
Only an idiot like you can twist my words so bad! Carry on in your delusional world where no one should take charge of their doings! Carry on but dont ever quote me!!

Till now you have NOT been able to show me where I said deserved! So in your delusional world you can just pull out of thin air and think it is SMART of you to defer the truth!

Your words in your delusional mind to prove you are smart ..take some meds and go back to bed!

You= (in this case) one (generalization)..
Thank you for clarifying that!

You= (in this case) one (generalization)..
Next time just write people...its easier to read when soo many people are throwing their opinions at random people on a public platform! :unsure:
I reported this as you are being a clear cut bigot!
How is that 'bigotry' to get my post deleted ? Did I called anyone any names based on their race and religion ? You and whoever that deleted my post have the wrong notion of what is 'bigotry'. In this case, you do not like your own argument turned in your face so you used the word 'bigot' in as broad a context as possible.

Am going to try to spell out your seriously flawed argument for the last time...

You said that the French cartoonists are at fault because they knew of the threat. You did not used the word 'deserved' but that is the essence of your argument. You are too cowardly to use to use the word 'deserved'.

Likewise, if we use your own logic, the girls -- and their parents -- knew of the Taliban threat but they chose to go to school anyway. Not which school. That mean under your logic, the girls -- and their parents -- are at fault.

You do not like your own logic so you cast my argument as 'bigotry' and got my post deleted. Congratulations on your own extremism.
How is that 'bigotry' to get my post deleted ?
I dont think it got deleted, just removed until a mod checks it! If I am at wrong it will be back and I will be told off for my behaviour!
Did I called anyone any names based on their race and religion ?
No but you did discredit a perfectly proper analysis with bigotry of children! If you had brought in say I dont know what field goes and coaxes terrorist and challenges them to attack them...the cartoonists wrote France was safe...I dont mean to side the bloody terrorists but for trigger happy lunatics its an invitation! You want to learn more of this side you can take up a course on war and terrorism ...I am taking it up and it does help you think from both angles!

When you call them EXTREMISTS how can you not expect them to behave as such while INVITING an open invitation?
You and whoever that deleted my post have the wrong notion of what is 'bigotry'. In this case, you do not like your own argument turned in your face so you used the word 'bigot' in as broad a context as possible.
I dont have the power to delete any posts!

Am going to try to spell out your seriously flawed argument for the last time...

You said that the French cartoonists are at fault because they knew of the threat. You did not used the word 'deserved' but that is the essence of your argument. You are too cowardly to use to use the word 'deserved'.
Believe me I am not a coward like you who wishes not to wake up at the notion of a wrong! The very fact that you had to call me that was already showing that you have no argument but to call names! Lovely isnt it?

Had I wanted to use that word why the hell would I be afraid of an unknown online? Seriously is that how limited your image is?

Likewise, if we use your own logic, the girls -- and their parents -- knew of the Taliban threat but they chose to go to school anyway. Not which school. That mean under your logic, the girls -- and their parents -- are at fault.
that logic is soo flawed it is actually in your face!

It was wrong for people to challenge trigger happy people and for your info those girls (it was a boys school 1stly) were killed NOT coz they went to school BUT coz their parents were busy killing terrorist!
Again I ask:

When you call them EXTREMISTS how can you not expect them to behave as such while INVITING an open invitation?
You do not like your own logic so you cast my argument as 'bigotry' and got my post deleted. Congratulations on your own extremism.
You didnt like my logic it is not my fault...What is your age btw? Somewhere between 5-10 or 80-100 coz your lack of knowledge and arguing skills are within that range only!

Thank you!

Please be aware that arguing with Dr. Aafia's MiniMe is an exercise in frustration in the environment managed at PDF.
Oh yes Captain America to the rescue! Thank you for the personal attack when you cant reply ...And as always reported for personal attack!

The very fact that Dr.Afia can be stronger than 2 trained American uniform men and is thrown without trial and raped repeatedly in captive shows exactly how low you can go!
The cartoonist who had drawn abusive cartoons against the honor of Prophet was the offender and should've been tried under the law. Islam doesn't permit individuals to act anywhere and individual acts are as condemn-able as individual soldiers trying to rage war against a country. This is where concept of state and responsibility of state gets into picture.

According to you what the cartoonists did was blasphemy and since there is this "consensus" among Muslims on it being a crime punishable by death, you are saying that they should have been tried first and then executed properly? Is that correct?

Please note that the term "Dr. Aafi's MiniMe" is intended as a term of endearment, not a personal attack, just like "Captain America".


Please note that the term "Dr. Aafi's MiniMe" is intended as a term of endearment, not a personal attack, just like "Captain America".

Unfortunately for you Captain America didnt actually get dragged to jail over terrorist accusations! Keep lying it keeps the satan in you strong ;)

Captain America isnt seen a bad guy even by 1 person on the planet!
Just as Dr. Aafia is a heroine to her followers! :lol:

Back to the topic:

Will all the million copies of CH sell well and become a collector's item?
According to you what the cartoonists did was blasphemy and since there is this "consensus" among Muslims on it being a crime punishable by death, you are saying that they should have been tried first and then executed properly? Is that correct?
Yup...That is what he meant. Religious laws, specifically Islam's, must trump national laws. And if some Muslims took it upon themselves to act to 'protect' and/or 'avenge' The Prophet, the offenders, in this case the cartoonists, are to blamed for their deaths.
Yup...That is what he meant. Religious laws, specifically Islam's, must trump national laws. And if some Muslims took it upon themselves to act to 'protect' and/or 'avenge' The Prophet, the offenders, in this case the cartoonists, are to blamed for their deaths.

Mr. @gambit;

Keeping respect, you are still not appointed as my personal attorney or spokesperson. You can avoid explaining my point of view until you are granted this job. I will respond to @TurAr what I have to.

Mr. @gambit;

Keeping respect, you are still not appointed as my personal attorney or spokesperson. You can avoid explaining my point of view until you are granted this job. I will respond to @TurAr what I have to.

This is a publicly accessible forum where everyone's opinions are available to see. You do not like it ? Tough shit.

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