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What's up with Pakistani rupee?

Sir this time i disagree my entire ex class mates,ex university fellows are supporters of imran khan. I told them that it is not good to trust IK blindly but their reaction was horrible. They punished me:(

I don't trust any political party, infact I don't trust ANYONE. But if you don't trust IK, doesn't mean you should start supporting NS. NS is corrupt, so is PPP, MQM, ANP, PML-Q, PML(rest of abcd), JUI, JI etc etc...They're all corrupt and their corruption is out there for everyone to see. PTI so far has been the only party that protests against the corruption.
Based on this info, PTI seems to be the best option right now.
I don't trust any political party, infact I don't trust ANYONE. But if you don't trust IK, doesn't mean you should start supporting NS. NS is corrupt, so is PPP, MQM, ANP, PML-Q, PML(rest of abcd), JUI, JI etc etc...They're all corrupt and their corruption is out there for everyone to see. PTI so far has been the only party that protests against the corruption.
Based on this info, PTI seems to be the best option right now.

PTI talk and action are two opposite things.

So far they have done exact same things that other out of power parties have done.

An ugly girl can claim virginity all the time.

Who cares.
It is all link to political stability. With a fresh new political turmoil,l Rupee' s value is bound to go down a bit.
PTI talk and action are two opposite things.

So far they have done exact same things that other out of power parties have done.

An ugly girl can claim virginity all the time.

Who cares.

What ever buddy, atleast PTI is not full of street thugs and murderers and smugglers and money launderers (with proof in court)....
A freely floating currency and lesser trade regulations would solve the entire problem...If the ruppee is going down, let it. It will eventually get to an equilibrium point where you wouldn't loose forex reserves every year. It could cause short term price inflation (unpopular for the government) but solve the entire thing in the long run.

Like all sensible solutions, this has no chance of being implemented in Pakistan. Who looks at the long run?
Google how many billion dollar loans only "this" gov has taken since its inception..compare them with rest and then compare the overall effect on a common man ...!
Google? You mean find out propaganda machine of PTI which says Pakistan was having 3 trillion loan and gone to 8 trillion after his loan, please spare me for it.

I go with ground reality which shows, loan automatically getting decrease by dollar drop, IMF satisfied with repayment, and stock exchange gone madly high, because of all positive things happening in Pakistan, and dharana did hurt that all initialy.
Google? You mean find out propaganda machine of PTI which says Pakistan was having 3 trillion loan and gone to 8 trillion after his loan, please spare me for it.

I go with ground reality which shows, loan automatically getting decrease by dollar drop, IMF satisfied with repayment, and stock exchange gone madly high, because of all positive things happening in Pakistan, and dharana did hurt that all initialy.
Do u even know how much billion makes a trillion? 1000 billion...so PTI is not that stupid to circulate this lie..google it if you want to otherwise every "sensible" person knows how much loans this gov has taken..!
Do u even know how much billion makes a trillion? 1000 billion...so PTI is not that stupid to circulate this lie..google it if you want to otherwise every "sensible" person knows how much loans this gov has taken..!

PTI spread that lie, and i debunk that at that time on PDF. I go with proofs, rather than speculations.

Last i am not supporter of anything, but to burn Imran Khan, its good to praise current government while quoting you guys.

PTI spread that lie, and i debunk that at that time on PDF. I go with proofs, rather than speculations.

Last i am not supporter of anything, but to burn Imran Khan, its good to praise current government while quoting you guys.

Why are you shy to do any research to back your claim that this gov has not taken greater loan than previous ones?
Why are you shy to do any research to back your claim that this gov has not taken greater loan than previous ones?

Research on the topic where i aleeady did an research.. spare me please... i have better things to do, going through samething again n again.

Right now i am not on my computer, otherwise could search for limk where i debunk this whole lies from PTI.
Research on the topic where i aleeady did an research.. spare me please... i have better things to do, going through samething again n again.

Right now i am not on my computer, otherwise could search for limk where i debunk this whole lies from PTI.
Dont ran away now... List of loans taken by PML-N since May 2013 this is the link proving how much loan PML-N gov has taken with sources... and their is not a single comment by you... !

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