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whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

Pakistan Sepoy Army has signed up for Pax Americana as a vassal state which has been morally politically and militarily defeatd and has no choice but to be inline with India's interest. As such sepoys have betrayed the Kashmiri freedom struggle to the point that BLA and TTP are getting order of magnitude higher level of support by Indians and even Iranians that we provided to Kashmiris even though Kashmir was our "jugular vein". When was the last time there were multiple attacks with multiple casualties within the same month in IOK, leave alone on a daily basis as we have in Balochistan and KPK.

Kashmir Jihad ka fund bhi Belgium farm houses ki nazar ho gaya.
Doesn't this kind of prove that insurgency in Kashmir was mostly due to Pakistan's support & by its own there's not much unrest.

Maybe thought should be put into this aspect & let the people achieve peace at least on one of your borders.
because we dont want to breach and give them an excuse that we are helping with infiltration.. Afghans are metal thieves there is no comparison.

he fancies some metal thieving.
Afghans are metal thieves.

instead of metal fencing . we should have put concrete T walls like below along Pak Afghan border.


There should be 20 Miles DMZ on Afghanistan side. We need to build surveillance towers and install sensors to make sure TTP & Smugglers don’t enter Pakistan. If they trying to enter DMZ, there are multiple ways to handle it. Alarm and warning (pre-recorded message) can be setup, warning shots and UAV can be used to either scared them or send them to hell.
Try and find out for yourself...

History should be a good guide,

Since centuries, the people from arid afghanistan have invaded the fertile lands to the east.
due to that factor, the afghans are smugglers by nature.

They have destroyed Pakistan due to smuggling drugs, guns, electronics, auto parts INTO Pakistan, and taking wheat, rice, oil, ghee, and DOLLARS OUT of pakistan.

That said, the border between India/Pakistan is mostly plains.
whereas the western border is not habitable and almost mostly mountainous.
Afghanistan under the current regime is a rag tag. Warlords kind of coalition with all of them exerting their influence where they can with Kabul not able to control all of them. It can also be used as a ruse by Kabul to maintain deniability.

The current Afghan regime, has a lot of men who haven't done anything else than fighting a guerrilla kind of warfare since their childhood. They themselves don’t know what to do with them.
That is the reason Taliban‘s would remain a pain for all their border countries.

Indian side border fence was made by India and small attempts are made by Paksiatn to push in elements they want to. The scale can’t be as big as Afghanistan due to structured and professional nature of both the armies.

Loss of life of soldiers is taken seriously by professional armies. Which isn’t the case with Afghan fighters.

Even if PA wants, they can’t take military action as they can with Indian side. Afghans have nothing else to do or loose. Military action against guerrilla kind of fighting force is much more difficult than that with an established force.

Only way to cool the tempers down is means other than full scale military action.

Pakistan has serious concerns of RSS chaddi militia to overrun the meagerly provisioned Indian border fence. India must invest in infrastructure rather than an arms race.
Pakistan has serious concerns of RSS chaddi militia to overrun the meagerly provisioned Indian border fence.
Misplaced concern. All these people make noise only for making noise. Half of these would s##it in pants if one bullet goes within a metre.
Even government wouldn’t allow anyone to access the borders like this.

It isn’t meagrely provisioned in any way. It is one of the most militarised borders in the world and monitored and guarded very well.

RSS and BJP have come to power not long back. The fence was installed during Congress regime. The fence has come at a huge cost and it was considered a worthwhile investment to stop certain cross border activities.

Arms races aren’t under one side’s control. It is governed by what the other side is doing. Entire Indian border with China has poor infra on the Indian side. Chinese have done wonders in this aspect. Was it for civilian population? Could be but mostly for military usage. The premise for lack of work in the Indian side was lack of possibility of a conflict with China, till Galwan happened and some eyes were opened.

India can’t match Chinese one to one. But it needs to develop adequate deterrence capability. Sadly, it comes at the cost of feeding the hungry and improving living standards.
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There should be 20 Miles DMZ on Afghanistan side. We need to build surveillance towers and install sensors to make sure TTP & Smugglers don’t enter Pakistan. If they trying to enter DMZ, there are multiple ways to handle it. Alarm and warning (pre-recorded message) can be setup, warning shots and UAV can be used to either scared them or send them to hell.
he fancies some metal thieving.
Afghans are metal thieves.

instead of metal fencing . we should have put concrete T walls like below along Pak Afghan border.
I agree with a solid border wall where it applicable to do so.

according to rumour mills there is a 'ghapla' on the fencing that's being dismantled.
RSS and BJP have come to power not long back. The fence was installed during Congress regime. The fence has come at a huge cost and it was considered a worthwhile investment to stop certain cross border activities.
these fences serve for cosmetic and image preposes as well from the political point of view to show that the government is doing its part to prevent the infiltration and smuggling etc. .
they are visual deterrent, hardcore insurgents/ terrorists or regular troops wont have trouble destroying them,
the landmines are far more effective discrete and inexpensive.

the Afghans simply use mortars to destroy the fences and tribesmen on either side simply steal the scape metal.
these fences serve for cosmetic and image preposes as well from the political point of view to show that the government is doing its part to prevent the infiltration and smuggling etc. .
Yes. Just the fence in itself only creates a facade for the uninitiated. But the fence is associated with other multiple and additional features that makes crossing a little difficult. Cameras, lights, roads and other sensors are installed along with the fence and make surveillance a little easier.
Those determined would still find ways to bypass such barriers. Not very easy though.

the landmines are far more effective discrete and inexpensive.
Laying of land mines has its own protocols and problems. Fencing the areas and then guarding it is required. Locals and farmers have fields all along the border which would get affected, if land mines are laid.
Even heavily mined borders haven’t deterred people from crossing over between North and South Korea.

Between India and Paksiatn, any border crossing detected, always has diplomatic and military repercussions, that no responsible nation state would like to be associated with. This is something completely missing in Afghanistan under Taliban. They give two hoots to anyone saying anything against them.

Whenever I see pictures of Taliban officials, they appear to be saying - kar lo jo karna hai. Hum to aise hi hain.
Hindu hatred is due to you people wanting to wipe us out.
Pakistan also has been wiping out other minority groups too,especially religious ones --- Shiites, Hazaras, Ahmadiya, just the facts- recent reports confirmed this- its sad- said that Pakistan as a country cant live peacefully with indigine/original peoples from its area who are of a different religion.

Had to mention this because its bad, and its a bad habit that Pakistan needs to stop, Pakistan can learn a bit from Iran, so can Afghanistan too, but i feel Afghanistan has improved in its tolerance of minorities compared to were it was 10-20 years ago.
Like to this day you people make countless videos about wiping us out.
Modi and new India are now here- those days of hit and run are over, even China cant hit and run in ladakh anymore.
Not going to defend Pak army, we have already established they are a messed up institution.
be proud of your modernizing, large, able military.
There is nothing wrong in reclaiming your property. Not only that there are hundreds of mosques that were built on mandirs. Somnath temple wad looted and destroyed by invaders 7 times and it had to be rebuild 7 times. Itihaas gava hai.
Show me the deeds if they were your property.
You people are just looters with government sanction.

Pakistan also has been wiping out other minority groups too,especially religious ones --- Shiites, Hazaras, Ahmadiya, just the facts- recent reports confirmed this- its sad- said that Pakistan as a country cant live peacefully with indigine/original peoples from its area who are of a different religion.

Had to mention this because its bad, and its a bad habit that Pakistan needs to stop, Pakistan can learn a bit from Iran, so can Afghanistan too, but i feel Afghanistan has improved in its tolerance of minorities compared to were it was 10-20 years ago.

Modi and new India are now here- those days of hit and run are over, even China cant hit and run in ladakh anymore.

be proud of your modernizing, large, able military.
I love how you people NEVER deny that you want to wipe us out. Instead it's just a series of whataboutisms.
You people project so hard that makes you sh!t in the streets.
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