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whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

Pakistani special forces and volunteer fighters will breaching loc until very recently when ceasefire happened. Breaching loc for any state won’t be hard but what comes after will be hard to deal with. Our enemies know we can breach loc and send mujahids there. Our enemy witnessed the damage these mujahids can cause. Just recently the attacks in Poonch and Rajouri proved this.
But the issue is our enemy isn’t asleep. They try distract us and make us spend resources and fight in other areas. Our bigger and powerful enemy does everything to keep us distracted and away. It has launched Hybrid Warfare against us on all fronts. From political and economical go insurgencies. It is doing everything to break us.
That’s also why it’s not feasible for us to start a war with Afghanistan like many people on this forum wants. We need to act smartly and counter our enemies moves smartly since we don’t have enough resources as them and can’t handle wars on two fronts. I’ve always maintained that we can keep Afghanistan in check by using proxies and carrot and stick policy. I’ve also always maintained that we don’t turn our population against us and only resort to military operations as last resort because major military operations in Balochistan and FATA is what our enemy wants us to do. Yes do Operations against terrorists but if we be excessive and forget the real enemy it will cost us heavily.

Pakistani special forces and volunteer fighters will breaching loc until very recently when ceasefire happened. Breaching loc for any state won’t be hard but what comes after will be hard to deal with. Our enemies know we can breach loc and send mujahids there. Our enemy witnessed the damage these mujahids can cause. Just recently the attacks in Poonch and Rajouri proved this.

Unfortunately to say that if you have a such motive to support terrorist activity within India then India has every right to do whatever your government claims.
Pakistani special forces and volunteer fighters will breaching loc until very recently when ceasefire happened. Breaching loc for any state won’t be hard but what comes after will be hard to deal with. Our enemies know we can breach loc and send mujahids there. Our enemy witnessed the damage these mujahids can cause. Just recently the attacks in Poonch and Rajouri proved this.

Unfortunately to say that if you have a such motive to support terrorist activity within India then India has every right to do whatever your government claims.
Terrorist are Indian occupational forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

United Nations, UNGA resolution 37/43 allows armed struggle against illegal occupiers:
“…the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.

Just cuz your terrorist regimes crimes are ignored by the west, it doesn’t make it makes armed struggle not allowed against your occupational forces.

Kashmiris fight and kill occupational forces in their territory and are protected by UNGA resolution 37/43.

So the only terrorist is your government and your occupational soldiers.
Terrorist are Indian occupational forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

United Nations, UNGA resolution 37/43 allows armed struggle against illegal occupiers:
“…the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.

Just cuz your terrorist regimes crimes are ignored by the west, it doesn’t make it makes armed struggle not allowed against your occupational forces.

Kashmiris fight and kill occupational forces in their territory and are protected by UNGA resolution 37/43.

So the only terrorist is your government and your occupational soldiers.

Terrorist: The best example is the Taliban (Good and Bad),

who does support us - they are freedom fighter
who do not: they are terrorists.

If any country is saint enough not to kill anyone in the name of "terrorist", only they can eligible to categorize anyone "terrorist or freedom fighter"

Are you eligible?
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Still are:
Thanks for tagging me.
I try and be reasonable most of the time. Knives have to be drawn out at times when the other side crosses a line. I try to negotiate peace initially before baring my fangs.

Love to have reasonable discussion even when it is against India.
Terrorist are Indian occupational forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

United Nations, UNGA resolution 37/43 allows armed struggle against illegal occupiers:
“…the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.

Just cuz your terrorist regimes crimes are ignored by the west, it doesn’t make it makes armed struggle not allowed against your occupational forces.

Kashmiris fight and kill occupational forces in their territory and are protected by UNGA resolution 37/43.

So the only terrorist is your government and your occupational soldiers.
Look, this debates been done to death.

Any Indian or Pakistanis with notions of a holy see at our respective capitals defending its citizens from the barbarious assault from across the fence need education in realpolitic. To you it might be justifiable to intervene in a territory you feel occupied by an adversary, but then the other side considers it a part of an integral whole. Militant activity would be responded in kind and the vicious cycle is set and perpetuated. I understand using UN definitions as causus belli for such operations, but then it also extends logically that counter operations to such actions would have little to no objections on the global stage.

We've been at each others throats from the moment we were born, we both are guilty of indulging in tactics inimical to peace and innocent lives, anyone painting their own country as rightious and just, paints himself an idiot.

Honestly, we both have tried pretty much everything in the book besides total war, both our governments are capable of forgoing innocent lives to gain a strategic objective.

All it has left us is instilled distrust and scores to be settled by our grandchildren and counter scores to settled by their grandchildren while other countries around the world develop themselves to prosperity.
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GHQ has give this task to their top General Johnny Sins, he is the highest ranking General and will lead the Operation against the Talibaboo. Army se yehi umeed hai, Larai Larai maaf karo P0rn ka set saaf karo.
GHQ has give this task to their top General Johnny Sins, he is the highest ranking General and will lead the Operation against the Talibaboo. Army se yehi umeed hai, Larai Larai maaf karo P0rn ka set saaf karo.

Soon, Sunny Leone would also be employed by ISPRXXX.Com. :lol:
AfPak border is a porous one. There are check-posts, but it is not manned adequately to prevent a determined individual from crossing it.

Paksiatn was relying on goodwill with Taliban when they came to power.
That goodwill was expected in return for support that Taliban received from Pakistan.

Some people got into celebration mode as this happened and declared end of bad times. However, few people did caution that Taliban is not going to be good for anyone but themselves. They don’t have any structured model of governance. No capability or desire to make a successful state with industries, education, trade and other normal things seen in any state wanting to do well.

Only thing where they have excelled is implementing deeply archaic religious ideology. Couldn’t that have waited a little? Why couldn’t they wait till they got control of normal governance issues?

A government with this capability is unlikely to behave rationally in any which way. They have manpower in there rolls, that has seen nothing else but fighting a gurilla war for many decades. They don’t know what to do with them.

Full fledged military operation is not likely to succeed. If Pakistan starts it then it would get entangled very badly. Strategic depth that it seeks in Afghanistan may become a strategic nightmare.
But during the musharraf period, there was a kind of understanding and it helped india to complete borders fencing without bullet firing from pakistani sides.

Now mostly, more than 90℅ borders are secure and would very difficult to cross it
Yes Musharraf was the original Mir Jaffer of the contemporary era. He reinitiated the loyal sepoy service for Pax Americana. May he burn in hell for selling out the Kashmiri freedom struggle for a measly appearance on the daily show with Jon Stewart.
The whole of NATO and Soviet Union couldn't do it, you wouldn't be able to tie your shoelace without getting an IED up your backside. Afghans only believe in drugs and guns , that's what their lives center around. Pakistan has been stung and we don't deal with this Afghan menace if we will get swarmed by Indian sponsored terrorism Mukti style.

that is because we treat them as humans or at least try to

try playing the game a good Afghan is a dead one. you will be surprised how fast things get resolved or get out of hand

Yes Musharraf was the original Mir Jaffer of the contemporary era. He reinitiated the loyal sepoy service for Pax Americana. May he burn in hell for selling out the Kashmiri freedom struggle for a measly appearance on the daily show with Jon Stewart.

Mushy's job was more like saving Pakistan from American attack
Populations are mixed on western border and there is no military on afghan side.
With Indian border the border is clearly defined with mostly plain terrain.
Its very stupid to ask why Pakistan is not breaching Indian border. Its Indians who want to breach that but unable to do so.
You did try crossing loc twice only to repelled by Indian army.
Jasmine Oil.

Bless you, it’s best you never find out 😅😇


oh man, this takes me back.
I was so young and handsome back then.

I started out handsome but now I am suave, debonair. Match me. :D

Yes Musharraf was the original Mir Jaffer of the contemporary era. He reinitiated the loyal sepoy service for Pax Americana. May he burn in hell for selling out the Kashmiri freedom struggle for a measly appearance on the daily show with Jon Stewart.

Admit it. You hate Mushy boi because of Lal Masjid, his sensible Kashmir solution which was rejected by BJP government and by that irrational in Srinagar - Syed Ali Shah Geelani - and because the ladeez loved him :enjoy: :

TORONTO: Toronto-based Mahleej Sarkari, crowned Miss Pakistan World in 2007, created quite a stir when she called Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf "a hunk". The beauty now adds that she finds him "sexy" and would actually love to go for long "romantic" walks with him.

"Musharraf is charismatic, sexy, strong as well as cute! My fantasy would be to go on long walks on a beach in a cool breeze where I could have a romantic time with him," Mahleej said in an interview here.

Asked why she was such a huge fan of his, the 25-year-old entrpreneur said that the former general had "pulled the country out of crises" and had the "guts to change Pakistan".

She also felt he "fought corruption, fundamentalists and tried to stamp out the narrow-minded culture of Pakistan... He tried hard to promote good ties between India and Pakistan. He made history by getting the first Sikh guard for Mazar-e-Quaid, the tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He brought women back into politics".

Mahleej, who says she is "very patriotic", is also of the view that "Pakistan can realize it dream through the right person, and it is no one else than Musharraf".

She firmly believes that the day will come when her country will be rid of extremist forces.

"My country is a beautiful country and I believe that one day, it will be free of radical people who have hurt our generation."

Excerpts from the interview:

What made you call the Pakistani president a hunk?
Musharraf is charismatic, sexy, strong as well as cute! My fantasy would be to go on long walks on a beach in a cool breeze where I could have a romantic time with him.

It may be very hard for people to believe but this is what I truly want. It would be an honour and privilege for me to get that opportunity to be with Musharraf.

How I wish I could exchange places with his wife and be his forever. This is my true confession.

What does this love mean?
My love means my allegiance to him.

Why Musharraf?
When he entered the United Nations after 9/11, and made that speech, I got goose bumps. He was so strong, so charismatic, and so serious and each and every country was looking to him to make that one final decision. It was that time that I fell in love with him.

So that is what made you his fan?
He pulled the country out of crisis, fought corruption, fundamentalists and tried to stamp out the narrow-minded culture of Pakistan. He had the guts to change Pakistan. He tried hard to promote good ties between India and Pakistan.

He made history by getting the first Sikh guard for Mazar-e-Quaid, the tomb of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He brought women back into politics. He gave life to the entertainment industry of Pakistan. I salute Musharraf for doing all this.

My country is a beautiful country and I believe that one day, it will be free of radical people who have hurt our generation. Musharraf is the force behind eradicating these extremists and making Pakistan a safer place to live.

How would Musharraf's wife feel?
I am pretty sure she understands her husband is the greatest Pakistani man alive, who has a huge fan base. And I consider myself his biggest fan. I would still respect her sentiments and I would hope that she wouldn't mind.

And how would Musharraf feel?
I don't know of his reaction. I wish he could say that he would give me a chance. But I guess being at his position and where he is today, I don't know if he would even have the time to know about this.

He is sexy, and he is a hunk and he is adorable and charming. It is through my eyes that I can see all these qualities. And there may be many fans of his, but I consider myself as his biggest fan.

Were you born in Pakistan?
I was born in Balochistan and lived in Karachi as well. I moved to Canada about six years ago. I will be 25-years-old in August. I have studied business, ran my own spa with my aunt in Toronto for a few years. Now I am concentrating on my career in modelling, acting and pageantry. I won the Miss Pakistan World 2007 and was also declared Miss Congeniality 2007.

I had a wonderful time this year as I travelled to many places and was invited to many events. I competed in Miss Tourism Queen International 2008 and won the Miss Disco runners-up title.

I am very patriotic. My political views are very obvious - pro-Musharraf. I also liked Benazir Bhutto as she was a strong woman, but I think Nawaz Sharif should go back to where he belongs - Saudi Arabia. I think Pakistan can realise its dream through the right person, and it is no one else than Musharraf.

What has been your family's reaction?
My mother has always supported me in all my decisions. Some family members were not too fond of the idea, but now they too are proud of me. I think this idea just needs time to sink into people's minds that Miss Pakistan World is actually all about patriotism, confidence and competition.

Pakistani middle class families feel that it may not be right for their children to get exposed to such stardom as it can divert their attention from studies. But I am a graduate in business and have now started my own business. I would like to prove to the community that we can balance all aspects of life.
But I don't know what changed because I see from a 2021 long interview that she has turned against Islam in a very unthinking manner. She is seeing and believing about Islam from the POV of Western governments and fake-feminists and fake-atheists like Christopher Hitchens and hardcore irrational anti-Islam people like Geert Wilders.
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