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whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

Afghanistan under the current regime is a rag tag. Warlords kind of coalition with all of them exerting their influence where they can with Kabul not able to control all of them. It can also be used as a ruse by Kabul to maintain deniability.

The current Afghan regime, has a lot of men who haven't done anything else than fighting a guerrilla kind of warfare since their childhood. They themselves don’t know what to do with them.
That is the reason Taliban‘s would remain a pain for all their border countries.

Indian side border fence was made by India and small attempts are made by Paksiatn to push in elements they want to. The scale can’t be as big as Afghanistan due to structured and professional nature of both the armies.

Loss of life of soldiers is taken seriously by professional armies. Which isn’t the case with Afghan fighters.

Even if PA wants, they can’t take military action as they can with Indian side. Afghans have nothing else to do or loose. Military action against guerrilla kind of fighting force is much more difficult than that with an established force.

Only way to cool the tempers down is means other than full scale military action.
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if Afghans keep breaching us, why cant we breach Indians?
Breaching, infiltration, smuggling and exfiltration has been occurring on borders with India and Afghanistan both. You may have heard about terms like LOC, Sialkot working boundary etc.

India doesn't breach Pakistan's border since that can start a skirmish just like the ones on LOC, so Indian Army avoids that. The other options that Indian Intel Agencies have are the Afghanistan and Iran border. Indian Spy Yadhav was caught after he entered from Iran border where as Durand line is where Indian Army wants Pakistan Army to shift its forces to. This has happened in 2001/2 stand off too and later again where USA pressurized India to call back its build up on border since Pakistan Army was conducting joint Ops with US Spec Forces and US Army to hunt down Taliban on Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Pakistan had previously shifted 3-4 Infantry divisions to Afghanistan border and India found it an opportunity to amass its forces on Pakistan's border. There have been stand offs a few times between Indian and Pakistan on borders.

Pakistani forces regulars have breached LOC many times in the past and vice versa but the nature of the operations has shifted to COIN war due to Indian backing of TTP. Instead of now deploying regular forces in all regions with Afghanistan, Pakistan has upgraded FC and deployed CTD for COIN ops so Army can be slowly called back from KPK regions.
Pakistan Army busy with plot buy and sale and then moving to Foreign Countries for retirement
Breaching, infiltration, smuggling and exfiltration has been occurring on borders with India and Afghanistan both. You may have heard about terms like LOC, Sialkot working boundary etc.

India doesn't breach Pakistan's border since that can start a skirmish just like the ones on LOC, so Indian Army avoids that. The other options that Indian Intel Agencies are the Afghanistan and Iran border. Indian Spy Yadhav was caught after he entered from Iran border where as Durand line is where Indian Army wants Pakistan Army to shift its forces to. This has happened in 2001/2 stand off too and later again where USA pressurized India to call back its build up on border since Pakistan Army was conducting joint Ops with US Spec Forces and US Army to hunt down Taliban on Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Pakistan had previously shifted 3-4 Infantry divisions to Afghanistan border and India found it an opportunity to amass its forces on Pakistan's border. There have been stand offs a few times between Indian and Pakistan on borders.

Pakistani forces regulars have breached LOC many times in the past and vice versa but the nature of the operations has shifted to COIN war due to Indian backing of TTP. Instead of now deploying regular forces in all regions with Afghanistan, Pakistan has upgraded FC and deployed CTD for COIN ops so Army can be slowly called back from KPK regions.
What is the frustration people have on this forum, everything comes back to a showdown with India… lol

You did well to explain a very complex topic to him in such great detail. But every time I see posts like his on PDF or twitter I can’t help but be reminded of this scene…

There is not much of a difference. When India was building the fence, Pakistan was acting spoiled and sent over militants and random cross border firing. Now the roles have reversed.
There is not much of a difference. When India was building the fence, Pakistan was acting spoiled and sent over militants and random cross border firing. Now the roles have reversed.
And India was innocent in the whole affair was it? Aww, poor innocent India, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

Come on yar…
And India was innocent in the whole affair was it? Aww, poor innocent India, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

Come on yar
made me think of that NRI movie with the guy going “come on dad!” And the dad goes “I am not coming on anything “

Finding a reasonable Indian on a Pakistani defense forum? It is easier to find a reasonable PTi supporter who wont go “Bajwa Bajwa”
And India was innocent in the whole affair was it? Aww, poor innocent India, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

Come on yar…
I never said India was innocent. you act on your own interests and we act on our own.
Finding a reasonable Indian on a Pakistani defense forum? It is easier to find a reasonable PTi supporter who wont go “Bajwa Bajwa”
I remember a time when there were plenty of reasonable Indian members on this forum, and lots of useful discussions to be had between Indians and Pakistanis. Not anymore, it seems.
What we need is a few Chacha Rickshaws armed with RPGs and chambali oil. Those goat fuckers will never cross the border ever again 😂.

What is chambali oil ?

Finding a reasonable Indian on a Pakistani defense forum? It is easier to find a reasonable PTi supporter who wont go “Bajwa Bajwa”

I remember a time when there were plenty of reasonable Indian members on this forum, and lots of useful discussions to be had between Indians and Pakistanis. Not anymore, it seems.

Pakistani forces regulars have breached LOC many times in the past and vice versa but the nature of the operations has shifted to COIN war due to Indian backing of TTP. Instead of now deploying regular forces in all regions with Afghanistan, Pakistan has upgraded FC and deployed CTD for COIN ops so Army can be slowly called back from KPK regions.
Pakistani special forces and volunteer fighters will breaching loc until very recently when ceasefire happened. Breaching loc for any state won’t be hard but what comes after will be hard to deal with. Our enemies know we can breach loc and send mujahids there. Our enemy witnessed the damage these mujahids can cause. Just recently the attacks in Poonch and Rajouri proved this.
But the issue is our enemy isn’t asleep. They try distract us and make us spend resources and fight in other areas. Our bigger and powerful enemy does everything to keep us distracted and away. It has launched Hybrid Warfare against us on all fronts. From political and economical go insurgencies. It is doing everything to break us.
That’s also why it’s not feasible for us to start a war with Afghanistan like many people on this forum wants. We need to act smartly and counter our enemies moves smartly since we don’t have enough resources as them and can’t handle wars on two fronts. I’ve always maintained that we can keep Afghanistan in check by using proxies and carrot and stick policy. I’ve also always maintained that we don’t turn our population against us and only resort to military operations as last resort because major military operations in Balochistan and FATA is what our enemy wants us to do. Yes do Operations against terrorists but if we be excessive and forget the real enemy it will cost us heavily.

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