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whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

Iran seems to be doing fine, despite sharing a border

They don't have millions of pashtuns and tribals who will hide TTP or try to cover for them regardless of what they do

You guys did demonstrate that aspect of Hindu hate in target-killing thousands of Hindus in East Pakistan without even thinking- are they not Pakistani citizens?. Somehow your own Hindu cannot be a equal Pakistani. Even your constitution is discriminatory with non-muslims.

We are not strangers to mass slaughter, what we have is a situation where we can't go or at least haven't gone hard and heavy thus far because of the perception that the slaughter would create problems inside our country
Pakistan has already accepted that India is the regional papu. Papa America has made sure of that. Don't expect the Pakistani army to retaliate. The sad story is that Pakistan is incapable of retaliating against TTP. Just have a look at the latest casualties.
Pakistan Sepoy Army has signed up for Pax Americana as a vassal state which has been morally politically and militarily defeatd and has no choice but to be inline with India's interest. As such sepoys have betrayed the Kashmiri freedom struggle to the point that BLA and TTP are getting order of magnitude higher level of support by Indians and even Iranians that we provided to Kashmiris even though Kashmir was our "jugular vein". When was the last time there were multiple attacks with multiple casualties within the same month in IOK, leave alone on a daily basis as we have in Balochistan and KPK.

Kashmir Jihad ka fund bhi Belgium farm houses ki nazar ho gaya.
their egos' are inflated and reached Mars before Elon's Space X. they cant care less about Pakistan or any other regional country that borders them. they believe they have defeated Americans. the Afghans are beyond repair. British, Soviets and Americans had their turn now it might be China in 2030 or 2040. the result will be the same unless if China doesn't do a Xinxiang on them.

Yup. These days on twitter they're bragging about how they've made an "advanced" super car. 😂
Three things.

1. The terrain is different.

2. There's no mass influx of refugees or casual border travel with India.

3. Indians don't actually serious attempt breaching it, in this aspect they are civilised and don't pick excessive skirmishes at the border like Afghans.

They are way more covert and outsource the work or use specific hidden routes.

Afghans, every other person is trying to cross over for their own goals, Indians are not.
You guys did demonstrate that aspect of Hindu hate in target-killing thousands of Hindus in East Pakistan without even thinking- are they not Pakistani citizens?. Somehow your own Hindu cannot be a equal Pakistani. Even your constitution is discriminatory with non-muslims.
Hindu hatred is due to you people wanting to wipe us out.
Like to this day you people make countless videos about wiping us out.
Not going to defend Pak army, we have already established they are a messed up institution.
Try and find out for yourself...
If you had only visited that border.
Unlike LOC, all we have there is emptiness, barren mountains and millions of afghanis who want to cross over.
Its like a fukin zombie apocalypse.

their egos' are inflated and reached Mars before Elon's Space X. they cant care less about Pakistan or any other regional country that borders them. they believe they have defeated Americans. the Afghans are beyond repair. British, Soviets and Americans had their turn now it might be China in 2030 or 2040. the result will be the same unless if China doesn't do a Xinxiang on them.
Should try the iranian approach, light up anything or anyone tht comes close.

There are plenty of videos of iranians not even sparing afghani migrants..

Couple of months back, they lit up a few vehicles with their passengers in em.. the survivors jumped into a river.. and were gone for good.

On our side, oh well you already know.. from qamardin karez to taftan its a fuk all situation.
If you had only visited that border.
Unlike LOC, all we have there is emptiness, barren mountains and millions of afghanis who want to cross over.
Its like a fukin zombie apocalypse.
My comment was tongue in cheek, I trust what you are saying. How have you been...
Should try the iranian approach, light up anything or anyone tht comes close.

There are plenty of videos of iranians not even sparing afghani migrants..

Couple of months back, they lit up a few vehicles with their passengers in em.. the survivors jumped into a river.. and were gone for good.

On our side, oh well you already know.. from qamardin karez to taftan its a fuk all situation.
50KM - 100KM ingress into Afghan territory and turn it into a no man's land, anything that enters becomes a valid military target that can be neutralised. And have corridors specifically for travelling with surveillance mechanisms, metal detectors, etc, upon entry into Pakistan.

Ideally I'm not 100% sure if the terrain and also funding makes this possible but if you don't want to nùkè Afghanistan this is the best choice to completely seal the border and make it managable.
The difference is not between fences, but between Generals. Their's are nationalists and patriots. As for our ones, lesser said, the better. GHQ has become a den of Mir Jafars.
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I can tie up animals and put them in cages. how hard can that be :enjoy:
The whole of NATO and Soviet Union couldn't do it, you wouldn't be able to tie your shoelace without getting an IED up your backside. Afghans only believe in drugs and guns , that's what their lives center around. Pakistan has been stung and we don't deal with this Afghan menace if we will get swarmed by Indian sponsored terrorism Mukti style.
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their egos' are inflated and reached Mars before Elon's Space X. they cant care less about Pakistan or any other regional country that borders them. they believe they have defeated Americans. the Afghans are beyond repair. British, Soviets and Americans had their turn now it might be China in 2030 or 2040. the result will be the same unless if China doesn't do a Xinxiang on them.
Any next country that enters Afghanistan has to be willing to commit near genocide if it actually wants to be successful.

Every single male in Afghanistan is a possible insurgent recruit. Sitting around with check posts is just asking to get r-ped by them. And then you kill the insurgents, they just recruit more from the population. Never ending cycle.
Three things.

1. The terrain is different.

2. There's no mass influx of refugees or casual border travel with India.

3. Indians don't actually serious attempt breaching it, in this aspect they are civilised and don't pick excessive skirmishes at the border like Afghans.

They are way more covert and outsource the work or use specific hidden routes.

Afghans, every other person is trying to cross over for their own goals, Indians are not.

Not actually..

The fence was mosty made by india in our sides of borders after 1989, cross border armed support by Pakistan.

India was working on fencing from 1990s but it was difficult during the time because pakistani army used to fire on them..

But during the musharraf period, there was a kind of understanding and it helped india to complete borders fencing without bullet firing from pakistani sides.

Now mostly, more than 90℅ borders are secure and would very difficult to cross it
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Border fence is a good deterrent. In fact the subcontinent since history has had natural border acting as protection. Massive Himalaya mountain range on top and then mountainous region on West. But there are passes and choke points through which trade has kept happening since early years. These choke points are the main entry points or area that is still not covered.

If those areas are fenced and monitored, TTP can never establish a strong network inside Pakistan. I believe they are here because there was some kind of deal, to allow these people to return which is starting to backfire. So now you have to perform an operation again clean them out again. Balochistan is completely a different agenda.

Problem is, TTP is comprised alot of with even central asian people from Uzbeks, Tajiks etc. And India can use money to target instability in Pakistan. So it's a massive mistake to even try to have dialogue with them. In the past years, this seemed like it was being done with a political insurgency using people like Manzoor Pashteen. They are also probably being facilitated by Afghan Taliban just like we facilitated Afghan Taliban. Some people in the faction will have connections to people in TTP and its not easy to get rid of those connections.

This is the whole reason why Army is so involved in politics, because the state has an existential threat, and economy, good governance are all important to protect that ideology.

Also the thing about Taliban not losing to Americans. In the start Americans pounded them so hard, that they were basically done. It was our ISI that helped them. Again because there were elements in the ISI that had relationships established with the Taliban. That's why Americans have always blamed Pakistan. And now we are learning from our mistake. Taliban however are not a threat to us, it's any faction that can get paid and handled by R&W to create separatist movements and insurgency in Balochistan or NWFP.

We sided with general Muslim ummah, but have to understand that some of these people don't follow Islam but follow money. Hell most of them fought the Russians for money. Got massive paychecks from USA.

But you can't make deals with TTP, they are nothing but paid shills.

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