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whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

Show me the deeds if they were your property.
You people are just looters with government sanction.

I love how you people NEVER deny that you want to wipe us out. Instead it's just a series of whataboutisms.
You people project so hard that makes you sh!t in the streets.
Our Supreme Court has spoken after long deliberation. This dispute has long precedence. In 1853 British had looked at the matter and allowed Hindus and Muslims to offer prayers at the site but would not rule in either favor for the sake of keeping peace. After independence in 1947 I believe, the matter to court. Because of sensitivity of the case, the court kept it pending for 50 years and the site was closed for public with limited use on special occasions. Justice delayed is justice denied. After 500 yrs of non resolution, public had to take matters in their hands and force the issue to forefront.
Now the excavation of the site has revealed lot of evidence of previous temple base with temple pillars and other motifs discovered. In 1000 years of Muslim rule , they never ccared for hindu temples. They would loot, pillage and demolish them and reuse the stones according to their whim. There are blaring examples all over India. Just look at your own temples in Pakistan, either they were demolished or converted for local use. A survey carried out by All Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement Pakistan revealed that out of 4280 Hindu temples in Pakistan around 380 survived. In India we have close to 300,000 mosques.
Had to mention this because its bad, and its a bad habit that Pakistan needs to stop, Pakistan can learn a bit from Iran, so can Afghanistan too, but i feel Afghanistan has improved in its tolerance of minorities compared to were it was 10-20 years ago.
Like Iran did to Kurds, Baloch?
Ethnic, secterian violence can't be called "wiping out".
Indian side is not breached because people on both side are not relatives. We have no interest in that side. While Afghanistan side is cutting families into two. One brother is on Pakistan side other of Afghanistan side. So may be that might be the reason.

So Kashmirs and Punjabis on either side of the border are not relatives?

Read your nations history kiddo.
Our Supreme Court has spoken after long deliberation. This dispute has long precedence. In 1853 British had looked at the matter and allowed Hindus and Muslims to offer prayers at the site but would not rule in either favor for the sake of keeping peace. After independence in 1947 I believe, the matter to court. Because of sensitivity of the case, the court kept it pending for 50 years and the site was closed for public with limited use on special occasions. Justice delayed is justice denied. After 500 yrs of non resolution, public had to take matters in their hands and force the issue to forefront.
Now the excavation of the site has revealed lot of evidence of previous temple base with temple pillars and other motifs discovered. In 1000 years of Muslim rule , they never ccared for hindu temples. They would loot, pillage and demolish them and reuse the stones according to their whim. There are blaring examples all over India. Just look at your own temples in Pakistan, either they were demolished or converted for local use. A survey carried out by All Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement Pakistan revealed that out of 4280 Hindu temples in Pakistan around 380 survived. In India we have close to 300,000 mosques.
"We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong"
On the India Pakistan border there are more or less professional, functional organisations - military, paramilitary or civilian- on either side.

Very broadly these (a) respond to internal authority (follow orders), (b) Execute their mission under a national consensus (thought out strategy and approach), (c) can internally coordinate their actions amongst themselves to execute their day to day tasks in tandem (so no one group or person tries to become a hero and start a firefight, battle or war) and (d) as individuals are aware of and wary of the consequences of cowboyism and/or not obeying orders (loss to economy, political risk, demotions, transfers, court martial etc).

Before anyone points out incidents of terrorism and violence on either side let me say that the above is a loose framework that more or less has held over time.

On the Pakistan Afghanistan border, the latter nation seems to have (a) no centralised control over its organisations, civilian or military so that all key individuals or groups act as semi independent fiefdoms (b) no national consensus on an approach to Pakistan so that many are more or less free to formulate their own policy as regards the border(c) every group and institution at the central local and even village level, be it military or civilian, seems to be working on their own and (d) there seems to be no effective way for the Afghanistan authorities to internally sanction their own individuals who decide to initiate anything between a street brawl to a full scale assault on Pakistani forces.

Hard for the PA to effectively negate such an amorphous set up, populated by fiercely independent individuals who barely listen to each other, and whose material or psychological motivations seem to offer no leverage.
Doesn't this kind of prove that insurgency in Kashmir was mostly due to Pakistan's support & by its own there's not much unrest.

Maybe thought should be put into this aspect & let the people achieve peace at least on one of your borders.
The Kashmiri insurgency is very much natural, they despise Indians not sure if you've spoken to many

Even with Pakistan's support, it says enough about the unrest if you need to turn it into the world's most militarised zone

Indians waited it out and played their cards right to be fair
these fences serve for cosmetic and image preposes as well from the political point of view to show that the government is doing its part to prevent the infiltration and smuggling etc. .
they are visual deterrent, hardcore insurgents/ terrorists or regular troops wont have trouble destroying them,
the landmines are far more effective discrete and inexpensive.

the Afghans simply use mortars to destroy the fences and tribesmen on either side simply steal the scape metal.

But it will caused for response from indian side Aby booming the military posts... Which was happening some times back.

And people and army were dying at both the sides due to exchange fires

Anyhow, it is just not about fence between india and Pakistan borders.... There are many surveillance devices and technology being used now a days
you really aren't very bright are you?
My bad, I thought you were referring to your side of border. Anyway no point discussing 20 year old issue. People here have moved on.
Hard for the PA to effectively negate such an amorphous set up, populated by fiercely independent individuals who barely listen to each other, and whose material or psychological motivations seem to offer no leverage.
Nicely analysed and put forward.
Fighting an enemy like Taliban is always more difficult and uncertain then a professional army.
I can tie up animals and put them in cages. how hard can that be :enjoy:
Yeah? how many did you manage to tie up and cage in your 20 years in the neighborhood.

I am convinced Afghans are the fricking gog and magog ( yajooj majooj ) and they will destroy the world. There's no containing them
Any next country that enters Afghanistan has to be willing to commit near genocide if it actually wants to be successful.
Almost to the point of why bother

Every single male in Afghanistan is a possible insurgent recruit. Sitting around with check posts is just asking to get r-ped by them. And then you kill the insurgents, they just recruit more from the population. Never ending cycle.
The most practical solution would be is to contain these mofos in their shithole. Don't go there and don't let them come in.
like @DESERT FIGHTER said, anyone comes close to the border, light them up.
Meanwhile we have to provide economic opportunities to our border areas so they don't miss their savage cousins as much. They are more economically dependent on the other side than with the rest of Pakistan.

It can also be used as a ruse by Kabul to maintain deniability.
than Kabul won't mind if we take these rogue groups to task.
Which is why our inaction pisses me off
Pakistan Sepoy Army has signed up for Pax Americana as a vassal state which has been morally politically and militarily defeatd and has no choice but to be inline with India's interest. As such sepoys have betrayed the Kashmiri freedom struggle to the point that BLA and TTP are getting order of magnitude higher level of support by Indians and even Iranians that we provided to Kashmiris even though Kashmir was our "jugular vein". When was the last time there were multiple attacks with multiple casualties within the same month in IOK, leave alone on a daily basis as we have in Balochistan and KPK.

Kashmir Jihad ka fund bhi Belgium farm houses ki nazar ho gaya.
Guys seriously you should do more for the Kashmiris.They are being systematically destroyed by the Indian Army and there is no one to help them.In fact, not only the Kashmiris,millions of other muslims are being targeted and getting destroyed by the Indian state.It'll take sustained action and will power to stand against the pigs of the Indian army and the Modi government but it can be done.There should be at least a few blasts in India every week to contain these rascals.Even a few thousands jihadis can make a lot of difference.We are ready to sacrifice even our lives for the cause of Islam.We just want some support from you guys.
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