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What's in your Gun Locker?

chillin' like a villain my son.

If you like guns, come to Parachinar one day. I can even arrange transport for you and a tour of Kurram.

We love visitors, as long as they aren't talebs =)
i wonder which is worse. Retards in Pakistan or Deserters in UK.

hmmm.... :whistle:

First of all I apologize Abu Zolfiqar, now i read my post again it appears that I was refereeing to your post and your video and understand why you took offense. That was not my intention I was only refereeing to the 3 videos that i linked, and if you watch them again you will know what i mean. btw since you asked, i rather be a so called "Deserter" in UK than a Retard in Pakistan but that's just my opinion.
First of all I apologize Abu Zolfiqar, now i read my post again it appears that I was refereeing to your post and your video and understand why you took offense. That was not my intention I was only refereeing to the 3 videos that i linked, and if you watch them again you will know what i mean

no need for apologies, no need for explanations. "Sorry" "please" and "thank you" are unknown words in PMA dictionary, and un-necessary words among common citizens/brothers.

btw since you asked, i rather be a so called "Deserter" in UK than a Retard in Pakistan but that's just my opinion.

hhahahha fair enough sir. "deserter" is a very harsh word though with very serious implications, therefore I will retract it.

it's a sunny and pleasant Thursday. Therefore no need for drama.

on a more serious note however, guns don't kill people --- people kill people. We need proper weapons accountability in this country. That'll take time, but sooner the better :agree:

Long live the Army
Long live Pakistan
chillin' like a villain my son.

If you like guns, come to Parachinar one day. I can even arrange transport for you and a tour of Kurram.

We love visitors, as long as they aren't talebs =)

Lolzzz.. why wold i come to Parachinar 'one day'? Oh ok guns, hmmm, i think i already have seen many, so thanks, but no thanks!

Directed towards none!!
Most of the senior members on this forum, especially the ones with military service, don't like the blase attitudes towards guns we often see in Pakistan.

Whether it be Shahid Afridi's brother, or my dad when my sister got married (and by the way I told him off to the extent I could without disrespecting him), its an attitude that needs to change.

I have to wonder whether a lot of this is because of a lack enough decent shooting ranges, where 'shooting deprived' people can go and vent a bit with their favorite gun, instead of setting off car alarms or shooting at toy cars on the roof.

No offense their AZ, you know I'm a big fan of your posts, but this subject is one that many of us feel strongly about, as I mentioned earlier.

Don't take offense at the criticism coming your way - somehow I sense that you realize that it was probably not the best thing to do.

You are an entrepreneur right - so how about opening some more gun ranges in Isloo?;)
[Sarcasm]Here's what I own. A Russian clone of the 12.7MM Dshk. Why do I need it you say? To fire at mountains of course. Everyone knows how dangerous mountains can get at times.

And yes, that's me firing the weapon. :lol: [/sarcasm]
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my main man agnostic Muslim. Tum jeetay rahon agha khan saab. Actually one must look at ground realities. I'm from a tiny village called Alamsher in Kurram Agency. We love guns because they are like symbol of honour. at the same rate we know what the cons are of loose legislation on ownership of weapons. We've seen the wars. We've seen the bloodshed. I only joined the academy because war against taleban is a personal one. My niece was killed by a stray rocket fired by taleban. I held her in my arms and she died in my arms. Gun control now can kiss my left arse cheek. I'm angry, don't expect the barrel of my rifle to be cold any time soon. Even Lt Gen retd Hamid Gùl will agree with me on this.
. My niece was killed by a stray rocket fired by taleban. I held her in my arms and she died in my arms. .

Sorry to hear about your niece. May God rest her soul and give you peace. I can understand your grief and pain.

On a different note Pakistani Police Women have been issued what seems to be a mp5. I personally do not know much about Guns so pardon my ignorance.
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I have to wonder whether a lot of this is because of a lack enough decent shooting ranges, where 'shooting deprived' people can go and vent a bit with their favorite gun, instead of setting off car alarms or shooting at toy cars on the roof.

I do not know that how much blase attitude is shown by people in Suburban areas but now a days guns have become quite common in Cities like Karachi too. Well, I live in a place where there are a lot of Marriage Gardens, Almost in every gathering I can see people shooting without taking safety into account. They shoot while the cars and people pass by. To be honest, nobody cares about how dangerous the consequences for doing such a thing could be.

Just some days before, my friend was standing beside his car while a bullet falling down fell on the bonnet of the Car, Thanks God nothing serious happened.

I hope that the people of My Nation realise the dangers of doing such a thing.

my main man agnostic Muslim. Tum jeetay rahon agha khan saab. Actually one must look at ground realities. I'm from a tiny village called Alamsher in Kurram Agency. We love guns because they are like symbol of honour. at the same rate we know what the cons are of loose legislation on ownership of weapons. We've seen the wars. We've seen the bloodshed. I only joined the academy because war against taleban is a personal one. My niece was killed by a stray rocket fired by taleban. I held her in my arms and she died in my arms. Gun control now can kiss my left arse cheek. I'm angry, don't expect the barrel of my rifle to be cold any time soon. Even Lt Gen retd Hamid Gùl will agree with me on this.

My deepest condolences on your loss AZ. I can't imagine the pain of experiencing a loss like that.

I understand that Kurram is heating up again, and the Turi's have accused the political agent of being in league with the Taliban (he was found sitting in a Taliban vehicle that was stopped a few days ago by the tribesmen.

Until the GoP imposes its writ on the area and eliminates the threat to peoples safety and well being that the Taliban pose, I do not expect the Tribesmen to disarm, especially yours, given how the Taliban have a special hatred for you.

Good luck to your Tribe in dealing with this evil.

That said, my point about 'blase attitudes' was primarily about the rooftop and aerial firing, which can put peoples lives in danger, and not any argument against the right and necessity to bear arms in Pakistan.

I would just like more people with weapons to shoot them off/practice in gun ranges, instead of rooftops and wedding lawns.
My deepest condolences on your loss AZ. I can't imagine the pain of experiencing a loss like that.

One of the worst in my life, but it's over now.

I understand that Kurram is heating up again, and the Turi's have accused the political agent of being in league with the Taliban (he was found sitting in a Taliban vehicle that was stopped a few days ago by the tribesmen.

Us Turris have always been peace-loving people. Actually all Parachinar has always been peaceful until Zia ul-Haq began promoting the sectarian groups. He was the biggest enemy to Pakistan and Pakistani nationalism in history.

We are still feeling nightmare effects of his administration.

As for Turris and Parachinar, we will always be safe because Turri are resilient and excellent fighters. Sorry to sound immodest.

The real problem is 2 things:

1.) afghan "refugees"
2.) pro-taleban waziris who are coming in because they know Army is about to kick the living sh*t out of them

We support the Army 100% as they clean up FATA of these trash.

Until the GoP imposes its writ on the area and eliminates the threat to peoples safety and well being that the Taliban pose, I do not expect the Tribesmen to disarm, especially yours, given how the Taliban have a special hatred for you.

we will never disarm.

sooner or later every taleban and anybody who dares to support them will be shot.

They are enemy of ultra-secular Pashtun culture and traditions. And most importantly, they are enemy of ALL Pakistani citizens.

Good luck to your Tribe in dealing with this evil.

In 2006 when Saudi and Uzbek terrorists escaped from the police custody, Turris of all ages went and shot them all.

We carried the wounded ones and threw them outside the police station.

We will continue our traditions. Anybody who DARES to create problems in Kurram will be stomped on like insect.

That said, my point about 'blase attitudes' was primarily about the rooftop and aerial firing, which can put peoples lives in danger, and not any argument against the right and necessity to bear arms in Pakistan.

I re-iterate my stance on arms and the right to bear them. But there needs to be a proper Rifle Association and proper accountability.

Because -- a lot of people in Pakistan own guns; and many of these people are not mentally stable people. They shouldnt even have sling-shots, let alone guns.

Aerial firing is dangerous activity in big cities. In Tribal areas, it isnt much of a problem if it is done in controlled setting.

What goes up must come down. Therefore, people should be educated about the dangers of this behaviour. Guns are not toys. Nobody in their right mind would want to intentionally kill or injure anybody else, but accidents happen. And these accidents can easily be avoided.

In cities like Karachi, there should be more random checkpoints where cars and people are checked for weapons. Those who have non-licensed weapons should be arrested and given maximum penalty, regardless of how much money or influence they have. It's time to get serious.

all weapons that are not registered and/or dont have serial number should be confiscated and melted.

I would just like more people with weapons to shoot them off/practice in gun ranges, instead of rooftops and wedding lawns.

I am hoping to open up a chain of firing ranges, and also race-tracks where people can race their cars in controlled environment --similar to what they do in United States and UAE.
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