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What's in your Gun Locker?

On a different note Pakistani Police Women have been issued what seems to be a mp5. I personally do not know much about Guns so pardon my ignorance.

niiiice =)

I love these pictures. God bless them. :smitten:
One of the worst in my life, but it's over now.

Us Turris have always been peace-loving people. Actually all Parachinar has always been peaceful until Zia ul-Haq began promoting the sectarian groups. He was the biggest enemy to Pakistan and Pakistani nationalism in history.

We are still feeling nightmare effects of his administration.

As for Turris and Parachinar, we will always be safe because Turri are resilient and excellent fighters. Sorry to sound immodest.

The real problem is 2 things:

1.) afghan "refugees"
2.) pro-taleban waziris who are coming in because they know Army is about to kick the living sh*t out of them

We support the Army 100% as they clean up FATA of these trash.

we will never disarm.

sooner or later every taleban and anybody who dares to support them will be shot.

They are enemy of ultra-secular Pashtun culture and traditions. And most importantly, they are enemy of ALL Pakistani citizens.

In 2006 when Saudi and Uzbek terrorists escaped from the police custody, Turris of all ages went and shot them all.

We carried the wounded ones and threw them outside the police station.

We will continue our traditions. Anybody who DARES to create problems in Kurram will be stomped on like insect.

I re-iterate my stance on arms and the right to bear them. But there needs to be a proper Rifle Association and proper accountability.

Because -- a lot of people in Pakistan own guns; and many of these people are not mentally stable people. They shouldnt even have sling-shots, let alone guns.

Aerial firing is dangerous activity in big cities. In Tribal areas, it isnt much of a problem if it is done in controlled setting.

What goes up must come down. Therefore, people should be educated about the dangers of this behaviour. Guns are not toys. Nobody in their right mind would want to intentionally kill or injure anybody else, but accidents happen. And these accidents can easily be avoided.

In cities like Karachi, there should be more random checkpoints where cars and people are checked for weapons. Those who have non-licensed weapons should be arrested and given maximum penalty, regardless of how much money or influence they have. It's time to get serious.

all weapons that are not registered and/or dont have serial number should be confiscated and melted.

I am hoping to open up a chain of firing ranges, and also race-tracks where people can race their cars in controlled environment --similar to what they do in United States and UAE.

All agreed less the Zia thing. Though this discussion warrants a separate thread but without making it lengthy and omitting the nonsense, would you please advice me what other option Pakistan had when Zia decided to side with CIA and resultantly the mess of drugs, refugees and weapons poured into our country?

Because -- a lot of people in Pakistan own guns; and many of these people are not mentally stable people. They shouldnt even have sling-shots, let alone guns.

Well there is atleast one member on this forum who fits in the above quoted definition.:) Hint: the name starts with an 'A':D
(Agno you are out of the guess so chill:lol:)
Gun handling requires a certain level of discipline which should be 'religiously followed'. Interestingly I have only seen 'self professed experts' involved in gun related accidents. Aerial firing should not at all be tolerated and most of the people I see who go for aerial firing with an automatic do it at an angle of 45degrees which as per physics is the max range giving angle.
All agreed less the Zia thing. Though this discussion warrants a separate thread but without making it lengthy and omitting the nonsense, would you please advice me what other option Pakistan had when Zia decided to side with CIA and resultantly the mess of drugs, refugees and weapons poured into our country?

Zia made the right choice in terms of foreign policy.

But domestically, he destroyed Pakistan. He supported the sectarian groups and the Islamization of the Army and ISI.

Such professional groups should not be getting entangled with religion. Their jobs are to secure the defence interests of Pakistan, not to be promoting sectarian violence in Karachi and my very own Kurram Agency.

When Zia was blasted out of the sky like a little bird, we all celebrated. Too bad I was too young.

We are still living the nightmare from the f*ck ups of Zia --- who was just a coward homosexual who looked like a raccoon.

But I do agree that Pakistan's support against Soviets was crucial for our own National Security & Interests.

The only true Military Leader we've ever had -- a true Nationalist --- was Field Marshall Ayub Khan. God bless him and his legacy. Those were the days of true Pakistani nationalism.

Well there is atleast one member on this forum who fits in the above quoted definition.:) Hint: the name starts with an 'A':D
(Agno you are out of the guess so chill:lol:)

your concerns have been noted.
Zia made the right choice in terms of foreign policy.
So sir what is the fuss about!!??

Dude if made the right choice so that's it. On one hand you say the choice and decisions was right, on the other you bash him for a 'wrong' decision!? Wow!

But domestically, he destroyed Pakistan.
Well that was the fall-out, as true with all the strategic decisions. i dont say that it something guud for the country but the fact remains that it was bound to happen,. so we should accept it, yes the mistake we made is of the usual stance that we thinks of days not even months whereas, the West plan for the next 50 years! We forgot that now when we are arming the religions factions we tomorrow has to control them also, we shouldnt have let them go out of our hands! That's the mistake that we made!
He supported the sectarian groups
That was what the plan was all about. And you agreed that the plan was 'right'
and the Islamization of the Army and ISI.
Fortunately it is no more there, and personally i feel that what bad id it do afterward, how many officers and men do you see blowing themselves up in the name of Islam today or ever in the Army and ISI?
Such professional groups should not be getting entangled with religion.
Well is where we all disagree with you. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic and Pak Army is this country's part and parcel and we cant 'separate' religion from anywhere in our society. You can give it a try, though!

Their jobs are to secure the defence interests of Pakistan,
You got that right sir!
not to be promoting sectarian violence in Karachi and my very own Kurram Agency.
A pic says it all : :what:

When Zia was blasted out of the sky like a little bird, we all celebrated.
Have some respect, he did many guuds also.
Too bad I was too young.
Hmm... i am sorry sir. But here's an option; why dont you celebrate his death anniversary now by firing na dMP5 on the roof of your home?

We are still living the nightmare from the f*ck ups of Zia ---
Ok yes, but is he the only one to be blamed? BTW, he died in '88 if you missed that.
who was just a coward homosexual who looked like a raccoon.
You dont have an iota of shame, sir.

But I do agree that Pakistan's support against Soviets was crucial for our own National Security & Interests.
make up your mind for once and all, where do you want to keep your head.

The only true Military Leader we've ever had -- a true Nationalist --- was Field Marshall Ayub Khan. God bless him and his legacy. Those were the days of true Pakistani nationalism.
No comments. (Dont want to start a new topic here)

your concerns have been noted.
Guud for you.
So sir what is the fuss about!!??

I am talking about supporting the Mujahideen. It was a noble cause.

Dude if made the right choice so that's it. On one hand you say the choice and decisions was right, on the other you bash him for a 'wrong' decision!? Wow!

the anti-soviet forces were not the ones killing Iranian diplomats in Karachi, attacking Lahore airport etc.

It was mostly Afghan nationalists.....but it was also Arab/Uzbek (same people who settled here rather than gettin the hell out as soon as the war was over)

Well that was the fall-out, as true with all the strategic decisions.

That is because Pakistan, USA, Saudi and all other parties involved were too short-sighted.

and as I pointed earlier, local sectarian groups and non-state controlled Madrassas were merely Zia's work. It had nothing to do with the anti-soviet movement

i dont say that it something guud for the country but the fact remains that it was bound to happen,. so we should accept it

Accept it? As a fellow member of Pakistan Armed Forces, I am alarmed by your statement.

Do you have a cure to this problem, or you will accept Toyota Hilux's and Isuzu trucks packed with 600+ kg of high-quality explosives and ball-bearings coming to a city near you?

**** that, not in my name.

yes the mistake we made is of the usual stance that we thinks of days not even months whereas, the West plan for the next 50 years!

oh God here we go.

No time for conspiracy theories during this critical time. Even if india or the west were supporting the militants, why would Muslims buy into this game and be bombing their own fellow Muslim country

(i.e. the people of Afghanistan, and some mis-guided youth in FATA and even parts of Baluchistan and South Punjab)

We forgot that now when we are arming the religions factions we tomorrow has to control them also, we shouldnt have let them go out of our hands! That's the mistake that we made!

You are right about that. It isn't just Pakistan's fault. It is everbody's fault.

Therefore, 'Madrassah' that train children to destroy things should be replaced by Government and Private schools that teach children to be productive, think cogently, and argue persuasively using logic

Fortunately it is no more there, and personally i feel that what bad id it do afterward, how many officers and men do you see blowing themselves up in the name of Islam today or ever in the Army and ISI?

Never in my existence have I come across ISI or sipahi extremist elements. Never.

My cousin has a friend and her father is Brigadier General who is not averse to the Occasional scotch with ice!

Ours is a professional Army. But Zia was a bugger and a bloody hypocrite.

He has caused damage we are still feeling today.....and the funny thing is that he even helped bring drugs to Pakistan.

Well is where we all disagree with you. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic and Pak Army is this country's part and parcel and we cant 'separate' religion from anywhere in our society. You can give it a try, though!

I did it a long time ago. And it attracts me even closer to spirituality because it comes to me naturally.....it isnt shovelled down my throat.

Whereas wahhaby go look at **** and drink a scotch while nobody is watching.

Have some respect, he did many guuds also.

he helped us get F-16s. What else?

Hmm... i am sorry sir. But here's an option; why dont you celebrate his death anniversary now by firing na dMP5 on the roof of your home?

I prefer to take a cruise on my CBR600RR and do wheelies down Jamrud Road with the Pakistani flag wavving with honour from the handlebars.

MP-5 only sees daylight once every 2-3 months.

Ok yes, but is he the only one to be blamed? BTW, he died in '88 if you missed that.

Nope. I blame his whole administration.

Many fine Officers in the Air Force were detained in his dungeons for crimes they never committed.

He was a disaster to the Army. And in retrospect, a disgrace to Republic of Pakistan.

Any leader could have helped manage the war without bringing back baggage and side-effects back to our door-step.

You dont have an iota of shame, sir.

Don't worry. I get that a lot.

I'm not too concerned.

No comments. (Dont want to start a new topic here)

Cause you know I am right. But some of his war-planning left some things to be desired.

Guud for you.

New additions to my "locker" (if that's what ya wanna call it)

PSE bow with Cabela Carbon arrows

Walther P22 (with laser sight -- 50 meters range)

CZ-USA Bobwhite 202 (side by side)

various CCI Shot-shell and hollow point rounds

Zigana TISAS fully-auto rapid fire pistol (used by Turkish Army, awaiting registration)
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various CCI Shot-shell and hollow point rounds

What is the shot shell for? Do you keep it around to deal with snakes or other unpleasant critters about the house, or do you hunt small game/use it as a survival pistol? How well does it work?

I have been looking into a pistol that fires .45 colt and .410 shotgun rounds, but have questions if it is any better than just loading a 92FS with shot.
What is the shot shell for? Do you keep it around to deal with snakes or other unpleasant critters about the house, or do you hunt small game/use it as a survival pistol? How well does it work?

I have been looking into a pistol that fires .45 colt and .410 shotgun rounds, but have questions if it is any better than just loading a 92FS with shot.

same concept as the shotgun. It disperses shells, which is handy if you are hunting for animals such as duck or other birds.

Works pretty well, but it isnt very practical for me as I hunt only on rare occasions.

you can go either way depends what exactly ur trying to do

p.s. rest-assured, no snakes or other reptiles living at my residence ;)

i did see a scorpion once, outside my gate. :woot:
my man!! where in Peshawar are u from.....

if u ever come to Hayatabad, let me know.
my man!! where in Peshawar are u from.....

if u ever come to Hayatabad, let me know.

Well am in the cantt area, but once or twice a week i go some to hayatabad for one thing or another :)
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very nice rora......

let me know if u ever need anything from here.
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