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What's Happening? Ridiculous surge in STREET CRIMES in Karachi

Sad to see that Pakistan continues to live a few centuries behind the rest of the civilized world despite being a nuclear power. It need not be this way. Justifying present failures by pointing out similarities from times gone by is probably counter-productive, in that it prevents looking and aspiring towards better things, at least in my view.
There is no justification - how can one justify what happened with TLP taking over the capital a few months ago ? But they did not storm it and threaten parliamentarians as happened here.
Would you like to drive to interior Arkansas or North Dakota and give the Azaan?
I know what happened to a few idiotic Tableeghis that tried that. So yes, Pakistan is centuries behind but lets not kid ourselves that issues don’t exist throughout the world and few have reached the ideals we all hope for.

There is no comparison, but as I said before -unabashed criticism without understanding the ground realities which change within a few blocks in many cities and countries around the world does disservice to the message regarding improving those conditions.
If one is to pitch utopia, then utopia needs to have a path.
There is no justification - how can one justify what happened with TLP taking over the capital a few months ago ? But they did not storm it and threaten parliamentarians as happened here.
Would you like to drive to interior Arkansas or North Dakota and give the Azaan?
I know what happened to a few idiotic Tableeghis that tried that. So yes, Pakistan is centuries behind but lets not kid ourselves that issues don’t exist throughout the world and few have reached the ideals we all hope for.

There is no comparison, but as I said before -unabashed criticism without understanding the ground realities which change within a few blocks in many cities and countries around the world does disservice to the message regarding improving those conditions.
If one is to pitch utopia, then utopia needs to have a path.

Well, funny you should mention that. I am going to Arkansas soon, out in the boonies. I am hoping to come back in one piece with my cellphone intact. I will report back! :D

(Been to the Dakotas already. Nice places.)
Well, i am going to Arkansas soon, out in the boonies. I am hoping to come back in one piece with my cellphone intact. I will report back! :D
I just went there - and came back fine. However a mosque was guarded after an arson attack in what was a general university town. You know as well as I do that the cellphone is irrelevant to the argument made - don’t drive around casually in certain neighborhoods in Karachi as you wont in areas in Chicago or even Columbus( was chased while looking for a location with 4 gun toting chaps)
Karachi is pretty bad.

Is it worse than Chicago though?
Yes - I walk around Chicago quite often and if you avoid particular areas you are fine. You are not in Karachi because you can be hit anyway except perhaps right in front of 90 Clifton.
Karachi is pretty bad.

Is it worse than Chicago though?

Well, I probably am much safer in Chicago than in Karachi. Is that a fair thing to say?

I just went there - and came back fine. However a mosque was guarded after an arson attack in what was a general university town. You know as well as I do that the cellphone is irrelevant to the argument made - don’t drive around casually in certain neighborhoods in Karachi as you wont in areas in Chicago or even Columbus( was chased while looking for a location with 4 gun toting chaps)

I have never been there, so it would interesting to see how my experience compares to that. Arkansas was the headquarters of the Klan, after all. The streak of general lawlessness goes back a long ways in those parts. And I will be riding, not driving, so the exposure is going to be far higher and direct. Wish me luck! :D
Well, I probably am much safer in Chicago than in Karachi. Is that a fair thing to say?

I have never been there, so it would interesting to see how my experience compares to that. Arkansas was the headquarters of the Klan, after all. The streak of general lawlessness goes back a long ways in those parts. And I will be riding, not driving, so the exposure is going to be far higher and direct. Wish me luck! :D
Yes - although it is beautiful country nonetheless. But since I saw a housefly there I will never consider it for a permanent move. Happy where I am where no houseflies have ever been seen.
Yes - although it is beautiful country nonetheless. But since I saw a housefly there I will never consider it for a permanent move. Happy where I am where no houseflies have ever been seen.

Insects are generally more of a problem in the southern portions of the country. That is why I don't think of moving to Florida, attractive as it may be to many. West of the Mississippi is nice to visit but not enough water there for my liking, generally.

To circle back to the topic itself, street crime is only an indication of general lawlessness. Couple that with failures of local government like trash pickup (with the attendant flies), water supply, traffic management etc., and one can see that while extrajudicial murders can help in temporarily reducing street crimes a la Duterte, it does nothing to solve ever mounting civic problems that keep the milieu fertile for such problems to spring back up again. Karachi is a tough place indeed.
My Crore Patti Mamoo, when comes to Karachi, wears a casual jogging dress and travels in a rickshaw to visit realtives / shopping etc because according to him it wouldn't attract any extra attention and the robbers will think he has nothing worthy of robbing

It proves yet again that MQM IS NOT THE ONLY THIEF / MAFIA in Karachi. There are other actors at play here in this city who are filling the vaccum left by MQM and who are yet to be accounted for
People are openly talking about GUNS on Facebook

I guess people are making their minds and then they will give it a go
Mubarek Patel aka Yadev never got robbed in Karachi.
So is Baby Bilawal and Zardari ..... and countless others ....
Any stats to back this claim?

In my understanding, the level of violence in Karachi has come down incredibly over the last few years.
yes but this year there is visible increase in street crimes as compare to past few years ...
So is Baby Bilawal and Zardari ..... and countless others ....

The honorable police is doing what it can. They cannot fight TLP and robbers all at the same time.
My Crore Patti Mamoo, when comes to Karachi, wears a casual jogging dress and travels in a rickshaw to visit realtives / shopping etc because according to him it wouldn't attract any extra attention and the robbers will think he has nothing worthy of robbing

It proves yet again that MQM IS NOT THE ONLY THIEF / MAFIA in Karachi. There are other actors at play here in this city who are filling the vaccum left by MQM and who are yet to be accounted for
Crorepati is a joke these days bro...
its a daily routine and street crime never dropped the numbers are sky high if reported but majority dont even bother karachi is infested with crime of "all kinds" , there is no law nor any order ! the city is suffering bad people are sick and tired and that is how Altaf hussain's are born
From Actors to common man - Everyone is at mercy of these bloody goons

They violate our lives/dignity/money everyday and there's no stopping them.

Shouldn't we keep arms all the time while outside?

@Areesh @StormBreaker
Where is that rollerbladding police, dedicated cops for street crimes?

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