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What's happening in Bangladesh ?

How many of those include the Biharis & the West Pakistani Civilians killed by the Mukhti Bahini & enraged Bengali Mobs ?

Would there ever be any introspection on that & would any of them be brought to task as everyone so ardently wants to bring personnel from the Pakistani Security Apparatus & their Collaborators to task ?

To the victor go the spoils - so don't cry foul now.

If Pakistan had maintained its grip on Bangladesh (from 1400 miles away mind you), how many Mukthi would have been executed for treason? And Nizami would've probably received a medal for the rapes he sanctioned.

You lost and therefore your local network can now be termed as nothing more than collaborators and stooges. They can and shall be punished as the nation sees fit.
One of my relatives is a freedom fighter....he used to do recce in DU and Mirpur areas during the war....he's seen Koshai Kader back then...he says its the same guy!

Please .. don't test intellect of people Forces protecting country would not do such thing on own citizens

WAR is war there may have been people effected , can't doubt it however I doubt there was deliberate "ATTEMPT" by 90,000 solders to do anything harsh other the protect the borders

Rape was practice by Japanese in world war , Pakistan do not follow that culture nor our religion allows us such thing common sense

DIFFERENT mind set Japanese vs Pakistani (East Pakistani Forces) our cultures are different ..

At time of war its hard to judge what role Rebels played in inciting hate / killings to motivate disruptions

Pakistan forces went in SWAT operation how many RAPE occured "YEP zero"

Please save those stories for people who believe in fairy tales

Trained forces do not commit rape , lies are normally spread after wars to justify actions of reason for war !!

Impossible to commit more then 4-10 rapes in 13 day war by a trained army
if anything it must have been Rouge Rebels in Trucks going door to door raping people and then spreading lies who was doing it

PS IF YOU REVIEW WAR HISTORY you will learn that Rape is normally done by
INVADING FORCES not forces that are protecting the borders , this is a general statement in war. Example Japan invaded China (Rape occoured) , Japan invaded South Korea (Rape Occoured) always the force invading . Mongols when they invaded other countries of course rapes and killing occured ... remember alway 80-99% chance of rape by invading forces

Who was invading
(India + Terrorist Group Mukti Bani)

Who was defending
(East Pakistan Forces)

Looking at the situation in such simple terms may make it easier for you to digest, but please don't reduce a very complex social, strategic and historical problem in this way.

Where in history has there ever been one country divided in the middle by another. Where the administration, taxes, laws and military were administrated from one part and nothing for the other?

Of course it wasn't going to work and it didn't. Atrocities were committed - in what war are they not? Yes rapes did happen - there are many, many accounts and you can't dismiss them all. The intellectuals of the country were targetted in a very deliberate manner - and that was a military tactic, not one to defend the nation either. Would the Pak army do that in Pakistan to protect itself, kill its own intellectuals?

And these jahil Jamaati's you are fretting over, didn't even want Pakistan in the first place. History has shown that they are always on the wrong side - when it was time for Pakistan they opposed it, but when all sense and logic dictated that the existing system was unsustainable they decide to put their weight behind it!

Also please don't belittle a country by referring to the killing of the "rebel" leader. That rebel leader won your election and would have been your leader too had the administration played fair. Lets also not go into the judicial killings and assassinations that Pakistan has suffered in its history, if you want to point fingers point them at the mirror first.

One of my relatives is a freedom fighter....he used to do recce in DU and Mirpur areas during the war....he's seen Koshai Kader back then...he says its the same guy!

Well buddy you need to speak up. There are too many JI propagandists mouthing off in the world today.
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With due respect ,
The rebels were us . And we fought as i said . We wanted a country named Bangladesh . Because We aren't pakistani . You guys were sitting in Pakistan .... we faced the war here . We Bangladeshis already know they lied to you .... They changed the history in Pakistan about Bangladesh .

You call us rebels ?

Did you know 25 march , 1971 night what happened ?
Pakistani Army suddenly attacked on innocent bengalis , Police barack , Bangladesh border guards .... Dhaka University ... Were they rebel ???

You can increase or decrease the amount of killing and raping numbers but the thing is that They did . And abdul kader Molla helped the pakistani army with the help of other biharis here .

My Question is why are you guys always trying to defend yourself ? Our population were more than west pakistan ... we won the election why didn't you guys hand over the power ? They hated bengalis . They hated our languages ...they hated our culture . everything .... In every sectors we saw the difference between east pakistan and west pakistan ... even in Pakistany army ... there were no bengalis .... You call it a COUNTRY ?

So the war happened . And YOU guys lost the war . Bangladesh was born . India helped us . Of course India would help us . That's what we wanted so much . If Our muslim brothers kill us , rape our people ... it's better that India help us . The war would take longer than 9 months . If pakistan wouldn't attack India suddenly . Pakistan made mistake everywhere ... In 25 march , 3 December . 1971 . I wanna say something . You guys suddenly take decisions .

we could be remain a country if you guys liked our language , culture and the people . We could divide the power equally and share in every sector .

You guys made mistake . We had to do , what was needed to do . You guys paid off . Don't Blame India . I don't wanna blame even Pakistan . It wad mistake by Your General Yahia khan .

And i have an little advice . Don't do it to the Baluchistan people .
Why are you guys in denial every time you face a harsh reality of past history of your ancestors' atrocities. Self denial will only make other suspect you. You will only believe something which goes slightly favorable to you. Right? If there are thousands of reports saying Pakistan army did the most gory inhumane genocide of history after World War 2 in their own country on their own people you will just start bashing Indians and Bangladeshis for making up 'false' claim. What prove do you need more to get that millions were killed brutally and many women were raped as a weapon of war to break the moral strength of Bengalis? There are countless documented copies posted here in PDF but no, you will not believe. If Pakistan had apologized for the atrocities the army committed in 1971 you guys may have solved many tensions of yours with your neighborhood. It could have improved its relation with BD.

our army was putting down a rebellion by traitors.
bengalis sharmila bose said that after doing research she found out that most atrocities were committed by indians and mukhti bahani. pakistan was merely defending its own citizens.
Its impossible to Kill 1 Million people in 6 days
War started December 3rd ended 16th December , 13 days - 1 Million killed :P come on man

Is it only 6 days from Operation Searchlight to fall of Dhaka. What kind of maths are you talking about.
With due respect ,
The rebels were us . And we fought as i said . We wanted a country named Bangladesh . Because We aren't pakistani . You guys were sitting in Pakistan .... we faced the war here . We Bangladeshis already know they lied to you .... They changed the history in Pakistan about Bangladesh .

You call us rebels ?

Did you know 25 march , 1971 night what happened ?
Pakistani Army suddenly attacked on innocent bengalis , Police barack , Bangladesh border guards .... Dhaka University ... Were they rebel ???

You can increase or decrease the amount of killing and raping numbers but the thing is that They did . And abdul kader Molla helped the pakistani army with the help of other biharis here .

My Question is why are you guys always trying to defend yourself ? Our population were more than west pakistan ... we won the election why didn't you guys hand over the power ? They hated bengalis . They hated our languages ...they hated our culture . everything .... In every sectors we saw the difference between east pakistan and west pakistan ... even in Pakistany army ... there were no bengalis .... You call it a COUNTRY ?

So the war happened . And YOU guys lost the war . Bangladesh was born . India helped us . Of course India would help us . That's what we wanted so much . If Our muslim brothers kill us , rape our people ... it's better that India help us . The war would take longer than 9 months . If pakistan wouldn't attack India suddenly . Pakistan made mistake everywhere ... In 25 march , 3 December . 1971 . I wanna say something . You guys suddenly take decisions .

we could be remain a country if you guys liked our language , culture and the people . We could divide the power equally and share in every sector .

You guys made mistake . We had to do , what was needed to do . You guys paid off . Don't Blame India . I don't wanna blame even Pakistan . It wad mistake by Your General Yahia khan .

And i have an little advice . Don't do it to the Baluchistan people .

WTF did i just read:woot::hitwall:

even in Pakistany army ... there were no bengalis .... You call it a COUNTRY ?

So how do several Pakistani Bengalis who flew Pakistani planes so famous? How do history books of both Pakistan & Bangladesh writes about ethnic Bengalis of Pak Army crushing Indians in 65 war? Can i say your propaganda(which ofcourse is taught to you in your books) is busted?

And i have an little advice . Don't do it to the Baluchistan people .

Thanks but no thanks. Balochistan is pretty much dead issue...except few BLA terrorists who are not supported by locals no one fancy anything as you thinking. Yes many people wants more autonomy & power but they want to remain with federation.

You have lost all wars against India.

Are you drunk mate? Who told you these fairy tales that gives you orgasms? Pakistan won 47-48 & 65 war. 99 war was won militarily but lost diplomatically as US pressured Nawaz Sharif govt who took $$ & sacked Musharraf plus ordered withdrawal...later Musharraf kick NS from power & took control. Only war lost is 71 because India send 100's of 1000s terrorists, territory was surrounded almost all four sides from enemy territory & cut off from mainland & due to several traitors. But even in 71 Pakistan lost nothing as Bangladesh was not part of Pakistan originally.
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The actual figure is around 300,00 killed.

Still far, far too many but nothing like 3 million.

They say the 3 million figure came about because of a mistranslation. I read that somewhere anyway.
How many of those include the Biharis & the West Pakistani Civilians killed by the Mukhti Bahini & enraged Bengali Mobs ?

Would there ever be any introspection on that & would any of them be brought to task as everyone so ardently wants to bring personnel from the Pakistani Security Apparatus & their Collaborators to task ?

If it was up to me, that period of history should be put in the past and BD and Pakistan should forge stronger relations for both out mutual benefits.

No point dragging old skeletons back from the past.
Are you drunk mate? Who told you these fairy tales that gives you orgasms? Pakistan won 47-48 & 65 war. 99 war was won militarily but lost diplomatically as US pressured Nawaz Sharif govt who took $$ & sacked Musharraf plus ordered withdrawal...later Musharraf kick NS from power & took control. Only war lost is 71 because India send 100's of 1000s terrorists, territory was surrounded almost all four sides from enemy territory & cut off from mainland & due to several traitors. But even in 71 Pakistan lost nothing as Bangladesh was not part of Pakistan originally.

At most 48 and 65 were draws and the rest were losses overall. I don't see how you can call 48 or 65 a win imho.
our army was putting down a rebellion by traitors.
bengalis sharmila bose said that after doing research she found out that most atrocities were committed by indians and mukhti bahani. pakistan was merely defending its own citizens.

“…… we were told to kill the hindus and Kafirs (non-believer in God). One day in June, we cordoned a village and were ordered to kill the Kafirs in that area. We found all the village women reciting from the Holy Quran, and the men holding special congregational prayers seeking God’s mercy. But they were unlucky. Our commanding officer ordered us not to waste any time.”
-Confession of a Pakistani Soldier
They say the 3 million figure came about because of a mistranslation. I read that somewhere anyway.

Muijib is reported to have said 3 lakh, which equates to 300,000 and this got mistranslated to 3 million.

3 million killed would have been nearly 5% of BD's population and that would have meant that most families in areas of fighting would have had a close relative that died and that plainly did not happen.
If it was up to me, that period of history should be put in the past and BD and Pakistan should forge stronger relations for both out mutual benefits.

No point dragging old skeletons back from the past.
They should know proper history . I have full respects for my Pakistani friends . When we hurt our brothers ... we say sorry . They call us brothers . They should understand our feelings .

Muijib is reported to have said 3 lakh, which equates to 300,000 and this got mistranslated to 3 million.

3 million killed would have been nearly 5% of BD's population and that would have meant that most families in areas of fighting would have had a close relative that died and that plainly did not happen.
Many died , many hadn't been found . Are you a Bangladeshi ? or British ?
Many died , many hadn't been found . Are you a Bangladeshi ? or British ?

Are you trying to say that you think 3 million died?

If you do, do you have any evidence to back this up with?
At most 48 and 65 were draws and the rest were losses overall. I don't see how you can call 48 or 65 a win imho.

48 our Army stopped IA from occupying those Kashmir areas that were liberated by Kashmiris & Pushtun tribesman from Waziristan & FATA & forced them to register the issue in UN, it was then accepted as a dispute between 2 countries otherwise the fate would've been the same as of Hyderabad Deccan. In 65 war India was dreaming to capture Lahore & advance further into Punjab which was stopped & Indians were chased into their territory.
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