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chat room :d, emo for president, emo_girl is maulvi, farigh log, hmmmmmmmmmm, random thoughts, too much free time., whatever!!!
Mein aapko aik sacha aur acha mashwara doon..... return to your normal state....... nothing in this world is more important then your own self.... respect others as well as yourself..... coz yourself is only one standing by yourself when all others leave you......

Loving someone is good but not at stake of your own self.....:cheers:

Awesome....I wanted to say the exact same words
i just want that he should marry me as soonas poossible bus
coz mera zameer mujhay mar dalay ga

if he marries you..he will be in trouble..FORGET him for the sake of ur country.. forget him...be a brave girl !!
dakho aik insan ap ki khariat daryafat karna ata hay n ap us ko spoil kar do sirf is liya k u love her is it wrng or right and all that happens in 5 mints and jb ma hosh ma ai i lost every thing

Jiya i would advise dont act weak. People exploit women because they take her for weak. women who can take a child for 9 months can kick the same child.

Go straight to him ask him the same if he denies kick him in front of everyone. He should be hearing a good one from u so that he never repeats. Any one turning him black and blue will have less effect than ur words.

I repeat dont act weak
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