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I wonder how long before people blame him for being a Western agent who imposed a foreign ideology like communism upon China? :D

Oh it already happened....several times heh.

Mao himself tried to "localise/domesticize" Marxism (i.e "Maoism", rural peasant basis rather than proletariat urban marxist-leninism) to varying results for that very reason....given its clear foreign origin and what you have noticed as their (Han) intrinsic xenophobia (made worse by the legacy memory of the Mongols, Manchus, Western powers and Japanese).

Stuff that was eventually completely shredded by the CCP after he died (given its abject failure in making China strong fast enough) - which has provided some of the scope for later "foreign agent sent to destroy local culture" arguments/criticisms from both dissidents and even (more recent) apparatchiks in direct or idiomatic ways....after the coast was cleared of the big guy+extreme loyalists.

There is reason why Mensheviks eventually bitterly resented and hated the Bolsheviks and vice versa too (before the latter started the purging of the former completely)...one wanted to make gradual consensus with what existed, one wanted to dictate the consensus to shape reality.

This is the basic divide among Marxists anywhere and how they classify among themselves who is on the left and who are to the right (getting closer to democrat socialists in the West etc) on their "left only" spectrum .

It has often been enough to call what we would call as left-wing in the West as "right wing" for them as simply the factions of that bent there have enough perceived social conservatism/moderation imbued in their basis... (from reality that exists compared to the theory/utopia far lefties assert actually exists)

PRC politics is very interesting once you get into it.... there is a deep language barrier that exists for most outsiders to truly get into the details though.

Anyway thats enough political science for me now :P
CCP is communist in name only... money is their god which is anti-thesis to the core belief of a true communist.

What we have here is a modern equivalent of an Emperor and his courtiers holding absolute power in Beijing, in keeping with thousands of years of glorious Chinese history.
Zelensky ka jo yaar hay woh Insaaniyat ka ghaddaar hay.

Hindi for "Who is friend of Zelensky is the traitor to Humanity".

CCP is communist in name only... money is their god which is anti-thesis to the core belief of a true communist.


oh she is definitely lying or atleast exaggerating but there's no one from NK to correct her

Yeonmi has been debunked. "People pushing trains and people eating rats that were waiting for other people to die...". Really ??? North Korea is more developed than USA, India and Pakistan. Actually developed, not a place where a few can acquire any goods and service and millions who starve or are destined to engage in wage slavery just to survive. But Yeonmi won't have to suffer the life of the typical wage slave in the Capitalist Bloc because she like Gorbachev, Tony B'liar and Obomba will live the life of celebrity book-signers and celebrity lecturers.

And the Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York, not Pyongyang and it branched into Occupy London 2011, not Moscow 1917.

This is the basic divide among Marxists anywhere and how they classify among themselves who is on the left and who are to the right (getting closer to democrat socialists in the West etc) on their "left only" spectrum .

I am a Communist, not a "Marxist". Communism is as old as humanity and is eternal.

PRC politics is very interesting once you get into it.... there is a deep language barrier that exists for most outsiders to truly get into the details though.

To add to Uhuru's words above, the "People's" Republic of China is a Republic of Money and nationalism and a cringey replication of Los Angeles, London and Dubai.

Your Bangladesh also has admirers of Mao and your country's official name is "People's Republic of Bangladesh" so think again before insulting Communists including Mao. :)

I wonder how long before people blame him for being a Western agent who imposed a foreign ideology like communism upon China? :D

What is your excuse for running away to the West ? And don't use :D too often. It is irritating and fake.
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As yes, but delusions as ideas do not work. At all. :D

And who are you to decide between delusions and ideas ? Just a wage slave, a coward and a apathetic who didn't join any progressive movement in his native Pakistan but ran away to the West and is not even talking about progressiveism from the West and joining progressive movements in the West. I don't suppose you were part of the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011. :)
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And who are you to judge my views? :D

A humble person who made simple questions and points which should have brought answers from any humble and thoughtful person.

And why did you decide not to answer the rest of my previous post ?
. . . .

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