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A substantial minority I would say if you include Muslims of Bangladesh and Pakistan. Still much better than the whole of subcontinent getting converted if you compare to what happened to Persia, North Africa, Spain and Portugal (in the earlier stage) and other places.

Another 200 years of Muslim rule could certainly have added more converts, I'm sure. Maybe not the whole subcontinent because UP and Bihar who were under Muslim rule for more number of years are still majority Hindu whereas present day Pakistan and Bangladesh is entirely Muslim. Hard to say but certainly more, no doubt about that.

Of course, having a Muslim king is not the only reason but it's an important coefficient to the equation eg. Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Interesting. I've heard there was a lot of syncretism between the practice of Hindus and Muslims of your region even after conversions.

Agreed, there are multiple reasons for the conversions. As you mentioned, through Sufis is another factor but through conquest as well where Muslim authors themselves talk about conversion of local populace after battles, demolition of temples, etc. Another problem was that Hindus didn't allow reconverts during that time but there are certainly instances of Muslims reconverting to Hinduism. The founders of the Vijaynagar empire, Harihara Raya and Bukka Raya had converted to Islam and then reconverted to Hinduism.

I don't know too much about Jat history, I'll admit. But there are still plenty of Hindu Jats and there was a Hindu Jat dynasty, Raja Surajmal being a prominent one who had considerable influence in North India. Present day Pakistan is also very close to Afghanistan and Central Asia and hence had considerable Muslim influence since all of Central Asia and Afghanistan became Muslim.

According to the man in the video, if we go by his logic, India should have become Muslim long back. So I don't agree with him.

I had seen a video where an elderly Rajput talked how some Rajputs became Muslim but I'm not able to find it. Will share once I find.

Muslims ruling the entire SC for 800 years is inaccurate, I would say. There were plenty of Hindu principalities who were either entirely independent or they just gave nominal authority to the Sultanates/Mughals.
@SIPRA @Taimur Khurram @Taimoor Khan @Bilal9 guys can we discuss this topic in a dedicated thread?

The usual claim is that Muslims forcefully converted majority of Hindus in India.
@Areesh - listen to what your filthy mouth Molvi said in the video ..

@CriticalThought @Mentee

Sir ,

If i may intervene?
The way we are pushing areesh against the wall can warrant an adverse reaction from almost anyone. Rest i agree that we must question anything devoid of a practical purpose in the light of Quran and for that to happen we have to open and read The Book by our ownselves .
The usual claim is that Muslims forcefully converted majority of Hindus in India.

Only problem would be that most of the posters would be producing their personal judgements, largly prejudiced and biased, for the reason that credible historical records, in this regard, is very scanty, in my opinion.
Attentional impoverishment:
Information consumes attention hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention - Herbert A. Simon

for the most part we are likely to see a weakened PTI government this year until either they find some miracle to reduce the burden on the population or they are moved out and replaced with a weak opposition coalition.

I must share my observation; I find that by the end of this five years term Imran Khan will consolidate his position. He will overcome challenges and emerge as the same old legendary and charismatic 'Imran Khan'.
River Euphrates is drying up, and the Sea of Galilee is filling at the same time. As I pointed out before, the Syrian war was all about water, and Israel was behind it. And World media is so controlled that we don't hear the right news about this. I am shocked.
@PanzerKiel yaar kuch theek nahi lagta... ye sub kia ho raha hai?

@SIPRA @peagle @Mentee @Ace of Spades @StormBreaker

What has happened in Kazhakistan... it was/is a greater game... rather well engineered and the counter to it...seems well prepared...

Regardless... with Talibs behaving badly against us... GoP simply has forgotten MaqboozaKashmir... perhaps the PakState as well...

One fears... the price of this neglect is going to be dear....

I do have this unstelling thought... that to engineer Kazhak type GreyWar in Pakistan might still be thought of by the Gangetics and their masters...

War of Terror imposed upon Pakistan together with the EconomicTerrorists in the name of Dimmocrazy... there are so many 'assets' within the System... including MarasiMedia...

unstelling thoughts... just one look at soico-eonomic-political instability.... we are SoftState.... there are no two ways around it....

Yes, we can deal with any ColourRevolution or EthonoFacist ones... we have seen them... but cost. Cost.

@PanzerKiel yaar one hopes that all the new assets/systems... deter the players from playing shadow wars..in Pakistan...but one doubts it seriously.

Pakistan needs to become Solid... time for some more solid deternce than shaheen....

BigWar is becoming a necessary Evil... unavoidable...

Forgetting of PakKashmiris by the PakState and GoP is a deep crime. Unforgivable...

If we don't fight now then we shall fight with thirst... in coming WaterWar with the Gangetics...
@PanzerKiel yaar kuch theek nahi lagta... ye sub kia ho raha hai?

@SIPRA @peagle @Mentee @Ace of Spades @StormBreaker

What has happened in Kazhakistan... it was/is a greater game... rather well engineered and the counter to it...seems well prepared...

Regardless... with Talibs behaving badly against us... GoP simply has forgotten MaqboozaKashmir... perhaps the PakState as well...

One fears... the price of this neglect is going to be dear....

I do have this unstelling thought... that to engineer Kazhak type GreyWar in Pakistan might still be thought of by the Gangetics and their masters...

War of Terror imposed upon Pakistan together with the EconomicTerrorists in the name of Dimmocrazy... there are so many 'assets' within the System... including MarasiMedia...

unstelling thoughts... just one look at soico-eonomic-political instability.... we are SoftState.... there are no two ways around it....

Yes, we can deal with any ColourRevolution or EthonoFacist ones... we have seen them... but cost. Cost.

@PanzerKiel yaar one hopes that all the new assets/systems... deter the players from playing shadow wars..in Pakistan...but one doubts it seriously.

Pakistan needs to become Solid... time for some more solid deternce than shaheen....

BigWar is becoming a necessary Evil... unavoidable...

Forgetting of PakKashmiris by the PakState and GoP is a deep crime. Unforgivable...

If we don't fight now then we shall fight with thirst... in coming WaterWar with the Gangetics...

Paa Jee: Allah per bharosa rakhain. Pakistan cannot betray Kashmir. That is writ, whatever may be the circumstances. That is what I believe.
@PanzerKiel yaar kuch theek nahi lagta... ye sub kia ho raha hai?

@SIPRA @peagle @Mentee @Ace of Spades @StormBreaker

What has happened in Kazhakistan... it was/is a greater game... rather well engineered and the counter to it...seems well prepared...

Regardless... with Talibs behaving badly against us... GoP simply has forgotten MaqboozaKashmir... perhaps the PakState as well...

One fears... the price of this neglect is going to be dear....

I do have this unstelling thought... that to engineer Kazhak type GreyWar in Pakistan might still be thought of by the Gangetics and their masters...

War of Terror imposed upon Pakistan together with the EconomicTerrorists in the name of Dimmocrazy... there are so many 'assets' within the System... including MarasiMedia...

unstelling thoughts... just one look at soico-eonomic-political instability.... we are SoftState.... there are no two ways around it....

Yes, we can deal with any ColourRevolution or EthonoFacist ones... we have seen them... but cost. Cost.

@PanzerKiel yaar one hopes that all the new assets/systems... deter the players from playing shadow wars..in Pakistan...but one doubts it seriously.

Pakistan needs to become Solid... time for some more solid deternce than shaheen....

BigWar is becoming a necessary Evil... unavoidable...

Forgetting of PakKashmiris by the PakState and GoP is a deep crime. Unforgivable...

If we don't fight now then we shall fight with thirst... in coming WaterWar with the Gangetics...

Paa Jee: It seems, you have misunderstood my previous post. Kashmir has and will remain the corner stone of our political existence, as a state. There is no escape from it.
Paa Jee: It seems, you have misunderstood my previous post. Kashmir has and will remain the corner stone of our political existence, as a state. There is no escape from it.

O yaar dildaar.... we need to see the entire Eurasia as one single endgame of capture...control..whatever..

Afghanistan is headache today.... and if/when they become part of BRI/CPEC+ ... and could get the wealth of minerals in Yuans... they are going be a bigger headace...

Regardless, we cann't be complacent or over/underestimate ourselves... We must preserve the Idealogical and Physical Boundaries of OurLand which includes IoJK and parts of GangeticGujarat...which ceded to us...and we Do have the papers to prove....

You know... I rather stay in the background... but what see developing/emerging... we are going to be at a mericless war sooner than we can imagine...

The idea that your enemies would let to get economically stronger and stable...and then will go to war with ya... is rather silly.

There cann't be two tigers under a one mountain... One of the tiger must either die or leave the mountain...

Pakistan remains a big target for the EvilEmpire... We need Kashmir... it is slipping away from our fingers...

There is NO political solution to Kashmir... Lie and let die...

Pakistan must prepare for the First and Last War with Gagnetic n Co.

We have no choice... or we accept Gangus to be our overlords...just like Noora/Zardaree did... but then why do we have such big armedforces?

Deterence has actually failed. Might is right as always...
@PanzerKiel yaar kuch theek nahi lagta... ye sub kia ho raha hai?

@SIPRA @peagle @Mentee @Ace of Spades @StormBreaker

What has happened in Kazhakistan... it was/is a greater game... rather well engineered and the counter to it...seems well prepared...

Regardless... with Talibs behaving badly against us... GoP simply has forgotten MaqboozaKashmir... perhaps the PakState as well...

One fears... the price of this neglect is going to be dear....

I do have this unstelling thought... that to engineer Kazhak type GreyWar in Pakistan might still be thought of by the Gangetics and their masters...

War of Terror imposed upon Pakistan together with the EconomicTerrorists in the name of Dimmocrazy... there are so many 'assets' within the System... including MarasiMedia...

unstelling thoughts... just one look at soico-eonomic-political instability.... we are SoftState.... there are no two ways around it....

Yes, we can deal with any ColourRevolution or EthonoFacist ones... we have seen them... but cost. Cost.

@PanzerKiel yaar one hopes that all the new assets/systems... deter the players from playing shadow wars..in Pakistan...but one doubts it seriously.

Pakistan needs to become Solid... time for some more solid deternce than shaheen....

BigWar is becoming a necessary Evil... unavoidable...

Forgetting of PakKashmiris by the PakState and GoP is a deep crime. Unforgivable...

If we don't fight now then we shall fight with thirst... in coming WaterWar with the Gangetics...
Kazakhstan... You are right, well planned with specific aims.

Kashmir... I can assure you, can never be forgotten, we are as active as ever... In all domains... Beauty is, no one can report it.
There is NO political solution to Kashmir... Lie and let die...

Paa Jee: I am, by profession, an Environmental Engineer, but, by passion, a student of history. I can vouch, that there was not perhaps a single person in whole of Subcontinent or "British India", in 1937, who could even remotely think that a sovereign Muslim state, named Pakistan, would come into being, merely 10 years after. Fundamental historical forces have their own way, and they yield results, which are far beyond the comprehension, of even the most enlightened intellectuals. Allah per bharosa rakhain. Kashmir was and is the jugular vein of Pakistan, in a philosophic sense:

"Mairay badan ka saara tawaazan tujhi say hae
Tu gir parhay, tau man bhi ulat jaayun tairay saath"
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