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Thats exactly what was mentioned in earlier post, you oppose Taliban & TTP when they want to practise Quran without any sugarcoating like you to make things look sane & civilised.

But the real Islam / Quran is sane and civilized and the TTP / Taliban are not following it. For example, the Afghan Taliban have been forcing women between the ages of 15 and 40 to marry their fighters and leaders and not giving them due rights. If you again consult the Islamic women's rights section I quoted previously an Islamic marriage requires the consent of the woman and the right to the mehr and to divorce. But have the Taliban been following this ?

The fellow is quite foul-mouthed and dismissive of Earthly women and of the feelings of love of men for some woman even though there is so much culture of a millennia of love poetry among Muslims. He is an idiot who I think has the agenda of recruiting young men for criminal activities.

And there is a YT channel name called Khaaksar1 that appears at the end of the vid. The top visible vid is a short one called "Correct your statement" and is of a Tablighi Jamaat type person who calls himself an Ustad and speaks mostly I think in Pashto. He also speaks in Urdu in the middle and says to people to not disparage the beard, the cap and the burqa because "It's in the deen". Well, the burqa is not in the Islamic deen. There is nothing Islamic about this piece of garment. It is a pre-Islamic artifact. Actually a Jewish tradition. An Egyptian Muslim woman parliamentarian and academic, Amna Nosseir, has researched on this and has called for a ban on the burqa :
An Egyptian lawmaker has said members of parliament are drafting a law that would ban women from wearing the burqa in government institutions after alleging the Islamic full-face veil was a "Jewish tradition".

Amna Nosseir said on Sunday that the proposed ban would be in the best interest of Egyptian society and that she has been battling against the burqa over the past 40 years.
Nosseir, who wears the hijab, said on Wednesday that the burqa - known in Arabic as the niqab - had its origins in Jewish religious law.

"In the Old Testament, you find in chapter 38 that the Jewish religious authorities tell you that if Jewish women leave the house without covering the face and head then they are breaking Jewish religious law," the lawmaker said during an interview with local media.
"I have gathered around 20 texts by Jewish religious authorities that completely forbid women from showing their faces and heads," Nosseir said while discussing also banning female university students from wearing "ripped jeans" in lectures.

She added that this part of Jewish law became entrenched in pre-Islamic Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and then spread throughout the Middle East with the Muslim conquests.
The verse the lawmaker could be referring to is Genesis 38, where a biblical figure encounters his daughter-in-law in the street and mistakes her for a prostitute because she had covered her face with a veil.
The "Ustad" doesn't know of this fact. He should also watch this vid from 1966 of a speech by the great Egyptian leader Jamal Abdul Nasser who recounts his meeting with the chief of the Muslim Brotherhood group and makes fun of the burqa. Note the reaction of the audience. There are English subtitles.

The only point is will Muslims follow real Quran or Tailor made Quran like you do because the holy book definitely doesnt allow any edit to be made for its followers.

Most of the Islamic socio-economic laws and ideas can be explained as being implementable at any time but there are some ideas there that should be seen in the context of the time Islam was formalized and condensed. Unfortunately, neither the Taliban / TTP types look at the former nor do they look at those ideas in original context but become literalist for the context-sensitive things.

You can keep pointing fingers at others, but fact is Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran etc is a reality due to this conflict between Muslims not accepting Quran in its entirety and come up with words like radical, extremists etc to exclude yourselves from the real Quran.

Syria is in conflict because the Western governments have created, trained, funded, armed and given political support to regressive criminals who don't have an iota of knowledge about real Islam and thus are fighting against the Muslim-majority government of the Ba'ath movement which has understood the true progressive spirit of Islam. I quote a section from this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is an article by the Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and chronicles Socialist and Communist activism among Muslims from the early 1900s onward :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.
The Ba'athists in Syria and Iraq understood the above type of spirit in Islam as did the leftists in Afghanistan. The Taliban, Al Qaeda etc did not and became misinformed and misguided and that is why they became tools used by the Capitalist and Crusader Western governments because the Taliban types and the Western governments had the common enemy - the leftist Muslim - and also because the Western governments never want Muslims to progress.

Please take your time and read the entire long OP in the above thread and the subsequent in the thread.
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@cocomo sorry the thread got locked. Here are some comments on a post.
View attachment 774271View attachment 774272
View attachment 774273@cocomo sorry the thread got locked. Here are some comments on a post.
Thanks for replying! The same crowd is everywhere, on reddit and youtube etc. Their obsessive hate is boundless, you can't post about Pakistan on reddit without one of these cockroaches coming out of their holes and reminding everyone that it is actually India. There mere existence forced our politicians to demand for Pakistan, their hate for Muslims mean they couldn't be trusted to use their majority status to undermine Muslims in a democratic system. Its interesting how this same problem is reflected on social media platforms that are "democratic" - the more disliked a post is the more invisible it is on the platform.
Paajee @SIPRA the good Indians are sitting on a Cactus... therefore, the Indianness is screaming... Gen. Bakri or Maj. Gobar or Bakra Dutt... they are all the same...

The horrors and nightmares for the Indianness is Existential Aganst of Gazwah e Hind...... it might turn out to be self-fulling prophecy!!!!

We know the Guy in the classic video is Pakistan... the rest is easy...

@Mentee @Ace of Spades @Verve @Indus Pakistan
Paajee @SIPRA the good Indians are sitting on a Cactus... therefore, the Indianness is screaming... Gen. Bakri or Maj. Gobar or Bakra Dutt... they are all the same...

The horrors and nightmares for the Indianness is Existential Aganst of Gazwah e Hind...... it might turn out to be self-fulling prophecy!!!!

We know the Guy in the classic video is Pakistan... the rest is easy...

@Mentee @Ace of Spades @Verve @Indus Pakistan

Paajee @SIPRA the Gen. Bakri or Maj. Gobar or Bakra Dutt... they are all the same...

Natha Singh and Prem Singh
One and the same thing
Paajee @SIPRA the good Indians are sitting on a Cactus... therefore, the Indianness is screaming... Gen. Bakri or Maj. Gobar or Bakra Dutt... they are all the same...

The horrors and nightmares for the Indianness is Existential Aganst of Gazwah e Hind...... it might turn out to be self-fulling prophecy!!!!

We know the Guy in the classic video is Pakistan... the rest is easy...

@Mentee @Ace of Spades @Verve @Indus Pakistan

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