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I have forgotten but I just asked my mother who some months ago found in my house a booklet that is named "Salah ( The Muslim Prayer )" published by "Syed Khaliq Taufiq & Family" which contains the way of prayer including the physical positions.

My mother just now told me a few things but it was difficult for me to byheart them so soon. It will take practice.

I am glad brother that you are focusing on your personal betterment.

May Allah swt bless you in all affairs.
As the new ColdWar3.0 rises.... we shall be seeing a lot of BerlinWalls popping up.. in Eurasia++

@Dual Wielder lslamabad as always impressed me. The Margallahs are like a giant work of art decorating the background of the city. It seemed slightly more jammed up but I suppose it needed some life injected into it as it was touch staid and leafy before.

And thank god for the new airport !

If only all Cities in Pak looked like Isloo
I hold a very low opinion of this city and nothing I saw changed my thoughts. As regards CPEC I only was in the city for a short day trip and left on the same day so I can't comment on that.

You never been to Karachi scream the Karachite goes to Karachi sees slums
I consider Sheikh Imran to be one of the few scholars who is able to penetrate the reality of the world today. Of course he makes mistakes, after all he is human. There are certain views of his that I do not accept but that goes with any scholar.

Assalam alaikum dear brother. I knew Imran N. Hosein personally for many years, when he was a follower of Dr. Israr Ahmad. I attended many of his lectures, sat in halaqa with him, and read all his books.

I was entranced by his discussions on the topic of yawm ul Akhir and al Masih ad Dajjal. He made some good points on those topics in the beginning of his career as a speaker.

Notice that I am not calling him a scholar. He is not a scholar. He does not have a proper ijazat. He is not hafiz, not learned in fiqh/ahadith, and lacks basic knowledge of Islam.

When Dr. Israr Ahmad made him head of Da'wah in NA, he saw great potential in him. He observed him closely and judged his mistakes and witnessed his lack of basic knowledge of Islam. Dr. Israr Ahmad asked him to come to Pakistan to do his Hifz, learn Ahadith, Fiqh, and become informed in other disciplines of Islam instead of just Riba and Qiyamat.

His answer was to leave Dr. Israr Ahmad, cut off from his organization, leave NA, move back to his Carribean island, and start pushing a very anti-Pakistan narrative (almost the exact opposite of Dr. Israr Ahmad's vision, which is patriotic and pro-Pakistan.)

I would like someone to contradict his arguments using the Quran and the Ahadith. So far the only arguments that go against him that I am aware are historical ones.

I am ready to contradict his points, kindly inform me of where I should begin. I feel I am knowledgeable enough about this man to show you exactly where he goes wrong in his understanding of Islam, and frankly dangerous ideas which divide Muslims against each other and further Kuffar narratives.

For one, do you know that he has rejected Sahih Ahadith from Bukhari and Muslim just because they don't agree with his narrative? He has done this many times. One notable case is his rejection of Sahih Ahadith about the age of Hazrat Ayesha RA when she married Hazoor Pak SAWS.

One thing that I am convinced of, and I learned this from Sheikh Imran, is that the prophecy regarding the conquest of Constantinople by a noble leader and army is to occur AFTER Al Malhama. After. People can try to posit that some scholars take the opinion that it could also be interpreted to be before Al Malhama but this is an example of 'hermeneutical waterboarding'.

Instanbul will be conquered twice. The first conquest was referred to by the Prophet Muhammad saws as well. Later on, based on the hadith, Hazrat Abu Ayyub Al Ansari RA went to conquer Istanbul in the first army and he died by the walls.

Hadith of Bukhari is very clearly that the 'first' army of believers who will conquer Qaiser Ar Rum, castle of the Romans, i.e. Constantinople will gain maghfirat. If you watch the last video below, it mentions it in detail.

The second conquest is wholly different, and related to Al Mahdi. The second conquest will be an easy one where the city will capitulate merely when hearing the shahadah.

This is the established position of Ahlus Sunnah wa Al Jama'at. I am sure you know the Ahadith about the importance of ijma (consensus) of ulema. Famously he SAWS said, "My Ummah will never agree on something which wrong."

Imran N Hosein is not Sunni, therefore these things do not apply to him. He is his own scholar who picks and chooses ahadith at whim, and he also willfully misinterprets the Quran, using his own tafsir when he is not qualified.

It is so plain and clear that the Ottomans tried to portray themselves as those noble ones in the prophecy and disregarded the bit about it being AFTER Al Malhama. This was done to gain religious legitimacy in the eyes of the Muslims. Even their scholars did not correct them. But what could you have expected from 'court scholars'.

The whole of the Muslim Ummah stood by the Ottomans, they are still revered to this day by scholars and laymen alike. It is no small feat that they brought Islam into the heart of Europe and strengthened it from North Africa to the Caucasus.

Imran N. Hosein can declare Non-Muslim Orthodox defenders as Shuhadah and Mu'mineen, and Hindus also in the same way. it doesn't bother me, because takfir takes one out of Islam. He has many times done so against Pakistan and Turkey as a whole.

This charlatan even asked us to give up land in Kashmir to placate Modi and the Hindus, because of supposed wrongs down by our ancestors, like Mughals. What a hack.

This behaviour by many scholars was replicated in the continent of India in times bygone.

Any 'Muslim' who sides with Kuffar against other Muslims is the one whose Iman and loyalty must be questioned. This guy supports Russian, Serbian, Armenian, Greek etc. Orthodox extremists whose main goal in life is to wipe out Islam and massacre Turks. They are so bitter that they at times take it out on Kosovars, Bosnians, Azeris,Chechens, Dagestanis, and their own Muslim minorities.

He has the same misguided views about Pakistanis, and our ancestors, in relation to Hindus of India. He has even supported TTP in the past, and praised the death of Pakistani soldiers. He has lamblasted Pakistani military, government, and the people many times. he has a vile racist kind of hate towards us.

For this reason, PDF does not allow his views to be posted here and they have a strict rule against making threads related to him.

Alhamdulilah that he is a minor personality which mostly influences Western converts, second generation, and some subcontinental diaspora (Indians, BDs) who have lost touch with proper understanding of Islam.

Around 2007, I stopped following him, when he started pushing a very strong anti-Pakistan propaganda through his speeches.

Orya Maqbool Jan has answered him well multiple times, take a look.

Last link was from last month.
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I am in Crete, Greece in lovely sky villa with its own swimming pool and glorious views of the Mediterranean. After Pakistan I went to Turkey and the after 4 days in UK I thought it only appropriate to visit Turkey’s twin Greece. So here I am in land of Alexander admiring the views and fabulous local fruit. Grapes, fig, watermelons etc to die for. The women are pretty ugly to be honest. Short, stout workhorses. @Nilgiri @Yankee-stani @PAKISTANFOREVER @Joe Shearer etc
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