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Bingo @Mangus Ortus Novem basically this is preview of what things will unfold in the near future in the Anglosphere the "Left" and "Right" or simply "Conservative" and "Liberal" are just a puppet show for the masses for the "Left" here most of the politicians or leaders are wealthy individuals folks like Obama say nice things and promise a lot to the working class but do nothing on the "Right" folks like Trump claim they wanna preserve the current order and talk about restricting immigration and blah blah about the family but the elite is in unison on the same trajectory of Globalism and American Zionist hegemony


Despite being very young...you are on the correct analytical part... once again, I wish you to have a solid Framework Underpinning to perform the litmust tests to what we see before us.... memories The GameTheory!

Revolution and Counter-Revolution .... have been EngineeringTools of the 20th Century... only getting more polished, sophisticated...with each successful cycle.

Coloured Revolutions... with baked cookies for the NeoNazi to the dead lands of Iraq and Syria.... ArabSpringers!!!

Now there are portests in EuroLands too... not that much in AfroLands... UN HumanRights hag... gushed out some dead wind about respect/tolerance/anti-racism ....

The Empire doesn't care... it moves on... CreativeDestruction ...maybe/maybe not.

Look at how Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan tried to protest and how they were crushed in MaqboozaDelhi Progrom @xeuss

Some Greek Anarchists try to lob a petro-bombs at the US Emb. in Athenes.... but then Greeks are pure Med.

A scenario where the State is successful to brutly Crush the 'rebellion' is a Cycle...where both the Crushed and the Crusher need to be ready for the next round of more Hot Engagements.

In the Age of AsocialMedia
.... everything is registered... from our movements to our 'digital fingerprints' ...this will force the Anarchits to go primitive... to avoid Digital traps...

The figure in the article you posted... the one with a fine AfroAmerican lady doing booty shake while the fires were ragging... made me think... I slept on it...

It still makes me think... I guess I shall sleep on it again....

The Empire can go back...in relative composed manner... or it can dismantle itself being burnt charred and dragged through mud.

People make the mistake in assessing that The British Empire just took the wise decision and called it a day...

The BritishEmpire actually morphed into something bigger...

The Financialisation of HumanCommodity is causing problems in the LiberDemocracy sphere.... making it difficult to hold the narrative together... Sexual freedom or other freedoms are like Games in the Roman times... especially sexual one...because its shelf life is rather short.. and after 30 onwards its market value goes down.... bringing with it ...what is natural to come with it....

A Society needs an agreed Composite beyond negotiation... for a cohesive and productive existence....

The -ismz broke all Composites
... and now the curse of constant discovery brings with it Existential Angst...post 30yr of age...before that it is all cool...fun!

A BemusedObserver wonders whether there is a ThridPath possible?

The Liberal Democracy is too young a system to pass a judgement just yet
.... it needs to be at least 1000yrs old to facilitate an indepth analysis as 'system'....

The Thrid Path of Nine Vectors!

Food is ready


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