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Sorry im kinda inserious person ..
Ok .. Tell me your views what u think about the question u asked , then i will tell mine .
Nothing serious dear. Read an article about a mentally dusturbed boy who talked about his past and used the word epiphany a lot when something from his childhood made sense to him once he became spiritual. Heavy stuff so I got bored. :alcoholic:
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Nothing serious dear. Read an article about a mentally dusturbed boy who talked about his past and used the word epipheny a lot when something from his childhood made sense to him once he became spiritual. Heavy stuff so I got bored. :alcoholic:
Umm .. interesting . I love reading about the mentally disturbed people , gives me relief tht im not the only one .. :rofl: just kidding ..
I ll go through it thnku .
@Itachi @Well.wisher @RAMPAGE @Moonlight @Imran Khan @Viet @nahtanbob @Zee-shaun @RabzonKhan @ghazi52

(+ any other friends reading this)

Please consider joining my discord, just to keep in touch with ppl better and have some light hearted banter (whenever you feel like) among good, civil crowd (many you will already know) etc, can also just observe for fun/learning too and see if its your thing:


We like to follow and augment lot of PDF conversation/activities too....it is not about taking away, but adding to it.

@Peshwa @Jackdaws @anant_s please consider it too, join link stays the same.
جدید منافقت
مولانا صاحب زندہ باد
حبشی حوریں بھی زندہ باد ۔


بات تو سچ ہے مگر بات ہے رسوای کی۔

دل کی بات کہتا ہے اقبال۔

اے : ملکی حالات خراب ہیں، یہ اسٹیبلشمنٹ کیا کر رہی ہیں؟ .....
بی : شام، عراق اور افغانستان کے اس سے بھی خراب حالات ہیں ....
( لبرل منطق)
Shah Rukh Khan orders Peshawari chapal on Eid from Pakistani cousin Noor Jehan

I'm watching a really stupid show on MTV called the Catfish. Americans are really stupid. I mean it's 2019 now and how can one be so stupid to get catfished for months? Maybe the show is fake, doesn't seem real to me.
ھیگل کے ہاں اپنے آپ کا شعور صرف محبت میں پنہاں ہے، محبت میں 'موضوع' اپنے آپ کو معروض میں پاتا ہے، اور معروض، موضوع میں. محبت کے تجربے میں 'پہلا' اور 'دوسرا' ایک دوسرے کے فطرت کو گرفت میں لیتے ہیں، لیکن اس کے باوجود موضوع اور معروض میں 'شناخت ' ضرور رہتی ہیں، 'ذات' اور 'غیر' ایک دوسرے کو ایک شعوری ساخت میں لیے ہوتے ہیں ، پہلا دوسرے کے توسط سے اپنے آپ کو جانتا ہے، اور دوسرا، اپنے آپ کو پہلے کے ذات سے جانتا ہے.
ھیگل مزید کہتا ہے، محبت باہمی عزت کی وجہ سے ممکن ہے. 'دوسرے' پر غلبہ حاصل کرنے اور اسے اپنے آپ کا ماتحت کرنے سے محبت ممکن نہیں

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@waz @Oscar

Why was my Uyghur thread locked? I was not trolling or anyone that supported my views. If you guys are gonna make a single thread to talk about this issue then that'll be great.

Also, I would like to report @maximuswarrior 's behavior. He literally called me a "Hindu", which I am not. I have defended Pakistan in every thread I have talked on in PDF. This is a really shameful name calling. I have reported his post and hope action is taken against him.

If he can apologize to me that would suffice too.

@Nilgiri pointed it out to me that this Max dude called me a Hindu and even he laughed about it since he knows how much I have defended and supported Pakistan but either way, there is no evidence that I am a Hindu.



Don't know if he's calling me RSS or whatever but I have openly condemned Indian atrocities in Kashmir too.
یورپ میں، مجرموں کو جیل میں تعلیم دی جاتی ہیں، یھاں حق مانگنے والوں کی لاشیں ملتی ہیں
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