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@MilSpec check out your "democratic & secular" India :rolleyes:

What do you have to say about them huh?
Absolutely disgusting acts, neither endorsed by the majority nor by the government, but then again you are here to score brownie points, so here you go:
Absolutely disgusting acts, neither endorsed by the majority nor by the government, but then again you are here to score brownie points, so here you go:

Onto personal attacks now are we? @Joe Shearer look at this dude.

Back to the topic, if it's not "endorsed" by the government then what is your government doing about this? What can they do?

You know since you guys have a Hindutva leader now you can be "Hindustan" (taken directly from the video which I tagged you about).

The cats out of the bag. Your countrymen are openly declaring themselves as "Hindustan" and not "secular & democratic" India. After all, if it's India, it's Modi's India. :lol:

Now don't go around pointing fingers ;) :tup:
We need to get engine technology from Ukraine. Tank and Ship and Military Planes get engine technology of each of them
Indeed they have an excellent military industrial complex due their USSR period, unfortunately due to decades of mismanagement we have not achieved the relevant proficiency in material science to produce indigenous jet engines for Jf-17,,,, encourage more private and state investment in institutions such as NUST and let the young gems express themselves and they will do wonders, no question about it.Kudos Hazrat

It was stupid to caption this 'Forest aboriginals flouting their clout'; forest aboriginals are extremely balanced and rational human beings, and do not attack others without warning them. They do get violent on their totems being disturbed, or their taboos being violated, using both terms in the anthropological sense, but there, too, there is sufficient notice.

These are that extremely dangerous sub-species, the lumpenproletariat, acting under the influence of the opiate of the masses. They go out of their way to find vulnerable targets; the females of the parent species and younger ones are favourite targets, but a lone, isolated and vulnerable male will also do, provided that they themselves are in mob strength.

They are to be found in pockets, in Jammu, in Haryana (not in the Punjab), in Rajasthan (a lot), in Maharashtra and in the UP. They have been spotted and hunted down in other locations.

This came to me this morning, courtesy a KM friend, and I have already messaged him my utter disgust and rejection of the creeps who did this.

If I had my way, I would insist that Kashmiris only come to Hyderabad, in Telangana, to AP, to Tamil Nadu, to Karnataka (except Mangalore and pockets in the north) and anywhere in Kerala to study. Also West Bengal. It is possible that soon, I may be in a position where my counselling in these matters might decide a student in favour of one direction or the other, and it is clear how I will offer counselling.
Try the straight life for a change it aint so bad :D
Try the Gay or Bi life for a change it aint so bad either:enjoy:

and stop poking your nose in my life or else i will complain to Mod......last warning to you:angry::crazy::argh::argh::nono::stop::coffee:
Try the Gay or Bi life for a change it aint so bad either:enjoy:
Bich lasagna show bob and vagen or no seksy seks

Try the Gay or Bi life for a change it aint so bad either:enjoy:

and stop poking your nose in my life or else i will complain to Mod......last warning to you:angry::crazy::argh::argh::nono::stop::coffee:
Just horsing around i got nothing against your lifestyle why such a harsh reaction?
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