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If he leaves, no doubt that would be a bitch slap on the face of our state..but it is not a new thing... Bhensa guys all escaped unscratched so we should get used to it :-):-)
Unfortunately true, I had campaigned on this forum for years against this swine yet he was living in luxury and impunity talking about our alleged nuclear sites on WION tv , LET etc,,,,,,Hamza Ameer of India Today is openly hanging around in Islamabad, why nothing is being done about this rascal:disagree:, is all but beyond me.Kudos bhai

ISI what is ISI to do with him?
Nothing absolute nothing...unfortunately.
Unfortunately true, I had campaigned on this forum for years against this swine yet he was living in luxury and impunity talking about our alleged nuclear sites on WION tv , LET etc,,,,,,Hamza Ameer of India Today is openly hanging around in Islamabad, why nothing is being done about this rascal:disagree:, is all but beyond me.Kudos bhai
Well, if I speak the truth...many egos will be hurt and many feather would be ruffled.. when there is west behind someone... our state behaves like a soft plastic :) be it some blasphemy case or Reymond Davis.. We only take action against the poor and weak. Let's hope it is different this time..
When you have no arguments, you turn to name calling. Ok, I am a retard, but then how does that reflect on you when you can't prove your own point and wan't me to just "understand" your point.

Being a Muslim does not give you any edge. Period. In how many Ghazwats Muslims got thrashed despite the participation of our Holy Prophet in them? Were they not the best of the Muslims among all the Muslims ever to come? Were they not brave? Did they not fight firmly believing in the cause?

How many wars did Arab "Muslims" lose against Israel?
Which Muslim country won against US in the recent wars?

NO! Allah won't help you in a war just because you have a Islamic name (how good of a Muslims we really are is a different debate). Wars are won with strategy, skill, equipment, and bravery. Enemy planes are not flown by Rikshaw drivers. When they join their forces they have the same passion, and they go through the same rigours of training as anyone else. To top it off their government provides them with better equipment in larger numbers and more budget for better/more training.

Delusions evaporate very fast when the bullets start flying. It never hurts to be an optimist, you can always cry later on.

If we are Muslim and have followed the Commands of Allah and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, then victory is ours. We may lose a battle, but we shall Insha Allah win a war.

But you see, if we had followed Islam to the letter, billions of dollars would not have been pilfered out of the country. Corruption would not have destroyed our institutions. In keeping with Quranic and Prophetic injunctions of being prepared for Jihad, we would not be at the bottom of technological advancement.

Now, we are in the position that we are. But even if today we become proper Muslims, the same Promise of Allah the Almighty will still apply.
When you have no arguments, you turn to name calling. Ok, I am a retard, but then how does that reflect on you when you can't prove your own point and wan't me to just "understand" your point.

Being a Muslim does not give you any edge. Period. In how many Ghazwats Muslims got thrashed despite the participation of our Holy Prophet in them? Were they not the best of the Muslims among all the Muslims ever to come? Were they not brave? Did they not fight firmly believing in the cause?

How many wars did Arab "Muslims" lose against Israel?
Which Muslim country won against US in the recent wars?

NO! Allah won't help you in a war just because you have a Islamic name (how good of a Muslims we really are is a different debate). Wars are won with strategy, skill, equipment, and bravery. Enemy planes are not flown by Rikshaw drivers. When they join their forces they have the same passion, and they go through the same rigours of training as anyone else. To top it off their government provides them with better equipment in larger numbers and more budget for better/more training.

Delusions evaporate very fast when the bullets start flying. It never hurts to be an optimist, you can always cry later on.
Absolutely to the point.

There is a complete decay in the society.

Honourable Iqbal's Shikwa remains valid even to this very minute on the state of affairs.

Forget about other enemies; the enemies you have are within. Improve thy self and stand up as a good human being in front of our lord of Abraham, Hashem/Allah.
Absolutely to the point.

There is a complete decay in the society.

Honourable Iqbal's Shikwa remains valid even to this very minute on the state of affairs.

Forget about other enemies; the enemies you have are within. Improve thy self and stand up as a good human being in front of our lord of Abraham, Hashem/Allah.
Unfortunately a lot of Muslims with that mindset of superiority have this expectation that just bcuz they are Muslim they will be favored by God during a war over "Kafirs"(those who deny)...as if they have done some huge favor to God by becoming Muslims(having faith) and somehow now God owes them. They forget that God has just simply created a system. A system where any nation/ppl that work hard reach greatness...those who slack fall behind. This is evident throughout history as power has shifted from one empire to the next in various regions among many ppls. This has held true before Islam and after. If just simply becoming Muslim would've brought that good fortune and preferential treatment by God then everyone in the world would've already become a Muslim. As the saying goes "God helps those who help themselves".

P.S. u have read Shikwa? Like an English translation of it? I've never come across it's English translation but man is it beautiful in Urdu. Recently Coke Studio did a great job singing it(a portion of Shikwa and a portion of Jawab-e-Shikwa)...in case u wanna see(there's subtitles available)
Unfortunately a lot of Muslims with that mindset of superiority have this expectation that just bcuz they are Muslim they will be favored by God during a war over "Kafirs"(those who deny)...as if they have done some huge favor to God by becoming Muslims(having faith) and somehow now God owes them. They forget that God has just simply created a system. A system where any nation/ppl that work hard reach greatness...those who slack fall behind. This is evident throughout history as power has shifted from one empire to the next in various regions among many ppls. This has held true before Islam and after. If just simply becoming Muslim would've brought that good fortune and preferential treatment by God then everyone in the world would've already become a Muslim. As the saying goes "God helps those who help themselves".

P.S. u have read Shikwa? Like an English translation of it? I've never come across it's English translation but man is it beautiful in Urdu. Recently Coke Studio did a great job singing it(a portion of Shikwa and a portion of Jawab-e-Shikwa)...in case u wanna see(there's subtitles available)

It just shows your utter cluelessness about Islam. Success for Muslims is a guarantee in Quran. Start reading from Alif Laam Meem and end at Wannaas and you will encounter many locations where the promise is reiterated.

Allah has created a two level system. For Muslims, if they follow Allah's Commands and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, the entire universe becomes subservient to them by the Command of Allah. For non-Muslims, they have to toil in the world of cause and effect in order to seek benefits, and even then they will be subjugated by Allah's Will.
I don't disagree with what you say, but I am sick of idiots who come here parroting the same old "man behind the machine" nonsense.

Yes it is the man behind the "better" machine you idiots.

Enemy planes are not flown by monkeys, and whats more they are behind better machines and in greater numbers. Patriotism is good, stupidity is not.

If we are Muslim and have followed the Commands of Allah and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, then victory is ours. We may lose a battle, but we shall Insha Allah win a war.

But you see, if we had followed Islam to the letter, billions of dollars would not have been pilfered out of the country. Corruption would not have destroyed our institutions. In keeping with Quranic and Prophetic injunctions of being prepared for Jihad, we would not be at the bottom of technological advancement.

Now, we are in the position that we are. But even if today we become proper Muslims, the same Promise of Allah the Almighty will still apply.
I don't disagree with what you say, but I am sick of idiots who come here parroting the same old "man behind the machine" nonsense.

Yes it is the man behind the "better" machine you idiots.

Enemy planes are not flown by monkeys, and whats more they are behind better machines and in greater numbers. Patriotism is good, stupidity is not.

Agreed 100%. We in Pakistan have a serious identity/religious crisis.

The fact is, Allah Will Help us from Ghaib if we are true Muslims, but the fact also is that we aren't. Now some of us rely only on unseen Divine Help while their own lives don't reflect the true teachings of Islam. And then we have the other extreme who are completely confused about religion and will go to any lengths to achieve worldly success. Such people see salvation in just blindly following Western countries and agreeing with whatever whims they express. We need to find the middle path where we strive to be true Muslims, but we also remain on top of current technologies and emerging trends so we have our own stature and command respect within the world.
I don't want to get in to debate on this now as this is not the right thread for it, but your whole premise rests on "if" now ask and answer yourself if we follow the Islam even 5%. I think and I might be wrong that becuase we got the message and know what is expected of us in terms of following Quran and Sunnah but knowingly and defiantly don't do that, Would Allsh not Punish us by humiliating defeat at the hands of the enemy?

Name one prohibited thing that we don't do and still shamlessly call ourselves Muslims and still expect Allah to fight and win our wars for us.

It just shows your utter cluelessness about Islam. Success for Muslims is a guarantee in Quran. Start reading from Alif Laam Meem and end at Wannaas and you will encounter many locations where the promise is reiterated.

Allah has created a two level system. For Muslims, if they follow Allah's Commands and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, the entire universe becomes subservient to them by the Command of Allah. For non-Muslims, they have to toil in the world of cause and effect in order to seek benefits, and even then they will be subjugated by Allah's Will.
I don't want to get in to debate on this now as this is not the right thread for it, but your whole premise rests on "if" now ask and answer yourself if we follow the Islam even 5%. I think and I might be wrong that becuase we got the message and know what is expected of us in terms of following Quran and Sunnah but knowingly and defiantly don't do that, Would Allsh not Punish us by humiliating defeat at the hands of the enemy?

Name one prohibited thing that we don't do and still shamlessly call ourselves Muslims and still expect Allah to fight and win our wars for us.

We are both saying the same things. Our condition as Muslims is abysmal today. May Allah Guide us towards the right path and Give us steadfastness. Aameen.
I disagree...I don't mean to play down the importance of the Air Force. In today's world any nation without a potent air force to defend its skies would be at the mercy of its enemy with a capable air force.

However the reason why Germany lost in WWII had a lot of factors and losing air superiority was way down on the list. Among the reasons that played the biggest role are
1) Tactical/strategical blunder of starting a second front with USSR(underestimating it and expecting a quick victory)...which effectively meant splitting of forces, materials, creating another supply chain, etc.
2) The sheer number of countries(with their own economies, industrial might, number of troops/tanks/etc.) that Germany was facing. Though Germany was marvelously at the forefront of about everything latest and greatest...it's just way too hard to fight so many different countries alone and come out on top.
3) Due to the second reason above...the attrition rate was just too much for Germany in terms of troops and equipment. Germany's population and industrial output couldn't replace the soldiers and equipment at the rate at which it was losing it.
4) Hitler's insistence on quality vs quantity...Germany went through so many iterative upgrades of its tanks, missiles, aircrafts instead of mass producing a tried and true design. This condition of being in somewhat of an eternal R&D really proved disadvantageous in comparison to USSR's approach of overwhelming Germany with sheer numbers. German tanks were much superior to Russian tanks but Russia made them in such a quantity that they could afford to lose more tanks and still have an advantage. Russians employed simpler techniques to deal with issues like for example the pins in the tracks of Russian tanks were prone to get loose and pop out...they simply had their troops carry hammers so they would hammer the pins back in every now and then. This kind of simpler approach was also used by Beatrice Shilling who employed an RAE restrictor to solve the engine stall problem for RAF fighters(during negative G maneuvers)...so that they could continue to use their current fighters with just a minor upgrade that could be achieved quickly.

For point 1...if Germany hadn't started a second front, it wouldn't have suffered all the casualties it suffered on the eastern front. It wouldn't have had its resources and troop strength bogged down on the eastern front and could concentrate all its might on the western front. Since France fell quickly, Germany could've focused more on its Navy/Air Force to gain supremacy on British Air Force and Navy...which would've enabled it to mount an amphibious attack on Britain and end the stalemate there before US even had a chance to enter with full force. Even if Germany would've still lost in this scenario, it would've taken much longer for the Allies to defeat Germany.

Point 2, 3, and 4 all tie together. The superior quality of German equipment just could not match the quantity of combined allied equipment(tanks, aircrafts, etc). Germany also hampered itself by not going for mass quantity(relatively speaking when compared to Russian approach) and instead kept trying to one up the enemies with quality. This further made it impossible to keep up with the attrition Germany was facing.
I talked to Rudolf Von Ribbentrop.
He sais that allied air superiority was biggest reason for defeat. All other reasons are there but they are secondary.
It just shows your utter cluelessness about Islam. Success for Muslims is a guarantee in Quran. Start reading from Alif Laam Meem and end at Wannaas and you will encounter many locations where the promise is reiterated.

Allah has created a two level system. For Muslims, if they follow Allah's Commands and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, the entire universe becomes subservient to them by the Command of Allah. For non-Muslims, they have to toil in the world of cause and effect in order to seek benefits, and even then they will be subjugated by Allah's Will.

Doesn't that logic fall apart though when in almost every active conflict or recent ones, its been Muslims vs Muslims.
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