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Cheers, bhai.

Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!

Thank you very much sir. Same to you and yours.

Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!
A very happy new year to you and your family...stay safe and happy.

Cheers, bhai.

I like this desi style tea based cheers :D:D
Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!

Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!
Happy New Year everyone

@Moonlight @django @Nilgiri @Well.wisher @DESERT FIGHTER @Musafir117 @pak-marine @Sher Shah Awan @Arsalan @jamahir @Vergennes @Gomig-21 @Georg @Divergent @RealNapster @I.R.A
Atom be with you :D
@RescueRanger @Hell hound @The Sandman
Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!

You to bro, all the best with the family. God bless.
Yep not surprised 1 bit by what this guy saying. Thanks bro...and yeah I figured I was gonna be away for the week anyway so what the hey, lets go to town on a deserving bangla-dolt and reset my "warnings" back to zero for the new year lol.
Lol bro. What's up with that though, with the whole Bangladesh trolling?
Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!
May You Have A Happy and Prosperous New Year Friend.Kudos

Here is to Moeez:cheers:
Happy New Year here, there and everywhere. Friends, acquaintances and fellow people of the world. Bonne année, Frohes neues Jahr, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Nawe kaalmo mobarak sha, Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Ath bhliain faoi mhaise, نیا سال مبارک ہو

@django, @Zibago, @war&peace @Spring Onion @xenon54 @KediKesenFare @T-123456 @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon @RescueRanger @waz @Joe Shearer and others too many to name!
Thank you dear. Same to you and your family And to everyone on PDF
I appreciate the 1 versus 100 situation they give me (no one else really does that) lol....and they so dumb they dont even realise that.

BTW did you see the video Stefan Molyneux made on the Iran situation? I'm quite disappointed. Can't believe he would take a non-neutral stance on that development. I'm pretty sure he made videos in the past supporting Trump against Hillary precisely because the former promised to end the interventionism of the Bush's and Obama presidencies. But now all of a sudden we should feel sad for yet again some Western wannabe liberal protestors in yet again another Muslim country, and that too, yet again, a known enemy of Israel (coincident? I think not. Pretty obvious by now who's pushing for this agenda)?

I thought we were past the whole "Democracy" crusade in the middle East?

Interestingly, Saudi Arabia is exempt from this "Democracy" crusade. Only certain countries that happen to oppose a specific "greatest Ally" in that region have been the targets.

@Hamartia Antidote @Gomig-21 @Psychic @The Sandman @Vergennes
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