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@Spring Onion You know I like history. So here is catalogue from my personal history book which now goes back over five decades. Although the oldest I have is from 1928 of my grandad from Pakistan or what was then the British Raj. There is me, my siblings etc. I won't say which is "me" but I am there in some of the images. Mind the fashion. What looked cool then looks corny now. So with that caveat let's roll.









Yesterday morning from the bedroom.


The youngest sibling today

@Vergennes @My internet speed is lot slower in my room [it's over 100 Mbps upstairs] as it's quite a distance from the hub which is upstairs. I think the thick walls also effect the signal which has to travel good distance from the Virgin hub upstairs. And it fluctuates a lot. So not wanting to ruin the house with wires I bought a booster which has slightly helped.

I have TV and Hewlet Packard Laserjet printer to the TV. The printer is now well over decade old but it can handle thousands of print jobs in a week and though sounding creaky has 345,000 print count thus far. I need it for my job. This below is my "operations room" sealed off from my family. This is the place where I work, waste my time with you guys on PDf, I dream and plan to become millionaire - I have my filing cabinets on my left, printer front left, TV which functions as a giant monitor easing eye strain, booster on bottom right. On left and right of my room I have huge windows [on left French doors leading to outside patio overlooking the rear garden] on both sides of the room both with great views. On the right my easy access "wardrobe" where I leave my clothing that I will need on any given day which I slap on when it's time to roll. I wear Shalwar Kameez at home as it is very comfortable. And today we have snow.



@jamahir My socialist friend with eye for style do you approve of the rig I have? @Georg This is my place from inside.

The scenery out the window is nice and the scene inside is clean.

About your clothes, the set on the right - blue jeans and brown coat - is nice mix-n-match. So is the one in the middle - light pink tie, light-blue ( ?? ) shirt and grey overcoat.

And I notice that you have opened PDF on your machine.
one last thing i wanted to say here. Pakistani girls i am utterly pround of my high caste/ upper class linage even when living in poverty, which makes me totally not your type. So we are done forever.
Secondly i want to say something to the Ahmedis. Listen Ahemdis whatever shit you have done and are doing, you are getting on the nerves of the world and the world in turn gets on my nerves. So stop doing shit and behave like normal humans so that the world can let me be. I want those Ahmedis who can understand this message to forward it to those who cant comprehend this kind of language so that all of you guys can get this message.
If you Ahmedis dont stop making trouble for the world your families will pay the price in ways you cant even imagine.
So much detail ??? to much ??? no?
@Spring Onion You know I like history. So here is catalogue from my personal history book which now goes back over five decades. Although the oldest I have is from 1928 of my grandad from Pakistan or what was then the British Raj. There is me, my siblings etc. I won't say which is "me" but I am there in some of the images. Mind the fashion. What looked cool then looks corny now. So with that caveat let's roll.









Yesterday morning from the bedroom.


The youngest sibling today

all of them look so good. Lovely family.
just to save the trouble for all those who like to pick on how i walk, look or act i would like to inform them that the love of a female doesnt mean shit to me. i will get done what god has sent me to do on this earth regardless of how i look or walk. so save yourselves the trouble of mimicking me. i doesnt mean shit.
@Mentee @django @RealNapster
I just lost a dear friend in this car accident few days ago at mastung. :( .. jeee so horrible .. cars are the moving sucide bombs .
They say .. December always gives a grief while saying goodbye to the year :( .
RIP to your dear friend, may the Almighty give patience in this most difficult time to the family,,,,I too became nervous after a bad crash, but life dictates that we move ahead, I can no longer sleep in a car.Kudos Wisher
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