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Flash, Spider-man, Batman, Superman, Iron man, Hulk, the list goes on...:lol:
I guess i have always liked Flash more than anyone.
@KAL-EL , did you see this?

Do you think we ought to see Flash showcasing a new power in the finale, are there any such interesting powers we might later see?

I did check out the sizzle reel and the last few episodes of The Flash are looking pretty sick. And to be honest, I like the flash power-wise where he currently is.

He's very fast now, but not even close to reaching his Peak yet. And I like that because I like seeing the progression of his abilities. More realistic.. well, to me anyway.

I forget whether you watch Supergirl or not? I'm pretty stoked that Superman will be coming back in the season final.

I did check out the sizzle reel and the last few episodes of The Flash are looking pretty sick. And to be honest, I like the flash power-wise where he currently is.

He's very fast now, but not even close to reaching his Peak yet. And I like that because I like seeing the progression of his abilities. More realistic.. well, to me anyway.

I forget whether you watch Supergirl or not? I'm pretty stoked that Superman will be coming back in the season final.

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I don't.
And that superman....
i belive there was also this one time when batman also got a dark lantern ring and he was really badass....
there is a myth among the nerds that if it wasn't for the hal the ring would have chosen bruce.
btw Parallax Hal is the most powerful among them all he was even able to overpower the specter.the being who rivaled the power of Gabriel and Lucifer moringstar (second most powerful beings in the whole dc universe after god)
there is a myth among the nerds that if it wasn't for the hal the ring would have chosen bruce.
btw Parallax Hal is the most powerful among them all he was even able to overpower the specter.the being who rivaled the power of Gabriel and Lucifer moringstar (second most powerful beings in the whole dc universe after god)
i believe he did get a chance to become a green lantern in the comics but due to him not letting go of his parents death he couldn't become one ...

I don't.
And that superman....

@WAJsal have they introduced the black flash in the series because it would be bad *** if they did
Australian senator makes history by breastfeeding her baby in parliament


Australian Senator Larissa Waters breastfeeds her baby in the Senate Chamber at Parliament House in Canberra CREDIT: REUTERS
9 MAY 2017 • 12:25PM

Alia Joy Waters is just weeks old. But she has already made political history in Australia by becoming the first baby to be breast fed in the Australian parliament.

Senator Larissa Waters returned to parliament today for the first time since giving birth to her second daughter earlier this year, bringing Alia Joy with her while she voted.

And when her baby needed it, she didn't hesitate to feed her.

Afterwards, she wrote on Twitter: "So proud that my daughter Alia is the first baby to be breastfed in the federal Parliament! We need more #women & parents in Parli."

@abdulbarijan @MastanKhan @django
What was that all about?
What about female readers that really understand things better than most men?
Should they stop? Or don't you think they exist at all?
And what about female members? Why the exclusion?
Can I safely assume my PDF sisters fit your standards?
Or do you mean that they are a lost cause, too far gone?

It's all pretty puzzling really!

I'll wish you good day quickly as I assume answers will be flying soon, Tay.
My good friend you have to come to Pakistan and see for yourself what i am talking about. Its nothing like you have ever seen or imagined.
Btw if you do come to Pakistan i'll happy to host you.
i believe he did get a chance to become a green lantern in the comics but due to him not letting go of his parents death he couldn't become one ...

@WAJsal have they introduced the black flash in the series because it would be bad *** if they did
They have in Dc legends of tomorrow where Eobard Thawne is killed by Black Flash.
I don't.
And that superman....

lol not really a big fan of the suit Superman has in the show. However, I'm I'm still really happy that he's going to make an appearance on the show again.

there is a myth among the nerds that if it wasn't for the hal the ring would have chosen bruce.
btw Parallax Hal is the most powerful among them all he was even able to overpower the specter.the being who rivaled the power of Gabriel and Lucifer moringstar (second most powerful beings in the whole dc universe after god)

Parallax was definitely badass! And the Spectre at times was written so crazy powerful that he was practically near God.

I didn't really read his books that much, but I know the writers had to really get creative and de-power him many times. Basically I guess his power levels were written to be what the writers needed him to be in that particular issue

I remember reading an old comic call "DC Comics presents"

Basically every issue had Superman teaming up or somehow interacting with a new person.

Long story short... the Spectre and he briefly clashed. The Spectre would not get out of Superman's way. Superman punched him so hard, that the force from the punch created a giant crater the size of New York City on the moon they were standing on.

The Spectre wasn't budged an inch. And said to Clark something to the effect "I can't be moved unless I wish to be moved"

The story was that basically Clark and Supergirl we're in space and they got separated after a fight with Mongols war world. He thought she could have been seriously hurt

Clark flew so fast to find her that his speed reached Beyond Comprehension, and that he was literally moving through other universes and dimensions.

The Specter appeared and told Superman he had to stop him because if he kept moving so fast, he would have breached the Gates of Heaven and the Specter said no living being was allowed to do that.
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@Kitten Whats the best place on the internet for countryballs. I intend to read all the best countryballs ever made cause i think they are super intelligent. Also i had residual fascination with control systems from my study of digital logic 13 years ago. I only remember tons of different things could be done by changing very few inputs. Going back to uni this fall. Will explore control systems in complete detail. Very excited for that.
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