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Do you think that girl would have ever wanted you to hurt yourself because of her?
Have you imagined how your decision is gonna effect your immediate family?
To them you are their "sun".

I see that you have interest in defence related stuff. welcome to the forum!
I hope next time you'll put up a more inspiring status. :-)

Cheers! :tup:

Thanks to everyone who came on the thread and talked to the boy. :)

Thanks...and I'm sorry to hear about your parrot..

Talk about it all you want..sharing grief always makes it seem smaller. If you have a friend you can trust, talk to him, but make sure he is not the kind of person to blabber mouth to all and sundry ...that will make you feel worse.

If you can share with your parents especially your mom, do that...but I can understand that might be too delicate.

Talking and sharing your worries always helps.

Another thing is outdoor sport of any kind....go for a run, play cricket or badminton...whatever...fresh air and exercise helps .

Thanks,I will try to..
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