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trust me if 4 girls are ready to marry a guy he ll never say no :lol::lol::lol: atleast 90% wont
neither would 4 girls ever get married to the same guy at the same time
nor would an intelligent man marry 4 of them...
but u knw i am talking about INTELLIGENT people.
Btw what did i just spot?
why is it not INTELLILADY?
I protest. :feminist:
Why you guys not replying me caz I am new member? rude seniors :(

Not only nerves but sometime money would helps to make women happy check this
WOW !!!!

I million for 1 night....just like the Robert Redford- Demi Moore movie!
Arabs are crazy rich I myself met once in hotel where I am working as server / waiter after few drinks when nobody (girls) pay any attention to him he started loudly telling me how rich he is and handed me 5000USD as a tip but I have to give this money to my manager (because Tip Shared between all of us) then my manager returns the money to him because he was drunk, he refuses to accept cash even offer double but my manager return the money and throw him out of the bar with the help of bouncers.
Is this in Hong Kong?
Yes...But now I am doing job in Netherlands
OK....Dude, I have to log off now...if you don't find anyone to post your thread...ask Wajsal...he is a moderator and if he can help at all he will. Maybe there is some rule against posting other peoples threads...I wouldn't know.

Nice talking to you. :wave:
@A.P. Richelieu You can say whatever you want,but the swedish heritage is rich and must be preserved.

We should not forget our Finnish brethren.

trust me if 4 girls are ready to marry a guy he ll never say no :lol::lol::lol: atleast 90% wont
I had a request from a 17 year old blonde, to come and visit me together with three of her equally blonde girlfriends
over a weekend, but I booked them into SAS Radisson instead (I payed).
Not a lot of guys would have come up with such a solution for this difficult problem, LOL.
BTW,her mom only took her phone and told me about it when they were waiting for the ambulance..

BTW,She is not my girlfriend..and all I knew that shes unconsious..not dead...but I dont know anything after that

I think thats why I am in this website...to distract myself..

Well...to be honest..I'm really confused about what to do...
nothing live your life to the best you can
Dammit UK:angry:!!

We're we supposed to find a wizard now?

Not MEEEEEEEEE :confused:

This teenager here >>>>>>

You guys are such comedy at times. I mean can u imagine me ending my life for some "sun"???
No star or galaxy can make me give up on life. :angel:
I love it too much to waste it. :rolleyes:

Okay now ...where were we?

Arre, it was for him only. I removed the other tags and it seemed like I was addressing you.
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