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thank you for eliciting my opinion.

it cannot be denied that there is a unique xenophobia and sadism by many indians on the internet but i will not agree to put a mathematical boundary and say that this is the average indian and i disagree with your first paragraph... i talk with various socio-economic categories of indians and i am the kind of person with whom people feel confident to talk of various issues - personal and societal, so i assure you that there is a nuanced reality and i write of this below.

to start with, both the student leader kanhaiya kumar as well as tipu sultan in near history were indians and yet they are not submitters but rebels, independent thinkers, progressives and highly ambitious. :)

india is as differentiated a country as any country driven by british-origin political system, whether it be usa or it be pakistan... in india specifically, there are many fanatic state-ists, there are the many oppressed, there are some empathic but not politically active middle class and working class, there are many apathetic and callous middle class, there are the medium-level progressives, there are the fanantic and committed progressives... these categories comprise a large part of the critical mass of the population of india.

the typical indian you see on the internet ( raucously nationalist, xenophobic, anti-socialist, reactionary, superstition promoting, gang-behaviored etc ) is someone who knows english of varied proficiency, can more or less easily afford a internet connection every month, is mostly from the neo-rich middle class of varied levels, is in age range of teens to 30's and belongs without complaint within the traditional indian family system ( mostly hindu )... either they are college students ( mba and engineering mostly ) or the so-called professionals ( software/services/banks/construction ).

now these people though seemingly modern are not educated in the real sense because the indian education system is not for education but for creating new unthinking cogs in the wheel of wage-slavery capitalism and compliant defenders and helpers and additions in the indian state system and the military... so in absence of real humanitarian and politically-aware education in most colleges/universities ( the technological and commerce streams ) their "education" really comes from their immediate social surroundings - grandparents and mother and relatives and also peers and teachers within the same system, and this "education" is not a gentle, worldly-wise, internationalist, humanity-oriented education but a bunch of cultural/religious mythologies, prejudices and evils that are propagated from generation to generation... solidification of this is the reason so many internet indians and offline "educated" indians believe fervently in astounding mythologies like 5000 years ago "indians" were flying between planets in vedic spaceships.

they are not intelligent which is why they do the labor that the westerners don't want to do or ask a lot of money because it is boring... and this type of labor is not critical at all which is why when the american economy stumbled in 2007 the indian software/services industry began to suffer because american companies and in domino effect other western companies looked to save money and save their company by discarding non-critical projects and frivolous employees and these two categories had the highest concentration in india, either directly in the company branches in india or the huge contract-based companies in india who were taking subcontract from western companies.

anyone truly with intellect will have various degrees of empathy and the above category of indians bereft of true intellect are also bereft of empathy and gentleness, and it is this category of indians that sadly is present on internet mostly and also in western countries in form of students or professionals.

there is another thing of internet forums like pdf being text oriented and this allows the hate mongering indians ( who always gather in big numbers ) to rapidly thank each other and rapidly make sarcastic/callous posts in the sequential forum system, making it easier for them to attack opponents and fill page upon page with nonsense while the better posts don't get noticed or get lost in the babble... this is like a ddos attack on servers... however, if internet forums had been voice/visual oriented, with members opinions being posted as vid clips, trolling will be less because it takes effort to speak with voice and the troll would get tired after a while ( even if it was made easy to upload aud/vid clips ) and there is the point of naturality of the speech method making it easier for the sensibles to actually discuss and progress on a topic.

now i had said i talk to various socio-economic categories of indians, including autorickshaw drivers and restaurant waiters, and many of them have such progressive and knowledgeable manners... for example a waiter told me ( i didn't know this ) that drilling water borewells below 800 feet is not advised by authorities because of presence of fluoride all over india and we two and another waiter got talking on climate and farmer suicides, and this was in a regular restaurant i go specially for masala chai... a autorickshaw driver and me got talking about why all private personal vehicles should be banned along with the ill effects of constructing the so-called developed infrastructure ( flyovers specifically ) and this was during a single not-long journey.

but these people don't get on the internet mostly, either because their english is not proficient or because they simply don't have time - either economic situation forcing them to be in employment for long hours or because they are older and not interested/conversant with internet technology, and there is the point about such people not effectively engaged in opinion seeking... their voice is not heard.

the below thread is not a great representation of varied indian voices but still there you can see gradations there - from downright callous filth to reluctant acknowledgement of problems and then my contribution :


reply at your leisure. :)
Thanks for the detailed reply. I dont really want to talk about this subject anymore. I dont feel too strongly about Indians. Just another trailing nation. i.e. a nation thats trailing the advanced nations. With unarticulated notions about nation, state, country and the place of these in the human saga. Abhee bachay hain baray ho kar samaj jain gay.
@Vauban hej why this thread is moved to senior discussion part of forum ?


Hi,are you really from Denmark ?
It's good,I think you are the only one coming from Denmark in this forum.

As for the thread,it's a mod or an admin that moved this thread there.

PS : Danmark er det bedste land for verden. :P
Last edited:
PS : Danmark er det bedste land for verden. :P

:o: @Armstrong I think Frenchbread here's looking for a fight:butcher:!!! Wanna help me gang up on him:azn:?


West Sweden, Best Sweden!!! Much better then South Sweden, that's for sure:tongue:.

It's good,I think you are the only one coming from Denmark in this forum.:P

I think there's another - or was anyway. I saw a Dane in the Nordic Defense thread too.

This one - https://defence.pk/members/carach-angren.172916/

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