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Times change son.. There was a time when Britain itself was occupied by other nations.. French getting raped by Germans and so on.

Today neither nations can go fight a nation like Pak.. Without sugar daddy usa... And even that would cost you your sweet behind.

Nations are born,nations die,boundaries are drawn .. But people dont changes.. British were slaughtered by my people... Could never occupy our native regions.. French have a history of humiliating defeats and even occupation by a non colonial power that too in a week.. Tiny Britain survived due to its location.

Yes the supported Americans (North Americans to be exact) kick British arse.
too much redbull is bad for you.
Seriously you are comparing a great power like France who has been a colonial global power lamost matching Great Britain with a country that just got its independence from us as recently as barely 70 years ago?
Old boyyyyy.....you are NOWHERR near France in terms of not only military history, but Everything one can think of.
France has. Always been a great power for centuries now when nobody even knew a country like Pakistan will ever exist. Lol
Do you even know that France was crucial in helping the U.S gain indepeendence from our empire?
Dude, go read France military history and the number of wars they have fought farrrr away from home and the number of countries they have conquered. think and read before talking dude. :disagree:

@T-123456 should we barge in for the behalf of our Pakistani brothers ?


Okay guy's this calls for some diplomatic finesse. I am sort of stuck betwen all three parties here. The French have proven military history going back to the Gauls. Napoloen is perhaps one of the histories greatest generals. Anybody reading the Grande Armée's campain in Russian will be impressed. So nobody can take charge France of lacking compelling military history.

As regards Britain. Well we know Britain gained supremacy through military conquest and had colonized 3/4 of the globe. So that pretty well established Britain's military prowess beyond any doubt. Then we have the rather complicated question of Pakistan. This is tricky.

The problem is because the peoples of the Indus basin presently united in the political unit called Pakistan have one of the oldest histories in the world going back to Indus Valley Civilization (one of the cradles of civilization and contemporary to Mesopotamia) to 9,000 years back. Along this long travail there have been differant political permutations. However the stock that formed the land has remained the same with of course some evolution a is inevitable over such long timeframe.

So we need not really look at the name but look at the peoples of that land. Well anybody who has ever read Anabasis of Alexander (perhaps histories greatest conqueror) will know that some of the tougherst battles Alexander faced was what is now Pakistan. In Battle of Hydaspes ( modern day Jhelum in Pakistan) Porus fought gallantly against Alexander and earned the Macedonian's respect.

Further sailing down the Indus he fought against the Mallians (modern day Multan in Pakistan) and Alexanders was almost died. Moving to modern times the British found the peoples of what is now Pakistan the most warlike. Either they were fighting against the British right upto 1940s (Churchill almost was killed on the frontier) or millions served in the British Raj armies. Fair few won the Victoria Cross.

Source > The Project Gutenberg eBook of Anabasis of Alexander, by Arrian.
Source > Ali Haidar (VC) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As regards the 1971 defeat that was inevitable and almost replay of what happened with France in Indochina. The entire population of what is now Bangladesh ( about 60 million then) turned on a garrison force of no more than 55,000 (about two divisions plus) that was 2,500 miles distant from home with India on three side and the sea on the fourth. Similar to how Viet Cong fought the French to standstill the Bengali Mukhti Bahini fought the garrison force to standstill.

Source > Mukti Bahini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then towards the end India also launched a three pronged offensive on a force already strugggling with hostile Bengali population and Mukhti Bahin fighters. Defeat was inevitable. The appropriate analogy would be French Army fighting Viet Cong at Dien Bien Phu and Chinese army also makes full scale invasion attacking the French from all sides whilst they are caught with the Viet Cong.

Now hope everybody can shake hands and walk away with intact pride.

Ps. The Anabasis of Alexander uses the term "Indian" as it was translated into English by E.Chinnock in 1890s however as the modern map below shows the events took place in what is now Pakistan


@T-123456 Nobody can doubt the Turkish military prowess. What with the Ottoman Armies and Jannisaries etc.
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Yes the real me.
I have used it for a reason.
I'm supporting #ProfilesForPeace- Peace between India and Pakistan.
I will support both the teams for WC T20 matches.
In the profile pic I have only Pakistan's frame due to technical issues.
I guess its not difficult to understand that as an Indian I will support India. But this time I will support Pakistan too.
Everybody is doing it :D
did see you the other day but, kept quiet:Dsuraksha ka takaza hain keep yourself low profile when you are roaming on a forum related to shatro daish:astagh:---anyways D what you've mentioned is commendable:yahoo:allow me to praise thy exquiste eyes using some audio-visual complements @jamahir yar D ghusay ki tayz to nae hain:unsure: mean somewhat hilly hoi:crazy:--counting on you for swift rescue:super:---just in case:close_tema:

lyrics and music is excellent but jazzy went full retard ----------:wacko:
Takaza hai!
I bet you can not recognise me. Thanks for the song. Doesn't suit me though. Lol
let us see if @Levina minds that her eyes are being called as shining with life like fireflies that fly for a transitory magnificence in front of the eyes of a morni. :P

or perhaps you entirely misjudged that gaze which may have been a no-nonsense message delivery. :D

and jazzy to deliver the message... hmm.

Badi Pittayi huyi hai for using this DP. :tsk:
But ab jab mission pe chal diye hai toh complete bhi karenge.
I will use this DP till 19th March, when India will play against Pakistan.
Takaza hai!
I bet you can not recognise me. Thanks for the song. Doesn't suit me though. Lol

Badi Pittayi huyi hai for using this DP. :tsk:
But ab jab mission pe chal diye hai toh complete bhi karenge.
I will use this DP till 19th March, when India will play against Pakistan.
Now all we need is @SarthakGanguly to sing Dil Dil Pakistan :D
Now all we need is @SarthakGanguly to sing Dil Dil Pakistan :D
We Indians, on many ocassions, 've shown our support for peace between the 2 countries.
But why don't I see Pakistanis doing something (remotely) similar???
Two reasons- one,because you fear you will earn the ire of others on the forum. Two, because, may be you really think India is an enemy.

Thought you'd like this.


thanks, it was superb... people like me who don't understand many of the punjabi words still will understand the theme in every place in the song... and it must be one of the few occasions when a live performance is as good as a recorded song.

"bas kari mere yaar" should be played in every place where there is hate and unnecessary conflict... in fact it should be the theme song of pdf... by the way, that bit was sung by atif aslam during his appearance on 'comedy nights with kapil' in 2014.

and is "tere ishq nachaya" a actual part of this song or is this song a compilation of various bulleh shah poems??

i will re-post this in 'what are you listening' thread.

Badi Pittayi huyi hai for using this DP. :tsk:

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We Indians, on many ocassions, 've shown our support for peace between the 2 countries.
But why don't I see Pakistanis doing something (remotely) similar???
Two reasons- one,because you fear you will earn the ire of others on the forum. Two, because, may be you really think India is an enemy.
If i try i am attacked by hinduvta trolls so its best to respond in their language
Mentee my lil bro...stop being naughty and edit it. :coffee:
done and accept my apologies:(

We Indians, on many ocassions, 've shown our support for peace between the 2 countries.
But why don't I see Pakistanis doing something (remotely) similar???
Two reasons- one,because you fear you will earn the ire of others on the forum. Two, because, may be you really think India is an enemy.
oh come on Ma;m havent you seen my avatar:angel:---no fellow countrymen of mine is going berserk---
No one is going to criticize you over Mr. Gandhi's picture, he was very nice man and follow principles over religion or hate. He protested and went for hunger strike in favor to issue remaining funds to Pakistan in 1947/8. And because of that Hindu extremist (now RSS / BJP) killed him.
oh come on Ma;m havent you seen my avatar:angel:---no fellow countrymen of mine is going berserk---
I saw him in your profile and wondered if you were mocking him? Lol
I am not a fan of Gandhi.
He was too stubborn and believed in an utopian world.
I do know that his stubbornness had its pros and cons. His struggle for equality in SA is what earned him the respect world over.
But I really don't think that it was his passive resistance movements that lead to India's freedom.
India got its freedom because of Subhash Chandra Bose and British debacle in WWII.

Btw thanks for putting an Indian's picture in your DP. :tup:

I am using Wasin Akram- a gentleman, a good sports man, holds very neutral views about India. And I luvvvvv his smile, Older men have cute smiles. Hehe
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