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Ugh, it's not that hard:hitwall:.

How many Norwegian girls do you know on this forum? Which do I credit photos to when I post them here? Surely you've seen some of them and the name I credit them to? If not, here:

North Korea submarine 'missing' as US-South Korea drills continue

If you still can't figure it out:taz:.


I may know the Swede you speak of too. And the Russian. Maybe:what:. I know a lot of Swedes.

So are you telling me that Techno is your partner ? :what:
So are you telling me that Techno is your partner ? :what:

Yes. Took you long enough:disagree:.
Yes. Took you long enough:disagree:.

I just didn't know she was into women so I couldn't figure it out ! :undecided:

Why wasn't I invited to the wedding ? :argh:

I could've been the best man ! :(
Someone speaking ill of Technogaianist ?
Better not!

8-) Tay.
I just didn't know she was into women so I couldn't figure it out ! :undecided:

:what:No? She's open about it. More so then I am, but I felt sorry for you trying to guess without resolution, so you got an answer.

You mentioned to me that you were looking for something more then what you've experienced, well too many poor relationships can alter a persons worldview too. Better to ask her then me though.

It doesn't hurt to live in one of the most liberal nations either, even with some 70% of Norwegians identifying as religious.

Seems the US is doing it wrong:(.

Why wasn't I invited to the wedding ? :argh:

We thought you'd freeze to death in the Nordic winter. It'd go from a wedding to a rescue op in the blink of an eye. Fortunately I know a Norge that's experienced with rescue and CPR:azn:.

I could've been the best man ! :(

:lol:If you're talking about the Swede I think you are, well, you'd have to battle him for our favor. Winner gets the honors.


Someone speaking ill of Technogaianist ?
Better not!

Always. Total nerd:p:.
:what:No? She's open about it. More so then I am, but I felt sorry for you trying to guess without resolution, so you got an answer.

You mentioned to me that you were looking for something more then what you've experienced, well too many poor relationships can alter a persons worldview too. Better to ask her then me though.

It doesn't hurt to live in one of the most liberal nations either, even with some 70% of Norwegians identifying as religious.

Seems the US is doing it wrong:(.

Congratulations you two...may you have a long and happy companionship ! :kiss3:

So when Techno asks you 'Natt honey, how do I look ?' do you tell her 'Techno you look as ravishing as ever' or do you tell her the truth that she looks like a blonde baby elephant ? :whistle:

We thought you'd freeze to death in the Nordic winter. It'd go from a wedding to a rescue op in the blink of an eye. Fortunately I know a Norge that's experienced with rescue and CPR:azn:.


:lol:If you're talking about the Swede I think you are, well, you'd have to battle him for our favor. Winner gets the honors.


The Swede ? We call him the Vegan Viking and his better half as Mama Spetsnaz ! :smokin:

I think you have got your Eureka moment :lol:
i was out shopping and i returned to house a while back... just after i had told the rickshaw driver to stop on the side because i had reached my house, through the wind-shield i saw a old lady sitting on the footpath of the intersection ahead of me... she was slowly raising her right arm to beg from the people passing by... at least the ones i saw simply passed her, looking straight ahead.

i took the ten rupee note ( the balance ) from the rickshaw driver, got down and went to the old lady... the footpath is shaded by trees... she was very old or maybe just aged by hunger and poverty... she didn't have much teeth... she had a water bottle that had some water and a long thick stick for helping in walking... i gave her the ten rupee note and she raised her hand in thanks... i went to house.

i thought that the money wouldn't be sufficient for her because this was four in the noon and perhaps she wouldn't have had lunch... i went to the intersection and asked her if she had lunch... from the indications she made, she either hadn't had food or was indicating that she had no money to buy food... i indicated to her that i would return.

back in my house i filled a water bottle, took three rotis and the chopped cabbage dish that had been made for breakfast... i went out and gave her the rotis and the cabbage dish and some more money.

i returned to house in sadness and anger... the intersection footpath where the old lady sat is opposite to the place where a middle-class middle-aged female filth feeds dogs daily... this filth has a routine every night, or used to... she carries plastic bags of rice on the foot-board of her scooter and goes around the area to road corners and calls the dogs and leaves the rice bags on the footpath for the dogs to eat.

the filth used to do that on the intersection just in front of my house and then i shouted at her on two nights... since then i think she has stopped.

the old lady beggar, homeless and hungry... the dogs in the area cared for and fed... the beggar may die one night and the next morning the municipal cleaners will inform their superiors and a van will be sent to carry the dead old lady for a anonymous funeral... in almost all states in india you cannot kill dogs even if they have torn apart some four-year-old human or anyone lot older... the beggar is in poverty simply because of capitalism... the dogs are in comfort because of capitalism and reactionaryism and callousness.

when i began writing this i was in tears... before that my emotion was to kick-in many faces in india, those faces who insult socialism every day.

i am writing this here and not creating a thread because i don't want to invite anti-human trolls who would mock ever so callously and i promised to @WAJsal that i would stick to 'members club' for some time.

this was something i could not keep to myself... i can write some more on this but i won't... i could have used a few stronger words but i won't.

viva socialism !! viva humanism !!

may we have a world where we don't need money to obtain food and everything else.


@Zibago @django @Mentee @Levina

@Joe Shearer @haviZsultan @Taygibay @MaarKhoor @Ammara Chaudhry

@Chinese Bamboo @Indos @2800 @TaiShang @Madali
:tup: :tup: :tup:

may we have a world where we don't need money to obtain food and everything else.
That would be a world contrary to the theory of chaos. And if it happens, it will heaven on earth.
That would be a world contrary to the theory of chaos. And if it happens, it will heaven on earth.

those "expert mathematicians" again. :butcher:

when the revolution comes they will hang from the nearest lamp post. :agree:

well too many poor relationships can alter a persons worldview too.

Actually, a single one can suffice, sadly! :(

I think you have got your Eureka moment

Eureka? Really? Come on mate, he had to be coached ( almost coaxed ) through it!
Who did that for Archimedes? o_O

So @jhungary do you know who @Nattmara is ? :what:
no idea buddy

WOW!?! Armstrong my friend, why did you ask an Australo-Hungarian about Swedes and Norwegians?
Do you think us Westerners all know each other? What's next? Do you think that we all look alike? :cuckoo:
That's bowdewline wacist! :mamba:

Oops! I did it again, sorry! I know the way out ...

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you're just too kind :D thanks bro .

hope to see you in real life one day . love you like a brother .
AMIN to that ---- feelings are mutual and GOD bless you bro:)

Mein bhi kafir, tu bhi kafir,

Phoolo’n ki khushboo bhi kafir,

Lafzo’n ka jadoo bhi kafir,

Ye bhi kafir woh bhi kafir,
Faiz bhi kafir, Manto kafir,

Noor Jehan ka gana kafir,

Mcdonald ka khana kafir,
Burger, coffee, coke bhi kafir,

Hansna biddat joke bhi kafir,
Tablay kafir dhol bhi kafir,

Pyar bharay do bol bhi kafir,
Sur bhi kafir taal bhi kafir,

Bhangra, luddi, dhamaal bhi kafir,
Daadra, thumri, bhairween kafir,

Kafi aur khayal bhi kafir,
Waris Shah ki heer bhi kafir,

Chahat ki zanjeer bhi kafir,
Zinda murda peer bhi kafir,

Nazar nayaz ki kheer bhi kafir,
Betay ka basta bhi kafir,

Beti ki gudiya bhi kafir,
Hansna rona kufr ka sauda,

Gham kafir khushiyan bhi kafir,
Jeans bhi, guitar bhi kafir,

Takhno’n sey neechay bandho to,
Apni ye shalwar bhi kafir,

Fun bhi aur fankar bhi kafir,

Jo meri dhamki na chhapai’n
Woh saray akhbaar bhi kafir,

University kay andar bhi kafir,

Darwin ke bandar bhi kafir,
Freud parhanay walay kafir,

Marx kay sab matwalay kafir,
Melay thailay kufr ka dhanda,

Ganay bajay saray phanda,
Mandir mein to buth hota hai,

Masjid ka bhi haal bura hai,
Kuchh masjid kay bahar kafir,

Kuchh masjid kay andar kafir,
Muslim mulk kay aksar kafir,

Kafir kafir mein bhi kafir,

kafir kafir tu bhi kafir….

(by Salman Haider )

source - Laal - KAFIRMein bhi kafir, tu bhi kafir,Phoolo’n ki... | Facebook
@Nattmara - Why you no reply to my post ? :pissed:
@dadeechi @hinduguy I responded to both of you on the other thread...but for whatever reason my responses are not showing, most likely it has gone into moderation, though I did not use any banned words.
Anyway am feeling too lazy to re write .....so decided to log off. Have a good day. :-)
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