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HAHA , just came across the term fukhrey , what is it ? a show ?
Sorry for the late reply , have exams , and am too busy , you know how tough these things can get.
I think Fukhrey means something similar to Vellaa. Not sure though.

It's already going on , had one yesterday , it's only 5 subjects , quite easy.
Sounds good :)

I still can't understand the logic behind that post .
She confused me too.

But I guess she was just joking.
Yes . I'm doing O levels will finish it next year .Then move on to A levels , god know's what next.
In my case, by the age of 18 I was in my college (infact I was 17 when I joined engineering college), my school had CBSE syllabus.
In my case, by the age of 18 I was in my college (infact I was 17 when I joined engineering college), my school had CBSE syllabus.
A levels college right ?
Well i started late , plus i was supposed to be done with O levels this year , due to some inconvenience i had to repeat grade 10 .
In my case, by the age of 18 I was in my college (infact I was 17 when I joined engineering college), my school had CBSE syllabus.
Don't compare Indian and Chinese education culture to European. They have completely different style and justified in their own way.
Don't compare Indian and Chinese education culture to European. They have completely different style and justified in their own way.
Everything comes with its pros and cons.

A levels college right ?
Well i started late , plus i was supposed to be done with O levels this year , due to some inconvenience i had to repeat grade 10 .
That's fine!
There's no hurry, and I confirmed your grade because your profile says you're 17.(So I thot you were 15-16?yrs old and that you were lying about your age :lol: )
That's fine!
There's no hurry, and I confirmed your grade because your profile says you're 17.(So I thot you were lying about your age :lol: )
What ? why would i lie about my age ? get it now .
Plus A levels college right (in other words i guess) ?
Dr Israr on Salafis and sectarianism
The video seems to be from 90's judging from quality of recording. I wonder what he would have said today.
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