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One "side-piece" I can understand, even if as a (almost) married man I don't agree with it:(. But 17o_O!!!

That's just too conspicuous. Got to keep these things on the "down-low" bro. Can't be letting them get suspicious or else you go from 17 to 0.


Side-piece ! :o:

Mrs.Sven @Víðarr be like :lol: :-


@S.U.R.B. - I noticed you've been quizzing some of the newer members, I've got one for you:

There's something wrong with DD 964 Paul Foster, what is it?


"I see that which should remain hidden, what's my name and role?"

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Sorry for the late reply
Both are correct
In US $.....the amount would be $ 20,490.697
1 USD ~ 62.5 INR

u r right on both accounts,,,

Both are correct.

I notice you use the European style of dots instead of commas. What do you use for the decimal? A comma?

thanks guys. much appreciated :) and yes, that's what i was taught in school. and again yes, i use comma. isn't that the norm? :D tho, muricans still use weird imperial measure system, with those miles and lbs and inches. yikes LOL

@S.U.R.B. - I noticed you've been quizzing some of the newer members, I've got one for you:

There's something wrong with DD 964 Paul Foster, what is it?

View attachment 213150

"I see that which should remain hidden, what's my name and role?"

View attachment 213151

I'd like to call a friend* ! :whistle:

@Víðarr - Whats the answer ? :unsure:

I just saw the first one and I was like is there a trampoline at the front but that can't be it ! :oops:

*if you've seen who wants to be a millionaire you'd understand that joke ! :D

if not; what kind of a rock have you been living under ! :tongue:
World's largest drone ship.. running on a mix of Bio fuel and petroleum.


Boeing NT-43A ,the radar test bed.

Nice quiz.:enjoy:

Nicely done:yahoo:.

Two more for you:p::

What is this and what is it used for?
_RAC2581_09-MDA-4861 (28 AUG 09).jpg

This is a one-of-a-kind US Military satellite - the Soviets have several in orbit, what makes it different for all other US satellites (hint: it also differs from deep-space probes like Voyager)?


@Armstrong you can play too:yay:.
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Nicely done:yahoo:.

Two more for you:p::

What is this and what is it used for?
View attachment 213169

This is a one-of-a-kind US Military satellite - the Soviets have several in orbit, what makes it different for all other US satellites (hint, it also differs from deep-space probes like Voyager)?

View attachment 213171

@Armstrong you can play too:yay:.

If it was something dealing with football, history, philosophy or fantasy literature - I probably could play ! :(

But I am clueless when it comes to these things ! :undecided:
Football, eh? OK, what's the name of the team that plays in D.C?

DC United in the MLS ! :azn:

But the MLS isn't exactly something I follow that often (I'm more into the English and European leagues) because the time frames aren't that favorable; I'd have to wake up in the middle of the night to watch MLS matches ! :(
You were talking about American football ? :lol:

I was talking about the 'real' football ! :tongue:

MLS - Major League Soccer ! :)

I don't watch the Americanized version of Rugby ! :whistle:

Yes "Major League Soccer":partay:. Don't you know we American's only accept one kind of Football:lol:. European "Football" is too literal!


And no, I actually did mean the MLS. Just being a smarta**:chilli:
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