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Trolls have lots of reasons. For the most part I see it as a psychological issue.
once and a blue moon trolling is something we are all guilty of(if jibes qualify as that).. but the more persistent ones simply have a lot of social angst in their real lives to take out. Could be family, could be work.. or complete lack of social activity especially with regards to the opposite sex.

The worst one can do is take them seriously.. and the best is to identify when you are dealing with one and let us handle them.
Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls | Media Network | The Guardian
how about a system where X number of -ve ratings gets you a permaban ? or, one where X number of users complain (report) and the management does a review of the posters activity and deals with it.. perma or IP ban, there are ways around it and the persistent rats will crawl back but why not make it tougher for them ?

the ratings system is a joke, today I saw one Pakistani mod give another a +ve rating for this pic:


to be honest, they were being trolled hard by jingoistic Indians on a serious matter (where I was trolling too :lol:) but ye kya baat hui.. I earned my -ves through non serious 'youtube/lieveleak comment section' like BS too :sarcastic:

this forum is a very good platform for dialogue, and while it will mean a bit more work for the mods.. I'll welcome any serious steps taken to control the troll pests because PDF should be more than a troll fest ! (see what I did there ?) :jester:
Kerala is NOT secular. Keralites just hide the mutual hatred for each other. :D Hindus, Muslims and Christians - all have serious and deep faultlines - but maintain an outer polish. :devil:
Oh baby you're just jealous of us. :lol:
We are very secular, I have experienced it myself. I've many examples to quote but then all the examples 're from my personal life, none of it made to the headlines of newspapers and so you might not trust me.8-)
Btw, is it just me or are the Pakistani posters increasingly becoming delusional? o_O Some of the threads and posts are totally divorced from reality! This was even before the recent clashes on the border. Ever since Modi's election the mercury has been steadily rising on their side. To such an extent that it often gets embarassing. Even the coolest of posters are losing their cool at the drop of their hat, and those of ours with chronic verbal diarrhoea are trolling with cold demeanour!
Its their media!!
you should see the kind of news that makes it to headlines, just any sane person would get brainwashed.I 'm glad that there 're still some sane Pakistanis on this forum (who also happen to be my frens :angel::angel::angel: )
Let the Indian trolls enjoy their grand new year party. :P
Frankly its Modi's history that vitiates his every positive move,we cant deny it.

SarthakGanguly said:
Bong girls are hot. :D And commie. :(

Btw what so special about your professor Sarthak Ganguly that you decided to take his name??:azn:

Joe Shearer said:
"Glowing" skin is not what these letches are looking for. :butcher:

I know that sir.Lol... these cartoons on pdf!!

Glowing skin is what I associate with Bengali gals....My room mate was the cutest lil thing around (yes she was short, but cutely short :-) ).
Sometimes I do miss her, for I dont have a younger sibling. All these discussions somehow reminds me of the 4 good years I had spent with her. :(
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I was however suggesting that you, as the persons responsible for handling these sub-species, should continue to be strict; the consequences we have all seen. I take them seriously because the damage they cause to the image of individual countries by their own individual bad behaviour is disproportionate. And, yes, when one is identified, I think it is most appropriate to notify you folks..

The bigger issue at this point is the dearth of law enforcement personnel... we are having massive issues managing all the reports and not reported threads. On the surface it seems that we have a lot of potential candidates but the issue is to ensure that no controversial candidate comes up because we make the rather horrible mistake of actually caring for our members and their feelings from time to time.
. .
Kerala is NOT secular. Keralites just hide the mutual hatred for each other. :D Hindus, Muslims and Christians - all have serious and deep faultlines - but maintain an outer polish. :devil:

Btw, is it just me or are the Pakistani posters increasingly becoming delusional? o_O Some of the threads and posts are totally divorced from reality! This was even before the recent clashes on the border. Ever since Modi's election the mercury has been steadily rising on their side. To such an extent that it often gets embarassing. Even the coolest of posters are losing their cool at the drop of their hat, and those of ours with chronic verbal diarrhoea are trolling with cold demeanour!

Bong girls are hot. :D And commie. :(

@levina I am actually forgiving of Kerala and keralites after I have been to Kerala. Yeah, it is a state which is pretty much on welfare from the gulf. The fault lines are also there.

I have also found after seeing India, it is a more pleasant place to be in comparison to a lot of states.
what happened to the teacher who ran away with his pupil to france.. did they get married?

Yes, they are still together. What the media hides is that the statistics show female teachers do much more of this than the men....

@waz deeksha is not a South Indian. Her surname is a giveaway :-)

Proved wrong for the first time. :p:
Don't get me wrong; I was not suggesting vigilante action by ordinary members. I believe that the ability to give positive and negative ratings should be used by those of us given those privileges for truth or falsehood recognition, and to acknowledge very appropriate or very inappropriate single messages, not the generic trouble-making that I mentally define as trolling. Ratings are my personal recognition or deprecation of a member's posts, and I generally find 3 times as many to be positive than negative. Or thereabouts; the figure is a tabulated one and gets into my personal profile, so from time to time, I am confronted with the evidence of my sins.

I was however suggesting that you, as the persons responsible for handling these sub-species, should continue to be strict; the consequences we have all seen. I take them seriously because the damage they cause to the image of individual countries by their own individual bad behaviour is disproportionate. And, yes, when one is identified, I think it is most appropriate to notify you folks.

About jibing and our occasional fall from grace, I genuinely would like to be told if any posts of mine are (a) communal; (b) damaging to any one nation and its citizens; (c) personal attacks verging on the tasteless - I hope there has never been an obscene one. I believe harsh criticism of the views held, or the logic demonstrated, or inappropriate words used is perfectly legitimate. It is a matter of satisfaction that only on three occasions have there been misdemeanours: twice conveyed to me, to my extreme embarrassment, by moderators, once something that dawned on me, and for which I took personal steps to atone for the behaviour (it was quite awful). On the other hand, there is no doubt that I have been protected by the administration from some of the most outrageous misbehaviour by posters offended at my stand or positions that I have positions taken.

This is largely of a detached nature, as I may be increasingly caught up in academic and related research work. Right now, my VC has asked me to expand his paper on the Right to Religious Freedom and its connection to Economic Growth, and my reading around the subject seems to point to some very interesting conclusions relating to communalism, and its effects in different parts of India.

I am actually quite fascinated by your research on right to religious freedom and economic growth.

Yes, they are still together. What the media hides is that the statistics show female teachers do much more of this than the men....

Proved wrong for the first time. :p:
There are millions of other immigrants from other parts of India down south. So the question will be interesting a few decades down the track
I am actually quite fascinated by your research on right to religious freedom and economic growth.

That was the content of our VC's presentation at the G20 meeting in Australia, in one of the peripheral functions that take place. He is an AMU alumnus, served as Registrar there, then set up two universities in Odisha, then set up the one where he hired me (that is why I feel so flattered - he handpicks his staff). One of the most secular-minded people I've met, though an observant Muslim.

His presentation was on the argument that religion has a natural disciplining capacity, an emphasis on moral rectitude which is reassuring for trade partners, very often an emphasis on hard work and striving to achieve goodness in day-to-day interactions and activities. Weber says much of this in his work on the Protestant Work Ethic. So allowing religious freedom has unexpected fringe benefits, in the freeing of much energy of a disciplined, morally fenced kind, to work towards productive activity in trade and commerce. This is a bad summary, but the best that I can do.
The bigger issue at this point is the dearth of law enforcement personnel... we are having massive issues managing all the reports and not reported threads. On the surface it seems that we have a lot of potential candidates but the issue is to ensure that no controversial candidate comes up because we make the rather horrible mistake of actually caring for our members and their feelings from time to time.

Management can give Moderator status for probation period, if the moderation and his/her posts are not up to the mark, the title should be taken away.

Too many trolls are on PDF creating multiple threads on the same topic. Gets too difficult to not confront them, since they are everywhere.
He was mislead into believing that creating an Islamic state (I'm not talking about ISIS here) or should I say a Muslim country, will give muslims more power and development.
Towards the fag end of his life I heard he wanted to come to Gujarat.
Now what if Jinnah was made the PM and there was no separation, like Gandhi ji had wanted ??

Poor OP of that thread was almost in tears when we brought up partition,India on a thread which concerns Pakistan. Lolzzz
They still cant stand Indians. :lol:
I did not want to make him emotional so I got our discussion here :P.
Do we have a sticky thread on partition??
A number of relevant points you have made here -

i. He was not mislead. He was well aware of the risks and pretty much guessed rightly about the two Indian states that were created(India and Pakistan). He went so far as to plan his retirement(last few years of life) in Mumbai, as he kept his bungalow there! This shows that he knew that India would welcome him back, if he chooses so. But then he passed away due to poor health.

ii.If he had become PM, there would have been no riots in 1946. But he would anyway have died, being addicted to alcohol and nicotine. After his death would have come Nehru. Around the time of Indira, especially by mid 70s, India would have been plunged into civil war and probably ended up either into multiple smaller states with a weak non functioning Center(like the later Mughal Period), or become like a hell hole like Syria.

iii. Sticky thread? If the Pakistanis so want, sure. I for one am not interested. :)
A number of relevant points you have made here -
Did you mean irrelevant points?? :coffee:

i. He was not mislead. He was well aware of the risks and pretty much guessed rightly about the two Indian states that were created(India and Pakistan). He went so far as to plan his retirement(last few years of life) in Mumbai, as he kept his bungalow there! This shows that he knew that India would welcome him back, if he chooses so. But then he passed away due to poor health.
welcomed back?
Am not sure, may be the politicians would've kept mum but cant say so about Indian populace.
ii.If he had become PM, there would have been no riots in 1946. But he would anyway have died, being addicted to alcohol and nicotine. After his death would have come Nehru. Around the time of Indira, especially by mid 70s, India would have been plunged into civil war and probably ended up either into multiple smaller states with a weak non functioning Center(like the later Mughal Period), or become like a hell hole like Syria.
Civil war?? why??
You're a pessimist. :lol:
Though I think Kashmir would 've been an independent country.
iii. Sticky thread? If the Pakistanis so want, sure. I for one am not interested. :)
Now I want to create one :devil:
@levina you are a keralite?
And completed B.E. From Maha?
@jamahir you are a big lecturebaz :p :p
you have asked me to read a new idea of dividing south asia but that is too big to read :p
you should be a lecturer in a university :p :D
. .
@jamahir you are a big lecturebaz :p :p
you have asked me to read a new idea of dividing south asia but that is too big to read :p

lecture-baaz is my word for myself too, heh heh... though one friend called me "baatan-khaani"... he also called me "funde-baaz" :D

you should be a lecturer in a university :p :D

many years back, i was a teacher in a computer institute connected to one top semi-government educational

and there too i was a big talker. :D
. .

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