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how are bengali chicks? Any idea?
How as in??
They 're very human :P
Okay I know what you meant.:angel:
My room-mate used to be Bengali and I've yet to meet a female with skin as glowing as hers.She was very pretty. Infact there was a time when most of the models were Bengali.I dont keep a track of such things anymore :)
But why 're you so curious about bengali all of a sudden??:what:

You live in Japan dont you?? Sometimes I used to be flummoxed to see your posts made at 5am IST lolzz , now I know your secret. :lol:
How as in??
They 're very human :P
Okay I know what you meant.:angel:
My room-mate used to be Bengali and I've yet to meet a female with skin as glowing as hers.She was very pretty. Infact there was a time when most of the models were Bengali.I dont keep a track of such things anymore :)
But why 're you so curious about bengali all of a sudden??:what:

You live in Japan dont you?? Sometimes I used to be flummoxed to see your posts made at 5am IST lolzz , now I know your secret. :lol:

I post here only when I am in India, I am here till 11Jan, it was a short trip! :D
Ai bhai, no worries. You like the girl next door look, which this lady has going on. Nice.

Nair is going to go mad. :woot:

Not really. My peeving has matured with ageing :D

I guess you have never seen anybody eating curd rice... :bad:

I always associate curd rice with tamilian Brahmin stereotype.

I grew up eating with a healthy load of non-veg meals.

Han bro how's tricks. Where have you been young man? I swore by God I would reply to you today. Sorry I had been busy and it slipped my mind.

Oi, I spotted another Southern chick.

Deeksha Seth.

Travelling. Was in Kerala. Now I am in Australia visiting my parents.

The place that I grew up was a cluster of villages and a small town. Everything has urbanised a lot.

Within 10 years I saw hundreds of towns just spring up.
Of course then problems spring up

you are correct... the earthy beauty look, simple, jolly, sensual, flirty...

he will furiously do google-search for the lovelies he left behind in kerala and the south. :agree:

would they actually eat curd rice except when forced at events or by elders??

but we all have our fanatasies, yes?? ;)

like i once saw a southern beauty with a rice morsel on her lip... i really wanted to remove it off her, with my lips... uff.

I was in Kerala about a month back. As I explained to waz, it has urbanised significantly, which I found a contrast to the tourism image.

And a lot of wealth has entered the land, along with the ills and benefits of it.

@waz deeksha is not a South Indian. Her surname is a giveaway :-)
I was in Kerala about a month back. As I explained to waz, it has urbanised significantly, which I found a contrast to the tourism image.

hasn't kerala become more conservative in the last ten years or so??
hasn't kerala become more conservative in the last ten years or so??

It has always been conservative.

The difference this time is Hindu vigilantes and Islamists acting as moral police.

Society as a whole has always been conservative

The only place where Islamists and Hindu extremists see eye to eye is repressing female sexuality.
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62 saal ka imran ka bhi hookup ho gaya.ek hum hi hai jisne ek haath se taali bajani hai
Kerala is very conservative yet secular. Ironical isnt it?
Kerala is NOT secular. Keralites just hide the mutual hatred for each other. :D Hindus, Muslims and Christians - all have serious and deep faultlines - but maintain an outer polish. :devil:

Btw, is it just me or are the Pakistani posters increasingly becoming delusional? o_O Some of the threads and posts are totally divorced from reality! This was even before the recent clashes on the border. Ever since Modi's election the mercury has been steadily rising on their side. To such an extent that it often gets embarassing. Even the coolest of posters are losing their cool at the drop of their hat, and those of ours with chronic verbal diarrhoea are trolling with cold demeanour!

But why 're you so curious about bengali all of a sudden
Bong girls are hot. :D And commie. :(
How as in??
They 're very human :P
Okay I know what you meant.:angel:
My room-mate used to be Bengali and I've yet to meet a female with skin as glowing as hers.She was very pretty. Infact there was a time when most of the models were Bengali.I dont keep a track of such things anymore :)
But why 're you so curious about bengali all of a sudden??:what:

"Glowing" skin is not what these letches are looking for. :butcher:

Kerala is NOT secular. Keralites just hide the mutual hatred for each other. :D Hindus, Muslims and Christians - all have serious and deep faultlines - but maintain an outer polish. :devil:

Btw, is it just me or are the Pakistani posters increasingly becoming delusional? o_O Some of the threads and posts are totally divorced from reality! This was even before the recent clashes on the border. Ever since Modi's election the mercury has been steadily rising on their side. To such an extent that it often gets embarassing. Even the coolest of posters are losing their cool at the drop of their hat, and those of ours with chronic verbal diarrhoea are trolling with cold demeanour!

Bong girls are hot. :D And commie. :(

You are tempting me......
Even the coolest of posters are losing their cool at the drop of their hat, and those of ours with chronic verbal diarrhoea are trolling with cold demeanour!

. :(

Those are now being dealt with a very heavy hand and the policy will continue till sanity prevails later on.
Those are now being dealt with a very heavy hand and the policy will continue till sanity prevails later on.

It would have been fine if you'd stopped your sentence five words earlier. Nothing can get the trolls out other than repression.
It would have been fine if you'd stopped your sentence five words earlier. Nothing can get the trolls out other than repression.

Trolls have lots of reasons. For the most part I see it as a psychological issue.
once and a blue moon trolling is something we are all guilty of(if jibes qualify as that).. but the more persistent ones simply have a lot of social angst in their real lives to take out. Could be family, could be work.. or complete lack of social activity especially with regards to the opposite sex.

The worst one can do is take them seriously.. and the best is to identify when you are dealing with one and let us handle them.
Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls | Media Network | The Guardian
Trolls have lots of reasons. For the most part I see it as a psychological issue.
once and a blue moon trolling is something we are all guilty of(if jibes qualify as that).. but the more persistent ones simply have a lot of social angst in their real lives to take out. Could be family, could be work.. or complete lack of social activity especially with regards to the opposite sex.

The worst one can do is take them seriously.. and the best is to identify when you are dealing with one and let us handle them.
Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls | Media Network | The Guardian

Don't get me wrong; I was not suggesting vigilante action by ordinary members. I believe that the ability to give positive and negative ratings should be used by those of us given those privileges for truth or falsehood recognition, and to acknowledge very appropriate or very inappropriate single messages, not the generic trouble-making that I mentally define as trolling. Ratings are my personal recognition or deprecation of a member's posts, and I generally find 3 times as many to be positive than negative. Or thereabouts; the figure is a tabulated one and gets into my personal profile, so from time to time, I am confronted with the evidence of my sins.

I was however suggesting that you, as the persons responsible for handling these sub-species, should continue to be strict; the consequences we have all seen. I take them seriously because the damage they cause to the image of individual countries by their own individual bad behaviour is disproportionate. And, yes, when one is identified, I think it is most appropriate to notify you folks.

About jibing and our occasional fall from grace, I genuinely would like to be told if any posts of mine are (a) communal; (b) damaging to any one nation and its citizens; (c) personal attacks verging on the tasteless - I hope there has never been an obscene one. I believe harsh criticism of the views held, or the logic demonstrated, or inappropriate words used is perfectly legitimate. It is a matter of satisfaction that only on three occasions have there been misdemeanours: twice conveyed to me, to my extreme embarrassment, by moderators, once something that dawned on me, and for which I took personal steps to atone for the behaviour (it was quite awful). On the other hand, there is no doubt that I have been protected by the administration from some of the most outrageous misbehaviour by posters offended at my stand or positions that I have positions taken.

This is largely of a detached nature, as I may be increasingly caught up in academic and related research work. Right now, my VC has asked me to expand his paper on the Right to Religious Freedom and its connection to Economic Growth, and my reading around the subject seems to point to some very interesting conclusions relating to communalism, and its effects in different parts of India.
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