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No, One more year to go. I have to do like a mini thesis or embed myself in an management organisation. It's called a 499/495 the final step towards graduation.

Good stuff keep it up.
Sorry probably mis understood.

My thought was ,If currency is the representation of money, and if money & hence currency goes away, barter is somewhere we will have to head to.

i brought the discussion here because it was off-topic there... :-)

barter system == if you need something and you know someone who can fulfil...

1. you must go to him and haggle over what he wants in return... so, barter is again money system but more intimate, person-to-person... even a city of hundred thousand people will become a chaos in a matter of a few days... so, barter system is impractical.

2. and what if you don't have what he needs... result is quarrel, maybe... at least, more haggling... so, barter system is inefficient.

3. and what if you have what he needs... for example, drumstick vegetable... but what if you don't want to grow drumstick but he supplies something critical which you regularly need but can't produce yourself... so, you must grow drumstick based on his need... so, again inefficient.

already in any socialist society until now, many things come for free... electricity, education, water, housing, justice... a money-less system will make society more efficient and generally crime-free... everything should be available without money... that is the natural state... and barter system is money system, as i have shown above.
boring posts for the last forty minutes... all about india-pakistan nationalism...
Areesh keep your opinion to yourself.
You don't have to be so "caring"...doesn't suit you really.
I am not areesh and secondly my post was less about being caring and it was more about a warning to you.
Good stuff keep it up.

@waz good stuff? Not really :p

you are a university teacher right? I am one of those students who undertakes minimal effort and is fundamentally lazy. But then ending up getting 70-77% in tests and assignments because of last minute procrastinations.

I need to shape up. University may forgive me, but real life is straight ahead. It is not so forgiving.
@waz good stuff? Not really :p

you are a university teacher right? I am one of those students who undertakes minimal effort and is fundamentally lazy. But then ending up getting 70-77% in tests and assignments because of last minute procrastinations.

I need to shape up. University may forgive me, but real life is straight ahead. It is not so forgiving.

Secondary school bro.

So basically you are like every other student. :rofl:
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