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@Alpha1 nice comeback :-)

Anyone who answers this Q may have the opportunity for a potential job interview with my firm in Lahore( Position: HR resource )

There are 10 people in a team. Each of them shakes each others hand. How many handshakes in total?

Need a solution/algo/explanation with it aswell.

How old are u mate?
I dont want to work in your firm or anything but the answer is 45.
The first person shakes hands with 9 the second with 8 as he has already shook hands with the first person the third 7 as has already shook hands with the other two and cant shake his own hand . So this goes till 1

45 is an acceptable answer. The question was ambiguous on purpose. The answer could be 45 or 90. I didnt say who shook whose hands. Because in that case:

A shook B ! = B shook A

You supposed A shook B == B shook A, which is a legitimate answer.

It is for an HR resource which we need since we are going to start hiring new people. I thought PDF might have a few HR fresh/semi fresh blood.

@Alpha1 nice comeback :-)

How old are u mate?

Mid to upper 20s.
Anyone who answers this Q may have the opportunity for a potential job interview with my firm in Lahore( Position: HR resource )

There are 10 people in a team. Each of them shakes each others hand. How many handshakes in total?

Need a solution/algo/explanation with it aswell.

You can take the internship and shove it up where the sun don't shine ! :whistle:

But is the answer : 45 ?

My mathematics is a bit rusty (actually quite rusty) but I think the arithmetic sequence ought to be as follows :

Ax = Ax-1 + (n-m)d


x is the required number

x-1 is the preceding number

N are the number of handshakes at A
M are the number of handshakes at Ax-1
D is the difference between the number of handshakes at Ax and Ax-1

With the sequence being as follows : 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 !
:mad: seriously!!??

I'm judging IQ not algos or arithmetic. Both are an acceptable answer, 45 is normal answer. 45 and 90 is the answer i was looking for.

You wouldnt have gotten a place anyways.

Tsk tsk tsk. A military brat failed this? So sad.

Funny thing is I thought 100


My HR team made fun of me :(

You can take the internship and shove it up where the sun don't shine ! :whistle:

But is the answer : 45 ?

My mathematics is a bit rusty (actually quite rusty) but I think the arithmetic sequence ought to be as follows :

Ax = Ax-1 + (n-m)d


x is the required number

x-1 is the preceding number

N are the number of handshakes at A
M are the number of handshakes at Ax-1
D is the difference between the number of handshakes at Ax and Ax-1

With the sequence being as follows : 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 !

I suck at algos. So so so bad. BAD!
I'm judging IQ not algos or arithmetic. Both are an acceptable answer, 45 is normal answer. 45 and 90 is the answer i was looking for.

You wouldnt have gotten a place anyways.

Tsk tsk tsk. A military brat failed this? So sad.

Funny thing is I thought 100


My HR team made fun of me :(

I suck at algos. So so so bad. BAD!

Yeah. I am under age .not qualified enough . Its just that when you reach a conclusion your mind stops right there .you must have done the 10 x 10 thingi that was my first guess too. Why didnt they kick you out?

(i deleted that comment. Dont want to discuss my half success)
And making my army bratedness a tease is something i will make you regret!
I don't even recall what an Algorithm was ? I think I skipped that Calculus class ! :ashamed:

But I did remember some bits of the Arithmetic Sequence ! :)

Algos are a whole another course. Bubble sort, time deltas, searches, etc etc. Failed it 4 times hahahah :D

From 4th semester till 7th. My professor passed me, i had filed the 5th time but his sabr ka daman labraiz hogaya. Cz i was an asshole in class.


Yeah. I am under age .not qualified enough . Its just that when you reach a conclusion your mind stops right there .you must have done the 10 x 10 thingi that was my first guess too. Why didnt they kick you out?

(i deleted that comment. Dont want to discuss my half success)
And making my army bratedness a tease is something i will make you regret!

I OWN the company, why will they kick me out? wut?

Pfft seen PLENTY army brats flexing, put a few of them in their places. One thing i cant stand is arrogance, and i didnt hesitate calling out a serving maj gen then what are these lullus.

Please dont kill me :D
I OWN the company, why will they kick me out? wut?

Pfft seen PLENTY army brats flexing, put a few of them in their places. One thing i cant stand is arrogance, and i didnt hesitate calling out a serving maj gen then what are these lullus.

Please dont kill me :D
sorry for the fact that i dont know you ! You are plainly lucky -i would have surely kicked you out.

Why are army brats looked down upon ? :(
sorry for the fact that i dont know you ! You are plainly lucky -i would have surely kicked you out.

Why are army brats looked down upon ? :(

You would probably kick my shin and run away. My nephew does it sometimes, good lord that little evil shit.

Army brats think their stuff is hot, i employed 2 of them. 1 even made his father call me and tell me his son will only work till 5. I made him work till 1 that night. And fired him the next. A similar case happened at a friends firm, one female employee's dad went haywire because the girl cracked under pressure. If your daughter cant handle it, then her fault. She can join an NGO and work stress free jobs.

Act like hot shit, get treated like one.

I hope you're sensible.
You would probably kick my shin and run away. My nephew does it sometimes, good lord that little evil shit.

Army brats think their stuff is hot, i employed 2 of them. 1 even made his father call me and tell me his son will only work till 5. I made him work till 1 that night. And fired him the next. A similar case happened at a friends firm, one female employee's dad went haywire because the girl cracked under pressure. If your daughter cant handle it, then her fault. She can join an NGO and work stress free jobs.

Act like hot shit, get treated like one.

I hope you're sensible.

I will punch you . Your nephew must be short .
You must have encountered the kids of the retired officers . No one likes them , its a new money thing with them.
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