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What would have Jinnah thought of Ajmal Kasab and gang, wonders SC

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The biggest obstacle to implementing the Quaid's vision is actually understanding what the Quaid's vision was. Overtime, two different interpretations have evolved of the Quaid's persona one being secular and the other being Islamist. I'm more inclined towards the former but many of my peers align with the latter. In this case, it is true that in most cases the Quaid has become merely a glorified wall hanging for public offices.

Remarkably accurate. The only other person that I know of to say that was Mohammed Currim Chagla. Years ago, I accompanied somebody to get my copy of his autobiography signed by him. We met in the presence of another legal and constitutional luminary of that time. When pressed to speak about Mr.Jinnah, that is pretty much what Mr.Chagla said and sadly at that.
Actually Sir Syed Ahmed Khan presented the Two Nation Theory. The Muslim League adopted it in 1940 and up till 1946 was prepared for a settlement within the Indian Union.
but with political safeguards provided to Muslims such as 'guarantee' of 'parity' in the legislatures. How racist was that! He thought that minority would be "ruled" by majority, hence there has to be some kind of reservation on the basis of religion. There are still many muslims live in India. Nobody is "ruling" them or treating them like a slave. It was a childish "Zidd" that he was stuck on. During this childish Zidd, 1 million people died, many houses burnt (including your grandpa, who was living happily and peacefully before 1946). You see, Jinnah is responsible for all those deaths. (Just because he thought that we two are different people)!
but with political safeguards provided to Muslims such as 'guarantee' of 'parity' in the legislatures. How racist was that! He thought that minority would be "ruled" by majority, hence there has to be some kind of reservation on the basis of religion. There are still many muslims live in India. Nobody is "ruling" them or treating them like a slave. It was a childish "Zidd" that he was stuck on. During this childish Zidd, 1 million people died, many houses burnt (including your grandpa, who was living happily and peacefully before 1946). You see, Jinnah is responsible for all those deaths. (Just because he thought that we two are different people)!

The Muslim's demand was for separate electorates, back when democracy was unheard of in India, I am sure people must have had reservations about it. Muslims as a community that was rapidly losing importance was obviously feeling threatened. Then there were the Hindu-Muslim riots of Mumbai and Calcutta that were killing thousands at a time. It wasn't Zidd, it was about trying to avoid subjugation.

Thanks man. We are scarily fertile - and actively so at that.

We were 320 million when they were 400 million.

Now less than a century later we are 1.5 billion while they are 1.3 bilion (I am assuming that includes Tibet which was not included in their 1920 numbers - so even worse).

That's like half the world's population.

Sitting on 700 odd nukes.

The Muslim's demand was for separate electorates, back when democracy was unheard of in India, I am sure people must have had reservations about it.
Why do you need the separate electorates to begin with? This is where you (or he) thought that different people need different electorates?? That's very racist!
Muslims as a community that was rapidly losing importance was obviously feeling threatened.
Again, why do you think that you are losing importance. Shah Rukh Khan never lost importance because of him being a Muslim. Jinnah successfully brainwashed people (muslims) about it. It costed 1 million lives.

Then there were the Hindu-Muslim riots of Mumbai and Calcutta that were killing thousands at a time. It wasn't Zidd, it was about trying to avoid subjugation.
First it was the Zidd and then there was a (obvious) riots. Had there been no Zidd, no riots!
You really believe that? What could Kasab have said that Hafiz Saeed's lawyers not countered? If that is what you are basing your case on, i.e. some hearsay, then we can quite clearly see where Pakistan went with this line. Your commission was just doing what it was set up to do; obfuscate & pretend. The defence lawyers now want a right of cross examination, an absurd demand on a man sentenced to death. It's not like they would believe anything he said, for all I know he might have said he is Amar Singh. I see you haven't answered why Pakistan has identified not one of the terrorists apart from the one India identified? The evidence has to be found in Pakistan, in Headley's confession to the courts in the U.S., now in Abu Jundal's confession (who btw, your govt tried its damnest to prevent reaching Indian custody), not in this sorry excuse that you insist on trotting out. Any lawyer would laugh at that statement. It would have been easier to track down Kasab's family & see what they said about where their son went to & who sent him & who he spoke of. The same could have been done with the families of the other terrorists if Pakistan so desired. The answer is in the question, unfortunately. Pakistan desired no such thing.

Were Indian citizens implicated in your losses? Were their deaths planned by an organisation in India? If not, no connection. Your deaths are the results of your dogs turning rabid & going after you. Dogs that you hoped would only respond to your commands. Indians getting bitten by your dogs & you getting bitten by your own are not a moral or a legal equivalent. Your offer of help was a joke, a tragic joke played out on the bodies of the people killed in Mumbai. As I said earlier, the very fact that you seek refuge in such clearly outrageously false excuses reflects the depths that you have fallen to. Others at least have the excuse of not having the requisite intelligence to separate the wheat from the chaff; You, I'm afraid don't qualify there which makes it all the more sad.

Come On!!!
You cannot sentence someone just because YOU KNOW HE DID this!!

ever heard of judiciary system? witnesses, facts, allegation proofs, convict statements???

you seem to believe that everything about the visit of Pakistani Commission and there effort to resolve this matter was a set-up and a fraud. well, if that is the case and if Indian were so confident with all that they claimed about Kasab, one cannot understand what was the harm in allowing Pakistan Commission to have a details interrogation??
i mean if you are so confident that we just were making excuses, why did Indian being sure they are right allow so and provided us to make excuse and walk away???
you could have easily trapped us there, provided us whatever they asked for thus closing all doors of retreat for Pakistan. BUT, this would have happened if Indian Government have been absolutely true and confident in what even they have claimed so far and are sure about all the allegations that made!! THEY WERE NOT!!

Bro, it is very difficult to analyses the situation from a neutral point of view when your country in involved but at least one should try to have a better understanding of issues.

This official statement by Indian SC reflects more poorly on them then it does on anyone else. Truly despicable.
You are Pakistani man.

You must be be a walking armoury.

All I have is a few fancy blades and a baseball bat under my bed (and a Bullet fork tube under my car seat).

We already know ! Icarus, didn't the intelligence report say that Vsdoc also has a grenade attached to where his right nut was supposed to be ? :D

P.S I've only fired my Dad's baretta (can't even spell it !) once and instead of targeting the mark I had made on the tree-trunk in my lawn I ended up killing my Mom's petunias and her hand-made vase they were in ! Suffice it to say a leather sandal hasn't had as much fun whooping someone's arse as it did on that fateful afternoon ! :D
What allegations? According to you, he may not be the criminal & India is just fudging facts... So who according to you was the mastermind, surely you have an alternate theory of how 10 Pakistanis(atleast) trained, acquired weapons, worked with people in the U.S.(Headley) & one who somehow managed a fake-genuine Pakistani passport(Abu Jundal) and managed to arrange finances to set up & manage a operation in India? Who were the men on the tapes giving instructions? Even if Hafiz Saeed had nothing to do with it (as per your version), who did? Offer an alternate theory first. Simply saying not enough evidence for this but not bothering about what is known & I gave you the questions that needed asking, is not going to cut it.

Brother, with so many things going wrong here in Pakistan our first and foremost concern is to solve these problems.

With all the foreign involvements in TTP and BLA, we need to focus our attention to these issues and not waste time thinking and finding how these "10 Pakistanis(atleast) trained, acquired weapons, worked with people in the U.S.(Headley) & one who somehow managed a fake-genuine Pakistani passport(Abu Jundal) and managed to arrange finances to set up & manage a operation in India? Who were the men on the tapes giving instructions? Even if Hafiz Saeed had nothing to do with it (as per your version), who did?"

point is, if Indian agencies are so confident, they could have trapped Pakistan with no way to retreat! this wasn't so difficult. i do not have an alternate stry about HOW THIS HAPPENED but a small point is:
Either the allegations were false and there was not enough evidence to convict Pakistan.
Indian played it soft and let Pakistan get away with it, there is no use in crying and pointing fingers now!

let us all focus on things that need correction, to mend ties, to improve the overall life of billions living in this region!

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